Mirror of my soul – Stories of you, me, the world and eternity

When our search for The One leads us Home


We come into this world as God created us; radiating pure love, joy and innocence. The world that we are born into, however, is a world of illusion made up of the projected feelings and thoughts of others. Through our earliest experiences of human interaction, we learn that we must behave a certain way or meet certain conditions in order to receive love and affection. This plants a deeply seated fear in us that somehow simply being our authentic self is not enough and so we live our life from behind masks to suit every person and situation. Eventually, we mistake this projected reality for our own and forget that underneath our human exterior we are an eternal soul, perfectly reflecting the love and light of our Creator.

Regardless of the depth of our spiritual amnesia, our illusion of reality shatters in an instant when life presents us with the most powerful mirror, our twin flame. God sends us this perfect mirror to help us remember our exquisite and divine nature and to become the person we were intended to be. While all relationships reflect back to us certain aspects of who we are and the beliefs we hold about ourselves, our twin offers us a full look at ourselves, down to our deepest core. Just like Rumi once wrote: “You cannot see yourself without a mirror; Look at the Beloved, He is the brightest mirror”, meeting our twin flame is like seeing ourselves in a full-length mirror for the first time. Since our twin flame, at the level of the soul, is the same as us, we recognise ourselves in their eyes. What we in fact recognise is something we have, often unconsciously, been looking for: in them, we find a reflection of the pure light of our own soul.

As the two complimentary parts of one soul, both carrying either the masculine or feminine polarity, the twins face the challenge of awakening these internal energies and then bringing them into balance and harmony. In very simple terms, the twins do this by acting as cosmic mirrors for each other. Their powerful reflection shines the light of truth on everything that both twins need to address and balance before they can fully vibrate at the frequency of divine love. Depending on where each twin is in terms of spiritual and emotional maturity, the mirror can be our greatest ally or the very thing that makes us want to give up. Either way, the mirror brings disruption and acts as the catalyst between the twin flames.mirror17From mirrored lives to mirrored souls When we first meet our twin flame, we are amazed and delighted by the parallel life paths, mirrored experiences, shared interests, values and dreams. We quickly grasp that the sheer volume of synchronicities and similarities are not down to mere chance or coincidence but that there is a divine hand at play. This was certainly my experience. For our first “date”, the man I would later come to know as my twin flame insisted on taking me out to a café he loved. In a city of no less than 7,000 cafes, he took me to MY favourite cafe. We had grown on different continents, in different cultural and religious surroundings, yet we spent the entire evening completing each other’s sentences, speaking the same words at the same time and discovering so many parallels and synchronicities between our two seemingly different lives. But the thing that struck me the most was that as I looked into his eyes I kept seeing myself, as if looking into a bright mirror. He must have been feeling the same, since long before this magical night ended he turned to me with his eyes shining and said: “Jonna, you are the mirror image of me!”

The mirrored lives help spark wonder and curiosity for the twin couple, and the feelings of awe and affinity help create a strong bond between them. Eventually the magic of the connection drives both twins to search for the answers and meaning within, which is where they discover their energetic mirroring at a deep soul level. At this level, it is impossible to tell the twins apart; or to know where one ends and the other starts. Here the twins quickly understand that what they do onto their twin, they also do onto themselves and so they start to get an idea of just how closely connected they are.

Through their mirrored energies and lives, the twins embark on the path of learning what it is to really love another person unconditionally: what it is to “love thy neighbour like yourself”. Their love is so powerful, so potent that eventually the twins realise that there is nothing that can ever lessen their love or change how they feel about each other. In fact, their love for each other grows and grows until it can no longer be contained by the two lovers, and they become overflowing fountains of love for all humanity and God. In fact, when the twin couple discover the reflection of their own soul in each other, they often share experiences of love so infused in God that these leave both twins changed forever.

Within days of meeting my twin, as I was gazing into his soul, I experienced God looking out through my eyes at my twin, and the pure, sublime and infinite love that I, as God consciousness, felt for my twin was almost too much to bear. And as the mirror of my twin’s soul reflected this God consciousness back to me, I saw myself as if God was looking out at God itself. I was left in no doubt of the immense beauty within myself, as well as God’s infinite love for us both. This experience changed me in ways I could never fully describe; none the less because I was raised as an atheist and was one – until that very moment.mirror6Heaven or Hell? You decide. Meeting our twin flame can be an equally sublime and terrifying experience! A lot of this comes down to what we see when we look in the mirror, since being with our twin flame is very much like standing in front of one 24/7. Just like the love, the negative aspects are magnified and keeping anything hidden or unexplored is simply not an option. Therefore, if you are feeling unworthy, lacking in self-love and self-esteem, or refusing to face certain issues in your life, then your twin will reflect in unforgiving detail all that you have yet to deal with.

