Mirror of my soul – Stories of you, me, the world and eternity

When our search for The One leads us Home


When a person comes face to face with their beloved, and enters a new world of spiritual awareness & unconditional love, it very quickly becomes clear that what we until then perceived as “love” is in fact only a very small fraction of the earth shattering, big bang type heart explosion LOVE with a Capital L they ignites in us. We become entranced with each other from the start and the shared vulnerability of our soulful nakedness allows us to merge all our bodies together at a very deep level. We are able to catch glimpses of the infinite beauty and love that surrounds us at all times and we feel vibrant, loved, accepted and nourished to the deepest part of our being; our soul.

When this soul level merge with our beloved takes place, it opens up multiple channels of energy that run through both twins. These gold and silvery energy cords that run from soul to soul and heart to heart are the lifeline of the eternal lovers and can NEVER be severed. Through these cords, we feel each other, we sense each other and we are drawn together, regardless of time and space. In fact, our beloved is so much engrained into the energetic makeup of who we are; that as we go through our experiences, emotions and growth, these vibrations are constantly being sent back and forth. Furthermore, the psychic and spiritual connection between lovers always includes a sort of a spiritual “love-nest”; like an ecstatic place of love and bliss where both come for comfort and reassurance – my beloved once called this “our inner space filled with unconditional love, passion and friendship”. The lovers are also connected to their higher selves by a similar silver cord which is attached to the crown chakra.

Why would we want to sever the connection?

Unfortunately the twin flame path is such that very often each soul must have time apart in order to grow, learn and fully become who they are meant to become. God wants us to be conscious and actively take part in our own journey; and therefore, to remain in permanent physical union with our beloved, we must become fully conscious of our own Self. The actual physical separation forces each of the twins to FEEL and FACE their individual selves. A person cannot know WHO he is at the very centre of his soul unless he has felt a part of himself missing. The journey is very complex in this sense, because in order to unite with our beloved, we must realise that separation took place so that we could KNOW the self and the soul. Despite being physically separated, the lovers must achieve inner wholeness: both within themselves, as well as a spiritual unit together.

As the eternal dance between the two souls seeking balance and wholeness gets into full swing, it results in a push-pull or runner-chaser dynamic, which causes many to question their sanity and to feel that we should not allow this “insanity” to control us. The two are kept locked in this situation until both learn to complete and balance their energies – together & apart. Even if the lovers are apart and not in contact, they both have to carry their share of the work. So closely connected, they often feel not only their own but also the other’s pain – and so feelings and reactions to these are often magnified.

Often our intentions are good when we seek to release ourselves from our beloved: we want to stop hurting them, our partners/spouses – and most of all we want to stop hurting ourselves. The pain we feel makes us want to run away from them and from ourselves. After a while we realise we no longer recognise ourselves. We can occupy our mind and heart with work, things, other relationships – even good, loving ones, but within the deepest part of our soul we know that which is missing. We may not perceive this as running until years later when we suddenly realise that they never pushed us away; it was our own feelings of rejection and feeling unloved that caused this. It dawns on us that perhaps our twin simply wasn’t ready for the deep-dive into himself either and was just trying to figure it out, just like we were. More importantly, we realise that the person we are running away from is ourselves; we did not abandon them but rather our Self; and that no matter what we do, we can never stop feeling their acute absence because that void is felt within the deepest part of our Self.

Cutting the cords – getting rid of the connection

Often the pain of the separation and the many obstacles to the union are so unbearable that we want a way out of this new “reality”. Initially we pray that it will just go away in time and we can get back to “normal”. We numb our feelings in self-preservation. Then, as our frustration grows, we start wanting to sever the energetic cords connecting us to our beloved. However while we may know all sorts of methods for cord cutting and have successfully used them in the past; the connection between the two eternal lovers follows no conventional rules or reasoning. No matter what anyone tells you, NO ONE, not even the lovers themselves can break the special eternal cords between them. Could this be the real meaning of the often quoted biblical verse “What God has joined together, let not man put asunder” (Mark 10:9)? The Force that created the pairing is all-powerful and indestructible. The bond may be weakened, and their final union delayed, but they cannot be separated permanently.

Furthermore, severing cords with your beloved would be like amputating a part of YOU. Since you each carry a part of each other, trying to cut the cord would be like cutting your own soul. The highest good of all would not allow this. However, if you do need a break from the connection, there are ways to take time out – whether this is what you choose to do is of course entirely up to you, however you must remember that all that it will do is to delay the internal work which must be done. This time-out could even come in the form of another relationship, building a family with someone else, however be under no illusion; you WILL BE pulled back. Like an elastic band, the cord connecting the eternal lovers is flexible, allowing both to do their share of pulling – however no matter how far the band stretches, it always pulls you back to the connection.

So what is supposed to happen during the separation?

If you are facing a separation from your beloved then it is for a reason. Not only this, but it is unavoidable & absolutely necessary. This means that there is work to do: for both of you. During the separation the lovers must feel and reconnect with their own inner selves to be able to feel the bond with the other. This is hard to start with: the outer search for the beloved is very painful and sooner or later one will feel that there is no other way to connect with them than to reach for the deepest place in one’s own inner Self.

Being separated from our beloved often feels like a deep loss of our self: so excruciatingly painful that we can find it hard to know what to do with these feelings. Sooner or later we begin to feel like we must ”surrender” ourselves to the profound spiritual and emotional process that starts to take place inside. We realize that this is a process that we have no control over. Eventually, we learn to love and accept ourselves, as well as our reflection in the mirror: all of it, the good, the bad and the ugly. And sure enough; with time and spiritual growth & maturity, the connection simply becomes something you accept.

Rest assured that even if you make every mistake in the book and it seems that the connection is unrecoverable, all will be revealed, rewarded and forgiven – in time. Even if for a long time it seems like we are not making any progress, the love between true twins comes with a guarantee: it WILL transform you. This means that even without realising it, both lovers are now on a spiritual path and the day will come when both will want to be fully themselves, and this includes having your beloved in your life again, in whatever capacity suits you both. In the meantime, while you are being kept apart, you are always free to express how you feel and what you are choosing in this moment. No matter what your reasons, the soul of your beloved loves you so much that whatever you choose, it knows it’s out of love. We all have our own process for spiritual & emotional growth to follow and no choice is ever right or wrong, but rather just another tick on the list of necessary lessons to be learnt; all leading back towards our beloved and God.

261 thoughts on “Severing cords with your twin flame

  1. vita says:

    Hey Yall ❤ , now i am in the stage of something very weird, i did understand many things, because we are one and final poles as similarities, for example he was left by his mother and i was raised up with no father, becaus my mother forbid him to see us and he did not fight for us, so he did not love us enough or thought he is not worth it, so i face someone who is not fighting and i fought and exused again and again like with my father. So becaus its obvious not changable and has to be transformed completely, i going to fuse myself with my twin 😀 i anyway read him all the time, but now it is different merge for me, i decide to go inside him and love everything i/him face, see clearly for me that is not what i deserve on the outside, i mean in terms to respekt myself, he thinks the same but different like is not worthy and i forgot him and am with someone else and others are better, of course how convinient to not fight but i have to learn my lessons and in those courses been said as more we are happy and most of all if are living our desire and found finally our place we eventually catapult them naturallly in the feelings and healing sea .. See Ya Folks Bless:)


    1. vita says:

      *i meant to love everything for him like being him and be grateful and happy and myself in what he is living but being myself as well and knowing myself, i know it is tough and completely beyond personal need, it is a bit difficult but feloows i am done to wait i have to do what i can in this peculiare situation of complete onenness and whatever it is, so good luck to you all and write your experiences if you fancy, bless you beatiful people 🙂


      1. jenncrystal says:

        Hi Vita, I’m glad you are on a journey that sounds like what I’ve been doing too. Sometimes, we become too afraid, we felt the need to protect ourselves and separate ourselves from our twin to heal. But we forgot that our twin is part of us too. I had so far found healing when I think about telepathically healing my twin, and for all the love I have for him, I felt that it is worth it. I would do anything for him, while at the same time remembering to love me too. Many times I find myself between the lines of ego and self love, of loving the other and devaluing ourselves. But what’s the point of selling ourselves so high when they can’t even reach us? But most of the time, the case is, they are too hurt to even try.

        And then the personal issues with our own fathers that reflects in this too. It’s a complex process, and a whole different eye view, but I hope you’ll reap the fruits well from your healing.

