Mirror of my soul – Stories of you, me, the world and eternity

When our search for The One leads us Home

34 thoughts on “Preparing for Twin Flame Reunion: Moving Fearlessly through Spiritual Fire into the NOW

  1. Virginie says:

    ah ah my lovely prophet
    So i profite of your site to balance with my lover…
    Science & love join each other.
    Love flame power… ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Virginie says:

      pure crystal


      1. Virginie says:

        To picture it universally :
        Seth & Isis, likewise Osiris & Nephtys, complement, compliment and belong to each other.


      2. Virginie says:

        Same, Mary-Magdelene and Jesus is not a divine couple.


  2. Grose says:

    Thank you for this post. Your blog has literally been a part of my own journey, some of the pictures you posted have been the exact signs I was being shown by my guides but I started to doubt and the day I landed on your blog all fell into place and I could no longer deny that I was experiencing a twin flame journey. I just did not consider myself worthy of it as I have had heartbreak x 100 prior to meeting my twin. We have been ebbing and flowing , meeting and receding. And I finally do feel we are fully connected in 5d…we have been around each other a lot in the past year and I have felt our chakras blending and have felt entrainment and have had to go to the darkest parts of my abandonment and rejection issue as late as yesterday, but today I have been sent many messages of hope that the journey is almost over on another blog and now yours. So just want to say thank you for showing me how to be at this stage as there is no one other than someone who is on a true twin flame path can know what the path is like, you are magnificent in your authenticity on this blog, it has been a real gift to me. To you and your twin I wish you happy trails in connecting and discovering what we dream, about for so long. I have no doubts you will overcome all obstacles in the NOW. vaya con Dios. Much love and light


  3. Nuria says:

    It is so wonderful that I would stumbled on your blog suddenly (after many Google searches for anything and everything on Twin Flames). I find myself at the exact same place as you right now and your words are like balm to my soul, authenticating my journey and experiences. I am so happy my guides always point me in the right direction. It has been a year this month of that magnetic pull back to my Twin flame. I see us moving closer and closer into union. I sense his energy, see him in my dreams and recently felt him kiss my lips I was waking from a deep sleep, it was beautiful.

    I totally love that your twin is Muslim since I was raised Muslim (black latina and muslim). Early on I realized God is love and after much searching I found I could not adhere to any religious dogma but Islam has some truly beautiful teachings despite the negative propaganda.


  4. super resonating with your blog, thank you ❤


    1. doucejonna says:

      Thank you GentlemaanJames for taking the time to comment. I am glad you are resonating with my writings.. It’s lovely to have you here. Don’t hesitate to comment and share your experiences if you wish 🙂 Be blessed xx


      1. aww bless you 😀 I will do. I really enjoy your perception of this kind of encounter. I am not the kind of guy to really lounge around on this kind of topic as much as I used to because I feel like it been a time of surrender for me, but my word I love your writings so much. I am discovering parts of myself within your writing and it’s lovely. I especially identify with the self love aspects and letting go of all expectations of what the relationship should look like, or how long it will take make it work in the physical. so thank you so much. and aww that’s awesome, very magical indeed. I am grateful for your existance you seem like such a sweetie 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. doucejonna says:

      PS. Loving your blog – Moving with the flow!! Exactly what I am feeling too. Therein lies magic!


  5. Hadassah says:

    Your Blog entry is like a song playing in my heart…….Especially these words,
    “After all, to be safe would be to live a weak existence in renunciation of the spiritual FIRE which brings us closer to GOD, ourselves and others. To be “safe” would be the same as not loving his soul, the REAL him; to not care about his salvation as much as I care about my own; to not fulfill the role that God gave to each of us to find each other and to dive into the depths of our own Souls to find our own light; in order to act as each other’s worthy allies and guides through the density of the human experience back into the reality of our ascension back “home”, into the sublime and divine realms of life-everlasting. We know that even if we tried we could not offer that to each other.”

    The Separation has forced me to dig deeper into myself and as much as it was uncomfortable in the beginning, it started to become a pleasurable ride because I was realizing the magnificence that God has placed inside of myself. It was then I had my aha! Moment. That as I was going closer and closer to my core…..I was getting closer and closer to him, my TF. My worthy ally. Indeed I am his fire starter and He is mine…This is amazing because even physically the fire rising within us made us restless but yet our hearts were settled as never before. It didn’t even require words to be spoken. We just were. I can always sense when he is around because my fire within gets stirred up. There was one time I saw him after a very long time and after he left the place it was as if the lights had gone out, they had in my heart…..I had not seen this man for almost a year and yet after a 30 minute meeting I felt like I could not live without him! Before I would have wrote this with agony in my heart but now I am in good space because I have come to understand that this love, this power that is inside of me and that as long as I am doing the giving it can never be taken away from me.