The mirroring may make you feel like your twin is purposely doing something to you, however in reality they are offering you a chance to let go of the your old patterns, beliefs, fears and templates by shining their bright light on the very obstacles that stand in the way of your union. If YOU are feeling aggravated, saddened or in despair because of something your twin has (or has not) said or done, this is an invitation for you to look within. This is not about your twin at all. This is about YOU and the internal work which awaits you.

For both twins, the aim is to get to a place of fully loving and accepting themselves and others. The truth is that it is ONLY once the twins embody unconditional love to the fullest and are able to meet whatever arises with acceptance, compassion and love that they can fulfil their eternal promise to each other to reunite in this lifetime. Your twin flame loves you too much to help uphold your lies or denial, or to allow you to make this about anyone else other than you. This is all about you: this is YOUR path back into wholeness, back to YOU. Therefore, your twin will hold the mirror up for you, without condition, doubt or hesitation, triggering you into oblivion for as long as it takes for you to get it.

Having our twin flame hold the mirror up can be so intense that it can actually bring about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual distress. My twin actually ended up in the A&E several times in one week when I first wrote him a letter telling him about my feelings. At the time, he was trying hard to convince himself that despite our connection, we did not belong together because he had done his “soul searching” and decided to stay in his “safe” soul-numbing relationship. Sometimes facing the obstacles brought to light by the mirror is just too much for the twin flames – and one or both run away. Running doesn’t however change the fact that our twin sees, feels and knows us as we are, warts and all.mirror5Making peace with the mirror Ultimately, we are who we are. We cannot change what our soul knows. If you are one of those twin flames who thread on eggshells trying not to show feeling or emotion for fear of triggering your twin flame into running, you must realise that you will ALWAYS be a reflection of them, no matter what you do. Not only this, but they can feel you energetically. If you are scared of losing them, they will feel your fear and doubts and reflect them back at you. It doesn’t matter how far backwards you are willing to bend to stay in your twin flame’s life, you are the light which reveals their deepest shadows and brings out their scariest demons.

The mirror will always throw a shadow on how they perceive you. Even if you are happy to be “just friends”, your twin will run away from you convinced that you expect them to be something that they possibly can’t be. Your twin will always project his thoughts, his ideas about himself, all his cannot’s and should not’s on you, until they gain enough spiritual and emotional strength to be able to remain centred without being triggered. Once you realise that you cannot change who you are and learn to love yourself fully, you can stop paying so much attention to your twin flame or how he behaves and you will regain your freedom, balance and happiness, and in the process help them too.

Letting the love shine through Often we look into the mirror that is our twin flame and forget that the image in the mirror is still us. Our twin flame is us. We are one. Just like your twin is not doing anything to you, the mirror is not there only to remind you of all your shortcomings; it is there to help you. The mirror is a two-way mirror and thus works both ways. If you show love and compassion, your twin will show love and compassion. If you do your internal work, rest assured that your twin will be doing it too. If you surrender, so will your twin. The best thing therefore is to always love your twin unconditionally and the way you would want to be loved.

What you need to understand is this: your twin already loves you perfectly but will only reflect back to you as much of the pure Love as YOUR heart is able to hold at any given moment. Thus, the love is already there; all that is needed is for YOU to remove all the obstacles which block it from shining through. Over time, the mirror effect will start to reflect this love back to you, and you will begin to see yourself as your twin sees you. In my case, it took me years but I finally found the beauty and radiance within me that he saw all along.mirror7 Reclaiming your destiny It is through our love for our twin flame that we reclaim our innocence and true nature. Ultimately, our twin flame offers us much more than just a change at a relationship: they offer us the opportunity to be all that God intended us to be while fulfilling the divine mandate given for our life; together in sacred union with our divine counterpart. As we rise in love, we realise that the only way this can ever happen is for both of us to first find our own wholeness. This frees us to allow our twin to choose his own path, knowing in our heart that if we are meant to be together then by God we will be. In the meantime, a reflection of the external bond and love always exists on the inside, between the two souls and the shared sacred heart.

Therefore dear soul, do not worry about what your twin is or is not doing; he is only you. He is your mirror, always there parallel on the other side. Love your twin without reason, without pride, without boundaries and conditions, without fear of abandonment or of looking like a fool, no matter what the mirror shows. Remain focused on the love which nourishes your soul and surrender your need for control to God; fully trusting that as you do, not only will your perception of what is in the mirror change but that your twin will change too. Your twin is your reflection and if you change, so will they. Keep at it and you will see the mirror change right in front of your eyes.