        Loving regards.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. vita says:

        thank you for reply beauty ❤ u know I remember my father standin ajar on the door, i was middle in the room 3 years old, my smal bro playing next to me, not understanding much of, we been looking at each others eyes and i knew kinda i am seeing him the last time. cause my mother forbid him. I saw him once again when i was 13, so he could officialy give us away and sigh up the papers for adoption, thinking probably he is not worthy to try or fight why bother the other man is for sure better, from abroad, giving me to terror and sexual harassing 🙂 i always felt in love with men that been not available, either married or everything else was more important, i was not the priority and not worthy to fight for, so many wanted me so many fought to have me, and i was best friends with them all over years, my twin similar story with a girl he knows from his childhood, but not other women as girlfriend, and was in the relationship with when we met, left by mother as a child, to shy he was not even able to communicate normaly just sighns, cowardly and he thought this is love and i thought i am loved, ironic he exclude me out of his life and completely ignored me during all the way, always having more time for everyhting else, even belong to me, that is futile, thank you for courage and respond 🙂


  2. Saskia says:

    Hello Everyone,

    God, this is so hard! I have been wanting to release my twin for ever and I have tried almost every technique which I heard of including meeting Chamans and asking them to release me. All it did was hurt me! The connection is getting deeper and deeper with time! There is just no logic whatsoever in it! I tried forgetting him and it just simply is in-freaking-possible! I am sorry to speak this way! I am so exhausted! I don’t even know if I am a runner or a chaser! I have acquired “3d eye” abilities ever since our latest reunion with my twin (3 years ago). Lately, the message which I got from Source (if it actually was Source) was: “to seperate from him because he has done things which go against Source by hurting me among other things.” I was so glad to hear that! I thought that I was finally free from him! — But it hurts so much!!!! My brain wants to seperate from him just like Source suggested but why does it feel so horrible if I am doing the right thing? God, I wake up every morning with his feelings of anger and hate towards me! Why Dear God? I don’t even allow myself to think about him. Please, tell me if you have ever had a message from Source telling you to seperate. Please, I also would like to humbly ask if there is actually any twin flame reunion that actually occured and gave hapiness. God wants us to be happy. What are we doing wrong? Why must we suffer?

    Sorry for so much emotion. I apreciate the sharing that is happening here and I send my love to all of you.



    1. Giorgio says:

      Dear Saskia,

      Firstly I have been off this site for a while and I was not going to write unless I can help someone with what I personally have experienced.

      I think that doucejonna has been amazing in her directions. In relation to this, if one reads the Kundalini Sanskrit, one needs to understand One very important factor.
      No ONE, knows for sure but through so many years of pain and effort there are many of us who are in the “same boat”. Well, almost in the same boat. Some are in the rough seas and some are in the calm waters of this spiritual journey.

      1. We are all of the same experience. Because of the hurt we all wanted at one stage or other to release ourselves from our Twin Flame. STOP trying, it is not through this wanting that you can release yourself and it is going to work. The only way that you can soften the pain is by surrendering to the Source and purifying your own side of the soul. One must spiritually work as hard as they can to come closer to the Source and as the sanskrit clearly shows, it is the “HOLY SPIRIT” that we pray to with commitment to purify our own half of the Soul. “We are ONE soul in Two Bodies”. What you do to your Soul Twin, you are doing it to yourself. How Can you separate your Soul from Yourself? Let me know if you succeed, because if you do, you will be in Elysium.
      2. There is a logic. A very clear logic because we are the chosen ones. We are the Twin Flames who are facing the challenge. I am of the belief that as many say that Twins Are NOT meant to be united, I disagree totally.
      3. GOD is LOVE. He created us From love. We are meant to suffer in this world of “Illusion”. I am Roman Catholic but that is my religion. That is my choice. “I am Spiritual” and I leave religion in the churches for all the clergy to fight over the belief or disbelief that they are so fascinated with. That is NOT my way of dealing with the HOLY SPIRIT.
      4. I have total respect for my SPIRITUALITY. Yore unite with your Twin. Your Twin is frustrated and they need help to purify. “YOU” must do the work for both of you.
      5. Give him LOVE and his hate and anger will subside from the equation. Here is a TIP. A good one that works for so many. We are here to help one another through our own experiences. Have a look at Twin Flames 11:11. You can download the free initial Twin Flames 11:11 Blog – Cassady Cayne Blog-
      6. There is so much that is explained there by someone who is having first hand experience.
      7. Alison Lessard is another amazing Lady who is on her Twin Flame Journey. Have a look at her YouTube lectures. Learn and educate yourself to understand YOUR journey and YOUR Twin Flame’s journey. You are always in sync. Yu CANNOT SEPARATE.
      8. This I believe is very important and perhaps doucejonna can write something further on this subject. “There are many evil or negative workers within this creation as well as “light workers” within the Matrix. Be careful how you read your messages and who explains them to you. Ask on this site and the ones I have given you about this and your right information to stay on the “RIGHT” track. The Yin and Yang of the journey is obvious but even if you “Read the Koran and the Bible” you can read about these entities as well. Satan and his workers are very illusive. We are here to help you. The Archangel Michael and the Army of the Blue Angels are there if you call them. Ask the HOLY spirit to hold your hand as you work through your difficult times. When you get angry or confused, ask the holy spirit to protect you and ask “Archangel Michael” to come to your aid and he will chase what is unclear and that is making you unhappy. Usually it is voices and feelings that are negative coming from the evil work of the condemned. Tell Archangel Michael to cast them away and away he will do so. You must do this with conviction and surrender to God totally. Don’t worry about who tells you otherwise, you better start believing Saskia. It works. The Angels will surround you with grace and Love so you can journey On. There are other religious books and guides to show you the way forward. God Wants US happy. ABSOLUTELY but he also gives us the freedom to learn and through our free will, we must choose right from wrong. Some people pride themselves by saying that they are “Free Willed Individuals”… great but they must do the right thing as well. If they choose the wrong path don’t follow them, go your own righteous way. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT and Archangel Michael to protect you. the HOLY SPIRIT will give you a signal. Download the Biblical Numbers and their meaning. triple numbers especially. Songs and words, letters and other signs. Nothing is a “Coincidence”. It is all what is meant to be.
      9. You have been honoured and given a sign to meet your Twin Flame, Love him and meditate any time as you connect with His spirit, and make sure that the Holy Spirit is with you as your father that is holding your hand. He sees and knows all, so don’t be shy, he knows what you think and what you are going to do. He is OUR FATHER.
      10. I do not believe that anyone wants to release themselves from this deep down. The magnetism is for the Twin Flames to gain enough strength within to be able to attract the other part of our soul and reunite. Stop kidding yourself and use the energy wisely. Move forward, it is your own anger and fear that you need to conquer with grace. Read the “Dalai Lama Book of Wisdom”. He talks about wisdom, what is desirable and what is Not, anger and The Four Noble Truths etc.
      11. Stop wasting your efforts trying to understand God’s purpose for you. Except it and ask God to guide you instead. This is the carpet that is unfolding on our paths.
      12. Finally, try and surrender the NEED to be with your Twin Flame. God has it all planned, so just purify yourself and all will fall into place. Stop wishing and things will start happening. Read RUMI’s words download them and pray in a spiritual way. Eliminate fear, anger and doubt. Pray from the depth of your heart. NOT YOUR MIND.
      13. Never, ever can you separate. yes you are meant to suffer if you want Love. Read RUMI he is priceless.
      14. Finally we all send you love. we re the chosen ones who are beyond pain as the love we seek and found is “DIVINE LOVE”. Be proud and be strong and face the enemy that separates you and your twin Flame with Love, Passion and determination that even the holy spirit will be proud of why and what he has created. Love the Holy Spirit and through HIM you will re-unite.
      15. Read all of this carefully and try to see the sites I recommend for you as well as the many valuable articles on this site. Why would you want to separate when you can do the work of both you and your Twin Flame? You are the spiritual and HE, is the intellectual. He cannot see you yet. See him through the Kundalini, and let the Kundalini work for you. Believe and commits with work. Nothing comes free.