    1. doucejonna says:

      What an empowering and beautiful post Hadassah, in fact I would love to hear more of your thoughts. Just like you, my turning point on this journey was the realisation that as I was getting closer and closer to myself, I was also moving into closeness with God and my twin. If you read my posts you will see that my process there was the same as yours 🙂 To love me is to love him, there is no doubt about that.
      I must admit that your final sentence here is what inspired the closing paragraph in my latest blog post… Check it out. This is the truth that I have always known! This love is inside of me, it is a part of me and only I can allow myself to feel it – or not. If we give of this love freely, the more we receive: and moreover, if we give it freely it cannot be taken away from us!! How could we lose something that is not ours to keep anyway, something that we give away just because it flows freely from within us, from our essence infused in God and eternally nourished by Him. We can never lose anything that is REAL.
      All my blessings to you, keep shining your beautiful light.
      Love, Jonna xx


  6. vita says:

    Thank you for all of ur sharings, and the possibility to connect and feel real 🙂


    1. vita says:

      I been talking to Georgio, and it gives us so much bless and understanding, thank you doucejonna. You’re important katalyst vehicle and healer, and your words are holy and so truth 🙂


    2. vita says:

      I cannot stop to quotate you everytime I speak with Georgio about twin dynamic, and I always refer to you. You are so blessed to be a catalyst for twins, I am endlelssly gratefull to have you. 🙂


  7. stuckintoday says:

    This came at just the right time. Just as you are preparing to see your twin again, so am I. In less than a week I’ll see his face again, and while that thought fills me with peace, it also makes me afraid. The last time I was him was months ago, and I it was as wonderful as ever. The strength of our bond asserted itself and to know that he was close to me put me at ease. However, his presence acted as a “trigger” and it brought out my insecurities. Though he had never made me feel bad about myself, I began to worry that I wasn’t enough. I shrank back, and I didn’t commit to being my authentic self. And because he is my mirror, I felt him do the same. The months of separation following our reunion were jam-packed full of spiritual growth. God pulled all of the issues I’d been repressing since I was a child (my inferiority complex with my sister, my body image problems, and any uncertainty I’d had about my twin flame) to the surface and began to work through them–heal them. I’ve come so far and I’ve realized the power of unconditional love. But as I get closer and closer to seeing him, I feel that fear rise again. The fear that, despite all of my progress and self-awareness, I’ll slip back into my old pattern of hiding myself. I don’t want to hide myself from him. All I want to do is give him love. And the fear that my love wouldn’t touch him, or help him the way it’s helped me. The other day I sat down and prayed; I asked that God would help me to surrender, and fill my heart with unconditional love. So, reading this, I just felt like God was reaching out to me. Saying, “I hear you.” The distance I feel between me and my twin is completely manufactured–it’s a product of my fear and worry. I realized reading your article that as soon as I accept that there is no separation between us, I’ll be fine. I don’t have to worry about letting him go, or living without him, because that’s not a possibility. I just have to live in the NOW, accept the NOW, and give love without conditions, expectations, or fear. Thank you so much for this site! It has helped me a number of times to see the Truth–the Truth that had been waiting inside me all along.


    1. vita says:

      To live for now and love for now and do our own without depending on something to happen outside of us. We expect from our Twin but is it unconditional? Thank You for your comment. 🙂


  8. vita says:

    Hello All, I finally feel free from wanting to be with him and from missing him. I feel like he is surrendering to what is, that he is not ready to be what I need and that he cannot love me right the way he is. I finally can say “I dont need You that way”. Because as long we let them treat us wrong, so long we don’t allow them and us to grow. However the feeling in my Soul stays the same, strong and beautiful but I finally dont need the Drama anymore. Thank you my beautiful Twin for Surrendering. 😉


    1. akuna kumara says:

      wow reading this clarifies the Divine Cosmic energy is at play here. I met my counterpart 33yrs ago and on several occasions we ran into the other, but age made any union a detriment for our growth..recently I was drawn back to him, but the union is impossible he is not only mated but not ready. I would be miserable with someone so attached to the physical world. This was my most recent discovery that we are building on a spiritual soul connection that may not work as a love partnering until next time around, but the connection is important in this life so we each know the energy we will be attempting to transform when we can solve our own karmic balance together.