35 thoughts on “Twin Flame Mirror – Finding Wholeness Through the Mirror of Our Soul

  1. Bravo, fantastic! As always 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. doucejonna says:

      Thank you Victoriazaitz for taking the time to read & comment on my blog. 🙂 Love & light from me to YOU


  2. More than often when i look at the mirror, I literally look in the eyes of my Twin an amazing view! So yeah truly … great writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. doucejonna says:

      Thank you Cormaël (@CormaelLia) for taking the time to read & comment. I am so glad you enjoyed it and thank you for your kind words. Yes in deed, multiple universes and realities seem to unfold and be reflected in our twin’s eyes… Wishing you all the best xx


    2. doucejonna says:

      Cormaël (@CormaelLia) – thank you for taking the time to read this post 🙂 I am glad you are able to resonate.


  3. Yes, true, my mirror has taught me many things. And I am also out to totally turn his life upside down that he may not like initially.

    He doubts me all the time. Any idea, why?


    1. doucejonna says:

      Dear twinflamesrevolt, thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my blog! Despite my delayed response I do really appreciate all the comments I get. As for your twin flame doubting you… oh yes, I know this all too well since my twin flame also doubted me for a long time, although he has later admitted that he also always looked up to me with all this spiritual stuff.. lol. Very simply put, the reason your twin flame is doubting you is because he is doubting himself. The reality of love between the twin flames is different from our usual experiences and when we do not yet know the reality of who we are, we doubt it when it is presented to us. Certainly this was the case for my twin flame. Unfortunately he will keep doubting you until he is able to find the answers within himself. Allow him the freedom to travel his own path and collect all the experiences he needs, no matter what they are, since they are what will truly teach him who he is NOT, in order for him to return to you knowing fully who he is.. Wishing you all the best on this wondrous path of the Twin flames xx

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much 🙂 this is exactly what I am doing now… nothing… just staying positive and waiting for him to heal 🙂


  4. I am always ready to learn from him If he is my teacher, it is so cool 🙂


    1. doucejonna says:

      Thanks for the comment twinflamesrevolt. Yes in deed, it’s important to remain open to what our twin flame is here to show us and there is no better way to do this than to see them as our teacher 🙂 Blessings to you on your path xx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. mmmriad says:

    Reblogged this on Diary of a MadMoud and commented:
    This is probably one of the best Twin Flame / Twin Soul / Twin Mirror posts out there, as it gravitates away from the notion that these sorts of unions are romantic relationship based. For the past few months, I have been starting to see these Twin unions as those that allow you to grow out of your human shell and evolve into a higher level of spiritual being. I have been wanting to blog about this for the longest time, and here I find my dear friend Jonna articulately expressing what I have been trying to put into words! I recommend you check out the rest of her blog, as I feel that she is one of the best (if not the best) twin flame bloggers out there.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. doucejonna says:

      Thanks mmriad for this super reblog and for all the lovely compliments regarding my writing. As someone who admires your writing I am honored that you so resonate with mine. I believe a romantic union with our twin flame is never the ultimate purpose of this very rare & special connection, although I do believe this can become part of the reality between the twin flames somewhere down the line once both are “healed”. First & foremost however it’s a spiritual connection which has for purpose to remind us of our true nature and to call us back to Source/ God. Blessings to you on your path my dear friend xx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Very well expressed…a very difficult relationship in my case…culture and religious upbringing have brainwashed him…


    1. doucejonna says:

      Dear maryannejoseph111, thank you for reading & for the complimentary comment. I am sorry to hear that you are finding the twin flame relationship a difficult one. This unfortunately seems to be the experience of a majority of twin flames as it is the very purpose of this love to break us out of our social, religious and emotional conditioning into an energetic reality of universal/divine truth. For this very reason twin flames often have barriers to overcome.
      Wishing you all the best on your path xx


  7. alisha says:

    Wonderful article
    I found my twin flame or shall i say he found me online over fb .
    He currently lives in Las vegas and he helps people of all walks of life .
    This i believe is my true calling and I believe God has put me together with him in order to raise the vibrations of love here on earth.
    Ever since I met him I’ve been seeing 444 which my sisters children are all born on the fourth of the month .My twin flames birthday is dec.4th and he turned 44 on the 4 of dec.My niece shares his same birthday .my ex’s sister shares a birthday with his son which is march 7th .
    My twin flame and I stopped talking for two months and before i met him i kept seeing triple numbers and then right before we started to talk today for the past week or two i’ve been seeing triple numbers .