      Love, Harmony and Peace with belief XXX

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Nara says:

        I want to say thank you for this, even though it was intended for someone else, I felt it ring through me. I needed to hear this today as some sort of blanket that is such a comfort. I understand what you say completely as my soul in in despair and yet it is gaining some much needed clarity and starting to understand a letting go and putting it in the hands of divine love. Thank you very much for being so thorough and giving out a shout to a sense of peace for this individual that is on this journey. ❤


      2. crazylady 2 says:

        Giorgio you are beautiful. Your words lifts my spirits and reiterates why God and all that is good lives in me and inspires me and encourages me to stand tall and fight the demons that want my love and gifts. Simply beautiful 😇


      3. gell says:

        hi grigorio. i read ur comment and it just connected to what ive just experience.. pls. help me i dont know what to do me and my twin flame got reunited just dz jan. weve been in a relation started march until june and it almost got me crazy.. i mean i love him so much i cant explain. he is freaking married bt fate semed to find us, i hated him so much at first until i gave in to dis very strong pull thats creeping me out. and when i gave in i felt this energy dat seemed to be coming from him embracing me.. and a lot had happened it freaked me out until i didnt know what to believe anymore like im suddenly in a magical world.. i panic all d time for unknown reason i wanna run away from him bt when i do i wanna chase him back d emotion was just too much. i got ds 3d eye like everywhere i look there are signs.. nos., billbords, colors and my chooce of music seemed to convey a message.. ive been fighting ds 2 forces ive been feeling and dey’r completely opposite.. i dint know what to do and ive got ds feeling millions are watching me\us..

        i didnt know what to do, everyone thought i am going crazy well infact d 2 of us cause were acting really weird, and emotionally i was affected. he seemed to understand it bt he doesnt wanna talk about it.. i remember begging him to cut the bond and d both of us was wondering wat am i saying.. then sometimes i can feel ds great fear from him ah.. i dont know.. bt before we got separated i hear voices telling me dat it would be good if i leave him bt i cant do that.. ive been crying begging like my innerself is talking to someone and a great grief overtook me.. in the morning i just felt my tummy swirling like i am pregnant wd twins whch is impossible coz i am having my period dat time then i clearly saw in my mind a symbol of blak and white just like d symbol af a yin yang… i was shocked i cant talk and after an hour i invisioned a crying white angel and at his back a looking crazy black angel wd a red eyes.. this totally freaked me out it lasted for a minute i cried and fought for dat image to be gone bt it lasted for a minute.. i went home then in dat same day ive been acting strange ive started praying like im cleaning someone so dark my prayer is a different language bt in my mind i can hear a translation me leading him in the light.. my family noticed whats happening to me they thot i needed a medication.. and it was found out that im under shock and deppression so i was admitted they cut my connextions to everyone to my twinflame wd out saying a word i disappeared.. and it freaking hurt.. i almost got crazy when we separated i was depressed for 2 mos. my God.. and believe it or not its been 7 mos. already yet i can still hear myself crying and i cant help it when i sleep.. d pain is visible dat my family wont let me contact any friends expexally him they blame him for what happened to me.

        i wanna let him go cause know he suffered enough to and his wife loves him so much.. bt u know when i sleep i recieve explanations in why im so drawn to darkness before its because my soul is grieving, when i started to disobey my parents dat was d same year he got married..

        i thought im crazy until i search d net and it connects…
        im even pleading my mom 6 mos ago to let me go saying i need to balance it cause it would got worst.. and im saying ds 4 elements. arch angels -gabriel like his wd me dat day making me strong..

        pls. dont think im crazy i truthfully experienced this.. i never opened this to any1 coz im afraid no one would believe me not even my psychiatrist..😑


      4. Katberine says:

        Hi. I would really like to have a conversation with you…I am Catholic as well and I am trying so hard to make sense of all of this. I could use all and any help please.


      5. Giorgio says:

        Dear Katherine,

        What I am about to tell you might NOT resonate with you but since you are Catholic then it should make some sense.
        For all those others who have met their Twins as well, it will be a confusion to NOT accept that meeting
        OUR TWIN FLAME is, (As I see it) a great gift. It is also “Work” that this amazing creator has asked of “US” as Twin Flames to perform as people with recognizing the Divine “LOVE and Passion” of what true life in this creation can bring to us.

        I can only speak for myself and my journey as far as NOW.

        I have been through many things as many Twin Flames have been through. I have also realized that the Number One thing that we need to do is to have “Absolute Faith” in God through “Jesus” and “The Holy Virgin Mary”.

        All other religions have fallen short of belief, Faith, and Direction. The Devil makes his work thoroughly and believe me, satan
        does not stop or rest to give anyone the chance to have faith in “Jesus”.

        satan is on a mission which is “disturbing” and very “Evil”.
        As you can see I do not spell his name in capital letters either… sounds stupid but I will tell you why.
        Before saying anything else first, I assure you that Jesus is the path to Eternal life.
        You Must believe what I am saying as this is my experience to date and NOTHING can touch you if you believe Truly within your
        Heart and “SOUL”.

        I had met someone when I joined this site. I was convinced that “she” was my Twin Flame.
        I had no desire for anyone else but her SOUL. No one would even come near tempting me in any way to
        Change what I believed. What you feel now for this man, I felt for this woman and I assure you it was not a joke as
        I was a very dedicated man to my wife then. I knew this lady for 26years and I was convinced that she was my Twin Flame.

        I got divorced and I suffered for over 12 years during my split and my ex-wife demolished me financially and hurt me
        so much that I even lost the right to see any of my children.. still to date I don’t.

        So, to keep this as short as I can, I published a book which helped me to keep me as sane as possible during the ordeal.
        However, I also decided to go to Europe every second month from one side of the world to the other in doing so.

        I decided to go home where churches are many and I did that because since I was very young I was always close to “GOD”.
        I thought that it would help me get some peace and tranquility… like going into “exile”…. away from the mess and worldly pain
        that divorce sometimes gives to some through the corrupt and evil ways that the Law subjects one too.

        Nevertheless, I got to my home and I felt this connection to go to church every day. Pray every day, twice and three times
        at least let alone my mind always with GOD, Jesus and the Holy Virgin Mary.
        I became so dedicated that this Lady I met was the one and only I my life until I my death… whenever that will be.

        In this church, that belonged to a Dominican Monastery, I prayed in front of this painting of Jesus holding a Lamb as he
        Opens this gate full of sheep yet surrounded by wolves outside the enclosure.

        I prayed for myself in another chapel, still within this Monastery, where the Holy Virgin Mary appeared to a hunter a long time ago before the church was built. Well, the church was built on this piece of land because of the Holy Mary’s

        Well, now you tell me why are you telling me all of this?
        The reason why is this…….. Faith …. Divine Love and Mercy from GOD through Jesus.
        Pray the Divine Mercy as I do with my real Twin Flame… This twin Flame journey is about praying for OTHERS, not the gift of just finding a partner. If you are meant to be with this Guy, trust me, you will be if you are meant to be.
        But NOT for any other reason but prayers first and foremost. Your meeting with this GUY is real. It will direct you to
        do what you did not do before. What you never prayed for before and live a life of Jesus to pray for others more than ever before.

        If you are happy with your husband, stay with him. Your Twin Flame is a message from GOD that you can understand true, Divine Love that GOD sent to you.

        Jesus said to us, “You can only serve ONE master”

        What GOD joined no one can divide. You and your Twin Flame will never ever be apart.. ever.

        One day I was in such deep prayers that I got locked up in the main church. My devotion to getting my Twin Flame back was my only goal.

        You see, my Twin Flame left after eight years of a relationship in which she and I were adulterers. No matter how you look at this, there is adultery in question even if there is nothing happening sexually, there is a strong will to be devoted to this Twin Flame…
        Without question… As you are experiencing now still. I am NOT judging you either because we believe in the Sacraments and the
        Old Testament Commandments as well.

        I prayed to get her back and I use to ask Jesus in this portrait, “Please, get me my twin Flame back”.

        About another five months passed and I was feeling that nothing was ever going to happen. My twin Flame was gone, running away with her task at hand which was NOT a good one, I thought either.

        We have NO right to judge anyone … No one. GOD is the one and only judge NOT US.

        We can meet a false Twin Flame and one will not know unless they ask the almighty what is the next step from where
        We are at the time.

        So, I started to pray for others and for those in need, Sinners, this in Purgatory and those who do not believe that
        GOD is full of love and forgiveness.

        I have now found what I believe to be my True Twin Flame who is so much like me. Fundamentally even more like me.
        She prays like me and we do pray together and our lives are becoming more into one more than ever.
        There are some differences but only because of my Masculine and feminine as she is as well.

        I am now following “Santa Faustina’s” diary. Jesus told “Santa Faustina” what to write and what to say as part of his merciful message to this world. Get a copy and read.

        “Pray at three O’clock every day if you can as Jesus asked Santa Faustina in her diaries, as this was the most painful
        moment of his GIFT to the US to save us from evil and all our impurities of sin.”