      1. vitaoglou says:

        Thank You Love and Joy from all The Universe 🙂


      2. Giorgio says:

        Never ever ever ever ever say ” NEVER, or IMPOSSIBLE” . EVER. God is so loud through his magnificence in silence.
        Rise above all Demons, ask Michael the Archangel and pray with your hands together and your heart open with your love.
        Feel the resonance of all of us and don t let age be your barrier. Reality?
        Reality is what Hod is saying to you. You will meet and you will be ready. Ask God to tell you, give you what is best for you and being in service! You gave a lot to say offer. A LOT TO OFFER. Together in a Triangle . You, the Holy Spirit and your Twin.
        It is your path. I know it is.
        Start your work to believe, no doubt no stubbornness , just complete surrender then…. You will see the light through your creator he knows all. Trust in him, all will be revealed to you. I promise you, he will give you signs and your path will light up within your darkest corners . Open your eyes and see.
        Balance your karmic? Let your holy father do it for you, he knows the way.

        Love harmony believe xxx

        Giorgio xxx


  9. S says:

    Jonna, the blog is really wonderful. Thanks so much for taking the time!


  10. Felicity says:

    I have been reading all your posts and thank you for sharing your experience and information. It seems that twin flame link is indeed unbreakable, sometimes the dream also tells you that the bond cannot be broken. What are the reasons? This creates a bit of inconvenience for the twin that is spiritually waken and since the spiritual awaken one is sensitive, he/she tends to pick up on a lot of things from the twin that is still spiritually sleeping. But the spiritually awaken one cannot help the spiritually sleeping one since both twins need to focus on their own lessons. How to stay detached in order to avoid the savior complex? Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. akuna kumara says:

      I’ve been in this 33yrs…and finally found the detachment comes when we recognize they are our Mirror and basically our opposite but have the same qualities often applying them differently and it’s our job when both vibrate the same level to learn to work the oppositions as compliments. the more evolved pulls the lesser up and this may not be the life time for unified partnering. learn to use your mirror for your own further awakening and enlightenment toward mastery…Blessings and remember earth time is a micro second in the universe….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Felicity says:

        Thank you so much. Yes, I have been learning to let go and surrender and most of the time, I feel at ease. The idea that I cannot be with this one in a partnership or relationship just bothers me a bit. Now I think why I got myself into this before I reincarnated? If he is not the romantic partner, where is the person who can build a home with me then? I am very confused at this stage about this concept of twin flame or soul mate are not meant to be together. Yes, we all know that we need to love the Universe and all that but I do feel a bit lost that we cannot taste the earthy romance on earth since we are humans also, now it feels like Universe is training the advanced souls to be robots. But think about it, are we supposed to be a soul living a human life? what life is that if we work endlessly for soul evolution and not having a normal human life having a bit of partnership and romance? Or even if we find a soulmate and settle down but sometimes picked up the twin flame vibration? It is no life to live. I do feel I need some explanation from the Universe.

        But thank you for your explanation.


      2. vita says:

        Yea exactly, Thank you both for bring it one more time, I am suffering a bit from the same problem, not that He is sleeping, but missing me too much, like not giving up, not believing that I will always be His, and I feel it as draining, yearning and kinds. Even I knew very soon, that is better first to work on our owns but we are mirrors, and even I am not seeing that the same way, in me somewhere it is so. I used to not feeling nothing, only Fear and Pain, being completely alone for decades, not missing someone too much or being dependent physically, but for sure we should learn and accept it as Part of Love as well, so I can learn with that, that I am missing him equally, but just not feeling it, because I am numb 😦


    2. vita says:

      Thank you for sharing 🙂 Lots of Love and Admiring for both of You 🙂


  11. Surrenderer says:

    I’ve known my TF for 30 years. As teenagers we pushed each others buttons and I thought he was an idiot but when I looked into his eyes I could see his soul. Throughout the years living in different cities, we would always bump into eachother. I hadn’t seen him for about 10 years when he appeared at my work and had moved to my town. We got close pretty quickly. But it wasn’t till we slept together that I discovered the connection. He was hot and cold but I was obsessing. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. It made me crazy. I tried going away to regroup my feelings. Prayed constantly. Asked friends and family for advice. I couldn’t shake it and I begged for it to stop. He was in all my dreams. I could hear him, smell him. He would even appear in my room at night. We dated while I thought I was going nuts, but I never told him what was happening with me. Then we had an argument, it wasn’t even a big one. He said he had too much on his plate and didn’t want drama but when he was sorted we could see about us then. That’s when I found twinflames online and it all made sense. I had a crashcourse and the understandings came fast and naturally. I went through the stage’s by myself quickly. All my ego issues we’re tested because of him without his knowledge. “why doesn’t he want me now? ” ” I’m not good enough” “he must love someone else” but I cried alot, worked through it and surrendered. I started awakening, my vibrations were heightening, I was visiting other dimensions in my sleep and feeling a massive shift. But then only to find out he’s seeing someone, although in my heart I already knew. This was the greatest test on my ego, but the good thing is Im ok. I finally texted him to let him know what I’ve been going through, that I have been able to sense and feel him and I know what he’s been doing and that I’m hurt. No reply, I didn’t expect one. But for once since we got together, my heart feels whole and at rest. Just by telling him, I’m at peace. I also feel that I’m sensing his peace as well due to my admission. I don’t know what happens from here. I thank him for spiritually awakening me. One day well be together, maybe not this lifetime, but I wish him the most ultimate abundance of love from our being as we go forth on our journey.


  12. TwinFlameDawning says:

    Dear DouceJonna,

    Thank you so much for creating this blog! I’ve had a life of moments of intuition and being ‘psychic’, but I never dreamed that I would have come to this lifetime with a Twin Flame connection. However, events since mid summer this year (2015), namely very briefly bumping into someone I knew a few years ago and our incredibly brief moment of ‘chemistry’ at that moment, re-awoke me. I’d separated from my husband in November 2008 and our divorce came through in July 2010. I’d completely put out of my mind and body ever having a relationship again – I truly wasn’t interested. However, that moment of ‘chemistry’ which occurred between us brought back/awoke all my feelings to have a relationship and a man in my life, and my desire for a physical relationship again has been so frustrating! I’ve been having almost constant astral dreams of communication with him since then, and it’s been exceptionally draining. One afternoon before I’d even left the house, I knew I was going to see him that afternoon. When I did, even though I knew I was, it was still mind-blowing and weird. As I didn’t know what was happening to me or why, I tried to block it/him out, but to no avail. (I even contacted him once and explained the dreams and what I felt the message was I had to give him – thinking it was similar to when I’d had premonitions for people in the past of things to warn them of eg., being burgled.) That only resulted in him not wanting to know me at all – I don’t believe he is on the spiritual path in any way. Again I tried to block him from my energy but still couldn’t stop it. A few days before Christmas I felt his energy behind me/staring at me, in a queue in the same location/exact same spot, where I’d bumped into him previously. I looked around trying to locate his energy and he moved slightly so that I caught his movement in my peripheral vision, but I did not look directly at him, because of his request that I not contact him again. A few days ago I searched on-line to try and find out what all this is about, and then stumbled by accident upon information about Twin Flames. I contacted a psychic who confirmed my possible feeling that he is perhaps my Twin Flame. I then came across your blog, and your posts have been so very helpful and insightful. (As this is all so new to me, my thoughts presently on the physical angle are the same as Felicity’s above. Particularly as since it’s dawned on me only a few days ago that he’s my Twin Flame, I’ve been feeling when he’s been engaging in sex! I’m attracted to him and desire him, so it is even more frustrating!! I know he’s married, but I’m not entirely sure the relationship is a great one – if he is still in fact actually with her.) So DouceJonna/Ladies, if there are any others out there that are separated from their Twin Flame but wish to have a physical relationship/do something with the ‘annoying’ sexual desire – how do we channel that – into what?! I didn’t come to be a Nun or celibate and now I’ve been sexually reawakened, I don’t know what to do! (I always had a high sex-drive and had squashed it when I put all thoughts of a relationship out of my mind when I separated from my now ex-husband!) I’ve not had many men in my life, and have always been very choosy, never seeming to find anyone that was ‘right’ for me…….

    I’ll stop now, as this has turned into a ramble. Please forgive this Twin Flame ‘rookie’! 🙂 Thank you in advance for any further insight/guidance.

    Much Love to us All on this Twin Flame Journey………… xxxxxxxxx <8 ❤ <8


  13. Tena says:

    Thank you so much for your blog! It is exactly what I need and so eloquently written. Spirit flows freely through you and I’m grateful. Xo❤️


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