    1. alisha says:

      to add to this just noticed this the date 7/24 7+4+2=13 3+1=4


  8. ivanazvornik says:

    You write from your heart, and this articles are just wonderfull and giving me peace. But I have one question. My twin flame runner for whom I thought lovina me profoundly as I am loving him merried domene else and broke my heart on peace. How could he mirror my attitude when I cant watch any other man, and he just turn his back to me and just married. And I must admit, that is most profound pain I am experiencing and yes, I do not bealive in him and his love. And what about signs, telepathy, dreams am I crazy? Or Univerzum played with me cruely. Sorry, but I am sad and confused. Kind regards.


    1. vita says:

      Twin is never wanting to hurt us, but they are reflection of what we are to ourselves. We must learn to love ourselves, to accept what we are worth of and only then when we are One with our desires of what we want to be, we are ready. LG 🙂


      1. doucejonna says:

        Amen Vita, this is the truth. 💜💜


      2. vita says:

        Oh thank you much Beautiful, A lot of blessings to you and your beautiful familiy, a Part of, I was blessed to see in your Bring Sweet Evan Home, the miracoulous Girl Daughter. I am gratefull for many, most of all my Twin and your Experiences brought me to this revelation. I been working hart now meanwhile, so I dont have much time. I love you all. 🙂 ❤


  9. Dylan mayhew says:

    I have been reading this with my partner and seriously we have had strange experiences and things that we knew were connections and we both knew we was looking for something and learning about more every time we had this rare pure connection and she has just shown me and I’m amazed on how it pin points it all and I’m going to thank you for making me realise what I’m deeply looking for because I knew it was something but wasn’t sure what



  10. You wrote this so beautifully and helped me to understand so much!! Thank you


  11. Llopez says:

    Thank you so much for this article. I’ve been reading about twin flame unions
    since I was awakened to this reality back in October 2014. For the first time
    the concept of the mirror it’s clear to me. I get it now. I believe I’m in the last stages
    of the Union and I was guided to read about this topic which was confusing to me.
    Finding your article is another of my many blessings.
    Love & Light


  12. Prince says:

    that’s a really beautiful piece of writing. I was at first scared to the core on finding my twin flame. I faced my deepest fears in her eyes, still i saw the unconditional love which is all i want. Everything i feel for her whether it be love or anger, it only reflects back to me. I am learning now to accept myself as who i am, while she’s always there in spirit as a part of me. I see the light now and i am following it.


  13. ScorpioMissesHerPiscesTwin says:

    One of the most beautiful and relevant things I have read. My Twin Flame died two months ago with neither of us ever having openly acknowledged that we belonged together…despite obvious chemistry that drew us to one another in inexplicable ways across the years. His passing has been one of the most excruciating things I’ve endured; my soul feels torn to the core. My search for answers about our intense connection to one another began when I realized he is still with me…unbelievably so…every single day since his passing. It is unlike anything I knew was possible. In life, he promised me he’d never leave me; I promised him likewise. The soul mirror explains everything perfectly. He now radiates light, peace and love, shining like a beacon toward God himself. I miss my beloved Twin so much. I look forward to our spiritual reunion eventually. Thank you for helping to comfort my intensely broken heart.


  14. Ali says:

    I wonder why most of the “twin flame” authors have sexist attitudes towards this subject. They usually tend to be female authors and always labels “he” as the runner. Why do you folks think that this is “he” who always runs?!! On the side note, the universe and everything in it is subject to change and transformation. Therefore, there are no fixed “twin flames” or soul mates for us out there. In fact, the universe is all about the balance and transformation, then new forms. Actually, some people use “surrendering” as a technique to get their “twin flames” to return, but you could never deceive the universe as it exactly knows your underlying vibration. Furthermore, a separation happens because sometimes, the person whom you know is right for you, maybe isn’t, or perhaps you have (or should have) higher standards. In fact, the “he” who runs does not necessarily have to be your twin flame.

    I met “the mirror of my soul” three years ago, and she was truly my mirror. The separation from her and “dark night of the soul” triggered my Kundalini awakening, and five of my chakras have already opened. You see, if she returns to me one day, I will honestly reject her, because my standards have changed, and know exactly who I am and what I want. Actually, if the universe didn’t have high standards, it would never evolve, and go through stagnation. If people honestly and freely allow all of their feelings, emotions desires as well as logic and reasoning, they will see through all illusions and limiting beliefs, and reach total oneness with themselves.



  15. chelsea says:

    Hello there, I seem to be searching for answers witch in myheart I already know met my twin, . I will never forget thatmoment. We have been in contacts with phone cvals but not met up again inperson, it was so intence in a go


  16. BKA says:

    I’m in awe of your posts “This frees us to allow our twin to choose his own path, knowing in our heart that if we are meant to be together then by God we will be.”

    Amen : affirmative on that one. You gave such way with words, you’re so gifted.


  17. Purna Parmar says:

    So beautiful, love💕♥️


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