        I have realized that it is NOT the Twin Flame that is important BUT what we do with our own Lives.

        You see, we are energy and GOD is Pure, Forgiving, Merciful and all the Good things we have in our lives not the bad
        temptations and diversions that satan tries to take us to.

        We ARE PURE energy as well that is why GOD lives in the US… All of us.

        I have found Peace within My GOD and I pray as I imagine that I can GO to the Fifth Dimension where No one can touch me.
        No satan can touch me when I pray as I surround myself with Archangel Michael, The Holy Virgin Mary, JESUS AND ALL
        the saints I pray to. I pray for others now NOT myself much.
        I prayed for myself for over 18 months almost two years to get my wish, which was to get my Twin Flame back, after she left me for her own needs.
        She was my false Twin Flame but she prepared me for what was to come… The arrival of my True Twin Flame with whom I am with now.

        The Fifth Dimension is where eternity reigns. “YOU MUST BELIEVE” and ask “Jesus” to help you find the TRUE path where Jesus wants you to go.

        My advise is this:
        You need to ask Jesus what he wants you to do.
        satan will trouble you but Jesus and the Holy Virgin Mary will not let you down ever.

        This was MOST helpful to me:
        Ask Santa Faustina to help you find the way through Archangel Michael and do this…
        Go into the “Merkabah” and invite No One but Jesus and the ones I mentioned above to be with you and your Twin Flame.

        You MUST pray for others Katherine, there is No other way.

        Love, Peace and Harmony


      6. doucejonna says:

        Thank you Georgio for being there for our fellow soul sister Katherine. You continue to be a blessing for the twin flame community with your beautiful insights and guidance. ❤️️


      7. Sophia says:

        So very powerful and on point with what I’m currently experiencing. My twin and I are separated by circumstances like family, work, and distance. He’s in Nigeria and I am in the United states. We met while I was driving Uber. I never imagined that day would forever change my life. This relationship has been the catalyst for many positive changes in my life but in the short 7 months has caused me a great deal of pain. We’re in the runner chaser stage though we are both aware of this. I’m more spiritual and he’s more intellectual of course. I miss my dear twin and can feel the pain in my heart due to the separation. Thanks so much for shedding your wisdom and shinning light on the twin flame dynamic. It has tremendously improved my mood and also my Hope’s of a reunion. I will let God be the driving force in this relationship and pray to the Holy spirit for peace and guidance.

        Many blessings and plenty of 💖🤗💖


    2. Deranged says:

      OMG i feel your pain so bad… I’ve been trying to run away, cut it off, ignore it and etc.. I’m not looking for any special kind of true love. i’m perfectly happy with the regular monotone relationships everyone gets involved in nowadays. All this flame stuff is really an extra distraction from fufilling my real goals in life and it’s just excruciating. Especially when there’s really no meaning nor benefit in it for me. I don’t need a special love to feel happy; infact the only reason i even chased initially was because i thought there was a divine purpose we were meant to accomplish. But now i see I can accomplish that purpose alone, and if by any means PLEASE RELEASE ME FROM THIS IRRELEVANT TORMENT.

      If anyone finds a way to sever the cords please let me know, i’ve heard hypnotherapists work, but i’m scared they could screw my brains over even more… again if anyone finds a way to cut the cords, forget them entirely Please do let me know

      Thank you


      1. jenncrystal says:

        No no no… You guys got it all wrong. It’s impossible to cut cords as much as its impossible to cut yourself into half. Because your twin IS your half. It’s not the other person, it is YOU!

        The pain you felt is not from the connection per se. The pain is simply an awakening of your consciousness to either your own deep, seated psychological /spiritual pain or pain from your surrounding world.

        It is not necessary for you to pursue your twin flame romantically, but it is necessary for you to do something about your life. “Pain is a call to action”. You’ve been called to deal with something you’ve been ignoring or trying to suppress, whether it’s a childhood trauma or world problems.

        These things can’t be ignored because ultimately we carry it with us, the burden is in our souls, in our bodies, and the universe ask that we clear it. Don’t focus on how your twin is affecting you because they are only a reflection of yourself. Focus on how you must better yourself and understand this pain and how you are causing it to yourself and to others through your perceptions and actions.

        By all means work with coaches, psychotherapists, get yourself qualified ones, but forget about cutting cords. Cutting your own flesh will only hurt yourself.


      2. Hi Deranged 🙂

        Around ten minutes before I read your post, I too in my mind asked to be released from this torment!!

        Reading your post, you sound like me too. However, I’m also up and down like a yo-yo of late. Particularly as I’m having random bumps into this person again. Recently I’m almost certain they? even came and stood right in front of me, blocking my path past them (I didn’t recognise them, a long story, but my mind was so full of the rest of my life totally collapsing and tumbling down on itself, like the Tower tarot card. To this person, I know I am the tarot card The Devil/Temptation. We met in a garden, twice in another type of garden, and then recently, at a place where I’m ‘fuel’ – to fire up their temptation again? I’ve chosen to be ‘temptation’ and they are ignoring that I am this. They clearly are very strong and loyal to their 3D relationship. So again I ask to be released from the torment and to not be temptation If I’m only temptation to them and they to me, I must be wrong and we are not part of a TF connection? It’s also the torment of not knowing if we are, or are not TFs. Apart from astral dreams, I do not share telepathy with this person, or feel the energy of this person, so that also leads me to question if we are TFs?

        Please may I be released from this torment too….

        Much Love,



      3. Hi Deranged 🙂

        Further to my earlier post, (I can’t see where to edit, so am having to post this separately), I’m still confused as to why they?? didn’t speak to me when they?? blocked me from walking past them. They?? (a random person I thought) said something that got my attention, I looked over, replied but kept walking and looked away. Then they?? were standing directly in front of me. Had I recognized them, we would have spoken?? This all feels too much like mind-games than TF connection…. (The mind-games: that feels more like my ex-partner/there’s a possibility it could have been my ex that was standing in front of me instead?? – I doubt I’ll ever know for sure…..)

        Much Love,



      4. Echosofeternity says:

        What you wrote is exactly what I believed, thought and now feel.I don’t even know what to do.some days the pain is excruciating. So disillusioned. So sad. He told me I was his twin flame and I had never heard of such a thing. I wish I never had. All the beliefs of being brought together for a higher purpose have been shattered. I was achieving higher consciousness long before he came into my life.well on a spiritual path. He made me believe he was as well. He wanted my light. Like a vampire. And I gave in to the yearning after a seven month separation.i was a fool.I am 11 years older than him. I should have known better. I’ve learned just because someone is a medium doesn’t guarantee spiritual harmony in a relationship. Remember your twin flame is your exact opposite self. It’s all that you dislike and reject now sitting on the couch ,sleeping in the bed, a cross the table. If I could give just one word if advice to someone considering a relationship with a “twin” RUN.


      5. Giorgio says:

        Dear Echosofeternity,
        Be strong, and get stronger Dear Echosofeternity, Be strong and rise above all this sorrow. This is a beautiful journey that you have been chosen to be part of from the Source. Look broader and closer in the picture as you listen to your Heart and Soul NOT your mind.

        Go into the “Merkabah” with your TF’s Soul and stay with him when you are upset. Do not get angry but be humble and compassionate towards him for he is YOU. You are HIM.
        You are both mirror of each other.

        NO ONE Can come into the “Merkabah” with you. Ibis a holy place. Invite your Soul Twin to come in with you. Hug him, love him, and hug him with your soul and speak with him about things. He shares your soul and you are allowed to do this. You will know if he is oblong or not. As much as he rejects you on the 3 D plains of illusion, he is your mirror part of your own Soul.

        Understand your purpose on this journey. Look within and work on yourself, then he will come to you without you even trying. Believe it and use your mutual consciousness on this with belief.
        Trust in God that he is the king of Kings and norther is more potent than the true Divine Source. Take no notice of any negativity, contradictions or evil thoughts. Satan has workers here as well trying tomato you doubt and surrender to the evil world of the Demons. Work and reflect on the good things you have, for you are an angel that has been chosen to do work for eternity not just here.
        If you concentrate on your purpose think that you can be with your TF for eternity rather than be too “Wanting” here on these plains as well. Yes, I understand but if you SURRENDER, God knows you are worthy and strong enough to handle whatever the purpose is. We must be stronger than anything else that can challenges us. Then to re union will be even stronger. You Must both be strong to withstand and win the battle ahead that we are all being prepared for.

        understand YOU first then your TF will come for he is YOU as well. Once you vibrate on the same level he will come. There is no certainty but the certainty is only in your own hands if you work appropriately with your spirit guides and the archangels and all higher angels of the Source from heaven.
        Hell will interfere as much as they can to win you over. Do you want to be other side? I know you don’t and in working on yourself you will not only win but you will bring your TF with you as well.
        Remember they want your Soul not your body. Your body goes to dust, Your Soul lives n forever in hell or in heaven. You have already chosen but you are a new enrolled in the army of God.

        You are NOT alone. XXXX

        Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


      6. Juliana says:

        Hi..i totally understand what you are going through.
        Please do this meditation, releasing karmic chain.

        Nearing the end of the meditation, picture your twin flame and surrendering to him with grace.
        This is not so much of cutting chords but clearing your attachment which is bordering on obsession.
        I tried it and it really helps me.
        Love and light.


      7. KaRen Burke says:

        I am troubled reading this I am a Christian and met this twintjis twin flame he was a seer in the spirit realm and the story is to bizarre to go into but when we seperated there were people who work in the spirit realm that went in and severed this soul tie. In the spirit realm they described exactly what they were seeing I was convinced the devil was attaching us because of adultery so I asked then yes please sever the cord and they did … so what do doea that mean now


    3. Aprodite says:

      You know when you love someone,you will let him go..you will let him see the other parts of the world,you will accept him as he is,you will not expect from him,you will not judge him,no one is perfect,everyone committed a mistake. Let him find his true self ..let God guide both of you..because in your heart he is always there..you can feel him,you know his happiness,his pains is your pain.Trust in God and trust in him.Love and understanding will give you an inner peace and happiness.You know I love a man but he is married. Seeing him happy in his family would be enough for me..I will not try to own him if this can cause a sufferings to others..I let God handle everything..I get strength from God,and I thank him because I’m able to accept it with all my heart.And I find happiness now…


      1. Giorgio says:

        Dear Aphrodite

        The Earth “NEEDS” US. The ultimate thing in this journey is to better the “SELF” and through the better self one lures the TF towards re-union automatically.

        God is NOT hard, We are the ones who must understand the gift that has been given to us as a selected few to do good things for humanity not just for us as TF. There is a lot of work and to lead by example: this what we need to understand. When we were selected as TF to meet, we need to understand our role and that we where destined to re-union not to fluff around with the third dimension relationship issues. This was NOT the reason why you where selected. Re-union is the reason for it, but it depends if you are capable of resisting the challenges and win over the fight with the veil forces that try their best to keep us apart from uniting with OUR TF. The more TF unite, the more the evil workers get angry and upset.

        The battle of the light workers and the evil within the Matrix goes on. We need to go to heaven and show that eternity is what God has called us for not to go to the edges of hell . Realise your role as TF and your work to enlighten and help others who need help to understand why we are living in this world. What does the third dimension mean and the higher dimensions importance. Learning is the path to enlightenment and re-union with our TF.
        One needs to be better than anyone else to be able to be a “Ray of Light ” to others. We need to be more aware of what is our “Purpose “as TF, in this beautiful journey, rather than wasting time on things like “Criticising our TF, Or trying to detach from them, or even trying to sever all connections with them” because it is too painful on this path with so much negativity”. it is this negativity that is keeping the TF from uniting. WE need to understand this.

        So if you really appreciate what God is doing for you and appreciate your role as a TF, then stop the blame on God. Stop trying to play the “Martyr” :God is the light and the path of the truth. God is infallible and infinite as well as very LOVING with COMPASSION. We are the ones who choose the hard road to success….. we will all be successful if we realise the messages that we get. Open your eyes my friends, you are gifted and stronger than many, that is why you are chosen to be on this journey. Ask the Archangels for help “Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Ariel etc…”. That is why doucjonna made this site, so it becomes like a meeting place where we can meet and encourage each other to empower our colleagues who are on the same journey.

        Work on clearing your deficiencies and better your Soul situations, eradicating old Soul contracts and clearing your environment, your childhood issues and the many lives of reincarnations that we had, they MUST all be cleared and understood to be able to create a smooth path as possible to re-union with our TF. Even after re-union we must continue to enlighten and better our Souls to become more empowered and stronger to understand each other more and more. We need to do this to understand “our roles more” and “God more”. Understand our purpose and release the anger within, replacing it with LOVE and COMPASSION.

        God, The Source is LOVE and compassion.

        Unless you become as pure as you can do, re-union is staying away from the “DOCK” of re-union.

        Better yourselves and stop worrying about your TF, they too can feel what you think, do and feel. They are “US” one soul and one thought as well as one life journey.
        They are US, we are ONE. We need to clear the path for the Soul to become even more united as One Soul. We are never disconnected, we are always in union but to become united on these plains we must do the hard work and enjoy it with LOVE, Compassion. Understanding of what the true purpose of our journey is to earn the pass to eternity… it really needs to be what is truly the purity of our Soul with our TF. God talks to us with numbers, messages instances and other messages and signs… we must try and understand what the tools are that we need to finish the work needed for re-union. One must have all the training and experience to be able to withstand the hard obstacles that the Demons and Evil spirits put in front of us as obstacles.
        Understand your role as a TF. Responsibility, tenacity, LOVE and Compassion are your tools. Eradicate jealousy, greed, criticism, hatred and all negativity from within… then you will understand that you are on the right path to re-union and the journey becomes clearer and less painful. the more work one does, the more the pain reduces and becomes LOVE and Compassion.

        It is the ticket to eternity not just re-union. Through your Source you find the path to eternity.

        Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


      2. Giorgio says:

        Dear Aprodite

        You are right, so right and your words are beautiful as well as they are spoken from your heart. One needs to totally surrender to the creator for through him we show trust and the love, true Divine love if we respect our TF and their wishes. Yes…. Rejection is hurtful on the third dimension plains… However.. If having a good time and if also being free to do what our TF wishes to do is what our TF wishes, then of course that it is the right thing to do.

        They are NEVER APART from us. We should NOT let the three dimensional experiences hurt us. Although the reality is that these decisions do is because we need to learn to let go of possessiveness , jealousy perhaps or learn about abandonment.

        I agree with you wholeheartedly. It is not up to us to judge. Whatever happens it does NOT happen as a coincidence. Neither are the ones to judge. Controlling our feelings is our duty and it also helps OUR TF as well as they too have their own demons. We can help them by purifying OUR SOUL. It is what is most importsnt … It the most sacred thing that we both share.

        No matter what…. We share Divine Love. God I’d ALL… It is through “HIM” that ALL is possible. A miracle ? Yes it is possible… It goes without saying… Faith, Love and Belief.

        Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief Xxx



      3. Io says:

        Right on yo. Let go. Love unconditionally. This hard to do when first starting out. But it’s the eventual outcome weather you fight it or not.

        No expectations. Just love. They will always return to what is there home


    4. Cyndie says:

      There’s only 2 possibilities at this point about this fucking twin flame BULLSHIT.
      The real phenomena is so rare that it only happens to about 150 thousand people out of 7 billuon of this overpopulated shit hole of a planet.
      So either
      1. There is an experiment going on that our government is involved in perhaps with bad ET’s to trick people and get them into a certain emotional state so they can extract their DNA or something or. . . . .
      2. Those in power do not want real twin flames together because they raise the collective consciousness of humanity at a time when these Satinists are doing everything they can to lower it and sites like this are here to keep people buying into it and monitor who really is a twin flame so they can interfere while all these wanna be”s thibk they are when really they’re just obsessed or something


      1. Giorgio says:

        Read my article to Aphrodite, you are a TF and you are chosen. So show how good and worthy YOU are and be kind to yourself first and through this you will need to get rid of your ANGER and all other negativities. You are strong and capable to be more than just of LOW VIBRATION. rise to the heights of the higher dimensions. Learn and educate yourself, show how worthy and resilient you are for your TF to return and re-unite with you in the flesh. this is certainly not what you project to be in your adjectives and words.

        Love, Harmony and Peace with belief XXX


      2. Katberine says:

        Oh my gosh you just made me laugh so hard and I haven’t laughed and understood exactly what someone was feeling behind what they were saying at such a deep level. I’m reading beautiful posts that I understand and inspire me and give me strength and to see your exasperation helps me too because I feel it


      3. Io says:

        Hahaha.! Gold.

        Who do you think is controlling twin flames ? 😂😂😂


    5. retrogurl says:

      Hi Saskia I am just replying to your comment about being asked to sever the cord. I have also been asked, and the reason is because he is in a relationship, however over the last two months, I have had to do some major spiritual work, including my past lives as well as his. I never heard the term twin flame until two months ago when I started my spiritual awakening, and have been fast tracked through very quickly. I was married to my soulmate for 15 yrs when he had a freak accident and died At work. My twin flame came into my life 18 months later and we had an intense but respectful relationship for four years before we separated 15 months ago. I have had visions and have been shown and told reunion is close. It has been an emotional rollercoaster but I am pleased and proud of myself for what I have achieved in a short amount of time. I am aware of my path, and have developed a telepathic connection, as well as learning reiki and distance healing. I am so very grateful to my guides, as they will tell you everything you need to know to move forward. Ask them a question, and they will give you the answer, but you have to be spiritually open. The problem I have now is that My twin flame Is not happy In his relationship And I experience all the negative energy he feels when they are together. I have tried clearing it, but it doesn’t work and the only thing I can do is keep calm and carry on. I Just wish there was some way to numb the pain and release the energy, so I can function more efficiently. Today I was pretty much bed ridden…it just zapped me. This could go on for god knows how long and I don’t want to be bedridden every time they are together, so it would be nice if the connection could at least be dulled while the other twin is in a relationship …would definitely be more bearable. I hope this helps and if you have been told to sever the cord, then that is what you must do to start your inner work. You can still communicate with your twin’s higher self in the other realm… Good luck and much love.


      1. TF Love says:

        I love how everyone here is pretty much experiencing the same things. I, too just to add to the list. I totally was never aware of anything like this. I now know who my TF is and won’t know either if we are to fully be united in this lifetime or not. As circumstances block us to do so at this point. I have been working on my own issues. When we were together I noticed the energies he put out increased mine also and we were totally synced. (I have Kundalini all day, and night we are connected). Yes, we have that cord which attaches us – no matter where we are there is no distance between us. 1 yr ago he stopped all communications so we could have time for ourselves. He has recently started communicating and it is I wish I could say personal but he doesn’t feel comfortable about talking about himself. So, on that note I have to remain calm and patient if anything else is to occur. I have so much love for him and he has yet to experience that. Taking it slow and seeing what comes next is a great anticipation of mine. He himself is spiritual and has a gift to give the world. I think that for us both to work together would be quite beneficial for all.


      2. Juliana says:

        Hi..i totally understand what you are going through.
        Please do this meditation, releasing karmic chain.

        Nearing the end of the meditation, picture your twin flame and surrendering to him with grace.
        This is not so much of cutting chords but clearing your attachment which is bordering on obsession.
        I tried it and it really helps me.
        Love and light.


    6. blxxkshxxp says:

      What is Source?


      1. jenncrystal says:

        Hi blxxkshxxp, Source is another word for God, like Universe, and the Collective Consciousness. ❤


      2. Giorgio says:

        Dear Twin Flame,

        The closer you get to The Source “God” the easier things get. This is truly Divine Love you have and anyone who wishes to get away from it, CANNOT. That is why it hurts, not because of our twin flame. We need to work on “OUR” Soul which connects both bodies. Bodies within the 3Dimension and the Soul 5Dimension.

        Once TF understand the purpose of what it all means and why we are here, then it will all unfold even more the more we die. Every time we die, we rise higher and higher to understand, surrender and accept that we are destined to union even more. Don’t need to hope just pray to cleanse our souls from all that is keeping us apart. Getting Closer to God is the only path to union.

        Harmony, Peace and Love with belief XXX

        Giorgio XXX


  3. Francesca says:

    My twin and I have been in the cycle relationship for over 30 years, he passed away last year of Cancer, he was 78 and I am 50. Our age difference allowed us to live in separate generations and learn from this, but in the end, when he became ill, i knew it before he did, and we dedicated ourselves to each other in his last year in this life. We finally knew that we had no more chances and this was the last time to be on earth together.

    His death nearly killed me, i wanted to join him so badly. But I picked up the Holy Bible and began reading from the beginning and have found a profound calm and joy and knowledge that we will again be reunited.

    This post confirms everything that I have so far understood in the scriptures, thank you for writing it.

    God Bless, Francesca


    1. Toura Hooper says:

      This is my biggest fear. I have known for over 17 years that I will be the one who takes care of my twin flame when he becomes ill or hurt. I am the chaser and he feels our connection deeply but resists it. I in turn did not want to be attractive to another man so I ruined my credit, gained weight and used my life to serve others and allowed my own life to be used up. When he reached out to me this time around, I was not ready for him and wanted to settle down without waiting for me to get my life in order. He has met someone new now and says that she is his center, his world. I will use this pain I’m feeling to better myself and to be ready the next time around. Before reading the other comments, I was ready to just let him go and to meet and marry a soulmate. I still may do that but I will put away the notion of severing the cords with my twin flame. I am 42 and he is 53 and I feel like we are running out of time to do any good on this earth. I will not dwell on this though. I have prayed and will obey the instructions of the Holy Spirit this time around. I will love my twin and I will be ready for whatever happens. Thank you for posting this. I have felt pain deeper than I ever have in my life. I don’t know how I will carry both of our feelings but I do know that I will just have to trust the Holy Spirit and take things one step and one day at a time.

      Thank you,


  4. indigoflowercom says:

    Wonderful blog! I believed I met my twin… But circumstances and incidents have just kept interfering. It always has! I therefore no longer want to believe in this. I have had, the chord cut twice already by very reputable healers, they picked up one or two other chords as well which was definitely broken, because it hasn’t returned in over 2 years. However, the cord with my so-called twin, just keeps coming back. There is always just a connection (messages etc), especially when I’m not in a good space, and then afterwards, things are even much worse than before, because all sorts of things go wrong, small accidents, just all in all bad luck. And then I feel as though I am punished, for letting this person in once again. After guilt sets in, I fall into depression. So therefore, I do not want to believe that this person could be my twin. Although the signs have been there for a very long time, even before I became aware of all this. Psychics have said that this person is, but I just don’t believe it anymore, I am aware that there are fake twins out there. I do not want to think, dream or have any contact whatsoever anymore. I can’t keep on having this connection broken, only to return 2 months later again. I tried this time round to not respond, but then bang, I did, and now, this person has pulled back again. I feel horrible all over again. It was never a cat and mouse game, we always said exactly how we felt, but like I said external forces forced us apart, and I suppose we never had complete closure. Any suggestions as to how break this completely? If the cord can be made weaker for a month or two, then surely it cannot be a twin, normally when it is cut, I have nightmares and I get physically ill, then it gets better only to return again.


    1. Giorgio says:

      Twin Souls: Silence Is Golden: Purpose of The Silence

      No one has the power to sever Twin Flames. ” you said sever for two months or so, weaken the soul for two months or so? Dream on, the pain comes ten fold. It is your own growing and spiritual development that you are looking at, YOU, not your Twin flame’s part. YOU are ONE always ONE. Mirror Twins. Work so you can reunion. It is POSSIB:E. YES, it is because when we talk about reunion we are talking about a physical reunion; the spiritual is already united.

      Stop trying to be negative.

      Love, love ,love , love, love, love, love, love and give more and more Love, anymore Love?. This is all you need to LIVE in theist DIVINE LOVE . Let us LOVE our TWIN Flame.

      Work hard, believe and have faith if don’t want to delay your Twin Flame reunion. It CAN BE DONE. Be strong not weak, be live Not Doubt, read and educate yourself and let your Twin Flame come to you when you prepare yourself first to let your other side of your soul long to come to you. Read this site attic and doucejonna’s articles as well. Stop asking for opinion – Everyone is unique.

      Love, Harmoy and Peace with Belief XXX

      Giorgio xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello Dear Giorgio 🙂

        You ‘feel’ somewhat Zen/chilled out here and on the other post I read recently entered by yourself 🙂

        Much Love to you,



      2. crazylady 2 says:

        Giorgio I am intrigued by you. I love your words your insights. you are wise and I’m interested in your opinion. I work hard on my chakras as well as my tf I cleanse my aura as well as his I meditate and I also meditate in the violet flame. I most recently was meditating in the bath and I told the devil and all of his demons that in the name of Jesus Christ they must stay away from me my family and my tf when I opened my eyes there was a shadow on the wall. It was the shampoo bottle but on the top part of the shadow I watched what appeared to be a mouth opening it was animated so to speak I rubbed my eyes and focused in on this shadow. It happened 3 more x. ????? Is all I felt. Giorgio I am empath clairvoyant at times and telepathic but my telepathy is like WOW with my tf but after seeing this I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing?? I’ve recently decided to avoid my tf. I run into him all the time well atleast a couple of x a month. ofcourse in the beginning I was like Wtf how did that happen but then I embraced our beautiful synchronicity but now im like uuuuh ok creepy girl so I have totally avoided him and will not stop to say hello. Its been about a month now and I’m picking up on him more and more everyday. So I guess what I’m wondering is what do you think about the shadow and also is avoiding my tf the right thing to do. I love him and respect him and I’m sure he feels the connection probably doesn’t label it as a tf if he even knows what tf are but the more I avoid him the more I pick up on him. In a way I feel as if im being manipulative but it didn’t start that way. At 1st I felt I was being respectful to avoid him but now that I know it’s bothering him I’m like oh no. I would never hurt him. Never. But our separation phase has been excruciating so I finally got to a place of acceptance of our beautiful gift and feel blessed and spiritually empowered and now I just don’t know. I know he’s bothered by not seeing me but I feel for me it’s not that I don’t want to see him I always want to see him I guess I’m just trying to be respectful. If you have time id really love your thoughts and opinions. ❤s thoughts and prayers


      3. Giorgio says:

        Dear Crazylady2

        I must say this first. I have a lot of respect towards doucejonna and i am hoping that she would not mind me speaking about this.

        In answer to your questions I have read, contacted and spoken to, filtered a lot of information about all of this and thank to so so many TF who have united and those who have not, all who have written and experienced many hours, years and decades of pain and suffering I have this to offer. I am on my journey as well and I have been directed to do things as well after my TF and I separated. I have surrendered and I am stronger than ever with my creator. Keep this in mind when you feel lonely or confused. You are one of US… OK

        First and foremost –
        1. It is my opinion only that I speak.There is only one TF to all who have or meet their TF. (TWIN FLAME)
        2. Never ever think that you can hurt your TF deliberately. It is like hitting yourself continuously in the face as you look in the mirror. Hence – how appropriate “Mirror of my Soul”.
        3. Never ever ever ignore your TF in this dimension unless your TF has asked you to be left alone or they need to separate due to their need to be left alone. Give him the curtesy of the space that he needs. – My TF asked me to let her go.She is the most dearly loved as she is my mirror Soul. I want no other. I had to let her go. It was time to operate and surrender to move to higher vibrations and mature in preparation for our re-union. I do what you do, every day, many times a day “Clearing, asking the Archangels Michael, Gabrielle, Raffaella and Ariel and more, as well as my most dear to me, from the highest of the spiritual Realm, to assist me and help me with my desires.
        4. You must have belief and faith in the Source, God, The Holy Spirit and whoever you believe can hear your requests. The Sanskrit is based on the trinity…..“I am telling you now, they are with you if you truly surrender to the highest Source and believe that they can help you. Don’t be too hard on yourself about all this. You are chosen and gifted to have meet your TF “Believe in yourself”. However, it is also a path that you MUST take on board with a lot of dedication. Do a lot of self cleansing. This is to purify your own Soul to prepare for your re-union. You must cleanse your Soul and in doing so, you cleanse your TF’s Soul, so your TF will cleanse themselves with you, through you and they will feel you. YOU SHARE THE ONE SOUL, You are never apart, ever. You dance together within the higher dimensions.
        5. Stop worrying too much (Yes, I understand how hard it is for you to do so, but this is what you Must BASE your desires on – The Divine Love you have for your Creator “FIRST AND FOREMOST”. He created you and your TF from the SAME ONE SOUL and how much more honourable can that be. To top it all up, The Source lets you meet your TF.
        6. This journey is NOT a joke in any way. It is NOT as simple as we think it is. It is NOT a game of punishment or pain. This is actually a trial and an opportunity that the Master has put in front of US to prove to OURSELVES how much WE actually LOVE OURSELVES AND OUR CREATOR. For the Higher Good.
        7. The Source has a plan. Ask to be guided to what your purpose is. ASK, What is your role in this amazing journey that the almighty has put on offer for you . Things do not happen to you – They happen “FOR YOU”
        8. Your TF feels you whether he understands this connection as a TF connection or not. IT is for him to find out. If at any stage you get to discuss with him what you know, then by all means do so. However if you start to tell him, such in depth reflections, you might scare him away unnecessarily. My TF knows very well who we truly are. BUT SHE NEEDS HER SPACE AND TIME TO REFLECT AND REALISE THE PURPOSE OF OUR RE-UNION AND JOURNEY.
        9. I am at A different stage to you however, the main important thing about all this is “Your Journey”. No, it is NOT a lonely journey, although it could be if you think from a third dimension insight. “You must think from the point that you need to do so much work, if you truly love your TF with such DIVINITY, that NO work is hard enough, long enough or painful enough. YOUR TF IS THE ULTIMATE IN LOVE, Passion and SOUL companion, that there is NO WAY in any DIMENSION that you could ever replace him. (We also, all have a Male and Female side within us.) We are each other.
        10. When you cleanse ask the Archangel Michael to clear all that is interfering for your re-union. Clear any jealousy within YOU, any Flows within YOU, any lack of love within YOU, any past contracts that YOU have made with anyone that is impeding you from re-union, any misunderstandings or misinterpretations that you might have between you and your TF and vice versa as well. Whatever you clear when you ask the Archangels to clear for you, you ask to do the same for your TF as well. LOVE HIM and send him passion and understanding… even if you are not on talking terms. LOVE yourself and say to him ‘I am so Sorry, forgive me, I love you, Thank you” (Even if you have done nothing, do it say it.) Invite your ONE SOUL inside the “MerKabah “Tell him that you love him, even hug him if it is something that you feel you can do. It is the only place where no other can enter when you are with him, even any spirits can’t. It is the violet flame of love of the highest spirit and the Source.Imagine it and it is done. do it before you sleep and you can connect well as well as you can travel to him in your sleep.

        11. Your TF is NEVER EVER AWAY FROM YOU. You are together at all times within the higher dimensions. That is the most potent of all. If you wish to re-union you need to clear the path of all bad Karma, all templates all interferences that there are. Surrender in my eyes is this “To Show The dedication and respect as well as unconditional Divine Love towards Our Creator FIRST AND FOREMOST”. It is through the Source that we must get this miracle to happen. The Source knows all things… how could he not… He created all this and gave us a choice. We must choose him, before anything that is below him.
        12. Ego, greed, jealousy, lies, hatred, all addictions… even wanting your TF is the biggest addiction if you choose them before you choose your creator…. it is NOT right. I read all literature and Jesus said “You must come through me to get to my Father ”.
        13. There is a lot more than what meets the eye in this, however the most amazing thing in this journey is this: we get closer to the Source than ever. Praying and dedicating our time and Soul as well as go through excruciating Pain to be asking for and be reunited with the divine love that is OUR ONLY TF. I adore my TF through My creator. Look up Cassady Cayne as well.
        14. How magnificently orchestrated is this to show to ourselves and our creator what we can do for LOVE. How honourable is this that We dedicate our Passion, Hard work, endless Passion and desires to be with the one and only TF, after our creator who means so much to us.
        15. Our TF is US, and we are The Divine LOVE itself, through no one else but OUR creator who created US out of LOVE nothing else.
        16. When we look at the world today and reflect how we have been treating each other and the killings within this dimension, the suffering and deaths of so many children and adults, beheadings and massacres through the centuries, we can only look in the mirror with disgust.
        17. So my Dear TF, be proud to do as much work to earn your TF back to re-union as WE MUST all prove to be ready, worthy and strong to face the challenges ahead of us as TF. You have been chosen to work and change the world in this great awakening. The Quatrains -NostraDamus and all the past enlightened prophets, and philosophers have not written their literature for nothing, it has not been written in vain.
        18. We must believe in after life and OUR creator. We all have choices and to be with your TF is not in vain. You are a powerful entity of Divine Love. You and most of the TF will re-union if we do the work necessary. Our TF will realise it soon enough that there is a purpose in this journey, physically and spiritually.
        19. Feel what you need to do as you ask your Source to give you guidance and direction. Signs and messages, triple numbers will come to you. Don’t rush but work diligently and believe that you need to think in a different dimension not within this 3 illusional dimension. Dedicate yourself to the Spiritual 5 and 7 dimensions. Talk to the Source and have faith.
        20. Lastly, you will keep seeing your TF as a sign of love and the attraction is your calling. All is already planned so you must have faith in your source that it will all come when it should. You MUST do the work on yourself though. You must both be ready to “BLEND” when it is time. Stop worrying about the time on these Plains… surrender to the Source first and the higher Source will provide for you in many ways unimaginable. It has done so for me.
        21. Do not ever criticise your TF, Leave or Ignore Your TF, reject your Tf or neglect your TF. If you think that he is doing that to you, it is your illusion because that is the way that they can cope. They need to find their own way as well, but you can help them come to you, as you do the work for both your SOUL. There is only ONE SOUL. When you are pure enough and surrendered enough you will just come together. LOVE, DIVINE LOVE…. No matter what your TF does… Love HIM.

        YOU are chosen, so do the work. Listen to so many who have united – “Jill and Remi” (Twinflamehealers.com) are one very good Couple. Read RUMI Quotes and reflect. Be Spiritual and use Religion to read and make up your own mind what you must do. Religion is a choice. Spirituality is who you are within your creator himself…. when you realise it , the creator LIVES within YOU. Love Yourself and be humble to the work that the Source has done for centuries. Reincarnations or perhaps you have been sent here now to prepare for the awakening that is already begun. It has come. Confused…? Don’t be , you are a TF. Pray to the archangels and they will guide you. When the evil comes to tempt you, ask the archangels to come to you to help you. You must show what you want. Ask and you will be given; they are your protectors and they WILL PROTECT YOU with such MIGHT. Never FEAR. EVER. Love yourself.. Love your creator…. the rest is already prepared for US. It is done.


      4. crazylady 2 says:

        You are so beautiful 😇 thank you from the bottom of my ❤.


      5. Giorgio says:

        Compassion , Divine Love, to your creator, Yourself and at the same time you do it to your TF. Recurve Godlyness and be positive. Get the webinar from Jill and Remi called”The Dark night” . Many more. Stay strong and have faith. Your ego must keep dying so you are continuously reborn stronger and stronger in spirit.
        Love, Harmony and Peace with belief XXX


      6. Jesse says:

        I see the repetitive numbers, I see synchronicity, I feel my gifts come in and out but I don’t feel like I have control of them.. Sometimes I get this knowing without knowing or I’ll think of something and then it happens. Also notice lights not all but some flickering around me so I have played with controlling that energy a little, but it doesn’t always work. I’ve randomly ran into psychics that tell me I am a healer of healers and one that said I am an earth angel.. I don’t know if that’s what all TFs are? I’ve been told that I have these gifts and that I will be using them, but I don’t know how to strengthen them to the point where I feel comfortable doing the work for others. I meditate, I ground myself, I try to be as healthy as I can.. Any advice??


      7. crazylady 2 says:

        Jesse I too experience EVERYTHING you’ve just wrote about. Psychics have told me the same thing. I used to laugh and then the premonitions would come more and more and I then got very confused. It brought lots of anxiety and depression especially when I picked up on death. You spoke of the “lights” are you referring to orbs and the flashes of white light if so pay attention to those. I believe those to be angels and spirit guides validating intuition as well as giving me clarification that I am not alone. I see the trips all day everyday I also see 11:11 at least once a day if not twice. I also learned on my own that my hands heal and I also align and or unblock other’s chakras telepathically it’s an amazing gift from God and through prayer and gratitude I began to release some of the anxiety not all I still have it but nothing like before. I also credit alot of my contentment to the violet flame. Its odd to me Jesse every since I was a little girl I “picked” up on things but I guess I always thought so does everyone even after my aunt whom is psychic told me @ age 11 “you have it you just don’t know how to use it” I still didn’t get it. It wasn’t until I met my tf @ age 38 that I started really “getting” it. I don’t know if im telling you right or not. I only know my experience and my energy requires lots of cleansing I even carry healing stones in my pocket. I also believe that when you have such a beautiful gift and you become so full of Gods love it triggers evil like demons are jealous or something? I’m not sure but I know they will try to fill you with doubt and confusion. I think this is why I love reading Giorgios posts he so gets it and hes so inspiring with his words. ❤💚💜😇😇 I am a walking prayer Jesse and I believe wholeheartedly that my telepathy being empath clairvoyant and my beautiful tf are all gifts from God. I used to wonder if it was the devil himself trying to curse me but not anymore. Its like Giorgio said as well as other people like us we were picked. Chosen. Be gracious and pray. All day EVERYDAY. I hope this helps. ❤s thoughts and prayers


      8. Jesse Greuel says:

        I resignate with everything you just said! I too have the healing energy in my hands, but only when I can keep my vibrations high. I’ve always been an empath, can always pick up on others true emotions even seeing through their facade, I know this is our gift to be able to sense who needs healing. It used to be hard for me because my energy was always being drained and then I would sink into depression, but now I know how to help and keep my energy protected. I realized I was different than most, but never really saw my potential until seperation from my tf.. Suddenly the awakening I thought I already had years ago was thrown on the fast track and I still am finding things that are amazing me every single day. My tf on the other hand is seemingly totally reverted even more into 3D and her old lifestyle, completley cutting me out of her life and only seems to have hate towards me. I too use the violet flame, blue flame, and God’s divine white light to clear and protect as much as possible. This journey is soooo hard with the ups and downs the confusion and heartache.. I sometimes feel like I too want to just revert and live life like I used to, but I don’t have it in me to ever give up. All my life I have seen this world and all that is wrong in it and I’ve always felt like I have the power and knowing to change this world.. Once I awakened to this twin flame journey, I knew without a doubt that we are all here to make this world a better place and it makes ne feel like I’m not alone anymore. I am glad that we have a place like this to really help each other and lift each other up to our true selves. One day we will all see the glory of our work and all will live in heaven on earth and that is worth every moment it takes for us all to get there. Much love 🙂


      9. Jesse says:

        I resignate with everything you just said! I too have the healing energy in my hands, but only when I can keep my vibrations high. I’ve always been an empath, can always pick up on others true emotions even seeing through their facade, I know this is our gift to be able to sense who needs healing. It used to be hard for me because my energy was always being drained and then I would sink into depression, but now I know how to help and keep my energy protected. I realized I was different than most, but never really saw my potential until seperation from my tf.. Suddenly the awakening I thought I already had years ago was thrown on the fast track and I still am finding things that are amazing me every single day. My tf on the other hand is seemingly totally reverted even more into 3D and her old lifestyle, completley cutting me out of her life and only seems to have hate towards me. I too use the violet flame, blue flame, and God’s divine white light to clear and protect as much as possible. This journey is soooo hard with the ups and downs the confusion and heartache.. I sometimes feel like I too want to just revert and live life like I used to, but I don’t have it in me to ever give up. All my life I have seen this world and all that is wrong in it and I’ve always felt like I have the power and knowing to change this world.. Once I awakened to this twin flame journey, I knew without a doubt that we are all here to make this world a better place and it makes ne feel like I’m not alone anymore. I am glad that we have a place like this to really help each other and lift each other up to our true selves. One day we will all see the glory of our work and all will live in heaven on earth and that is worth every moment it takes for us all to get there. Much love 🙂


      10. crazylady 2 says:

        We are so similar in our experiences and I am also happy for sites like this I’ve never meant anyone that has a tf or met anyone that speaks openly of the tf in fact I just learned of tf just a few months ago and once I learned of them I thought so this is why I’m so head over hill’s in love with a man I’ve never kissed. That’s why I feel de Ja vu when he hugs me. That’s why I smell him when Hes not around. That’s why I feel him thinking of me. The constant running into him like HOW DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?!?! The excruciating pain of missing him and wondering if I’m bat shit. I would wonder if it was because Hes my tf that I feel him or if it’s because I’m telepathic but I don’t pick up on others like I do him. My tf and I have never even been on a date so my heart bleeds when I read yours acts as if she hates you or when someone says theirs has passed on. Mine doesn’t call me and that has been frustrating enough so I have so much compassion for people that have really physically touched their tf and must deal with death and/or “seperation”….to me that’s bravery. I again love sites and posts like this especially the people I can really relate to or connect with…
        Comforts me 😇


    2. jenncrystal says:

      Hi Indigo, I know my reply is a little late…
      But yea, as you read in this post, and hopefully many other replies here, no, our twin is technically our other half, so there is no way of cutting it, for hurting the connection is in fact hurting yourself.

      From my experience, the bad luck may stem from our twin being in a lower vibration. They might be in a bad place in life, carrying heavy karmas from their past lives.

      But our twin is essentially us. What would you do for yourself, being the one carrying this heavy karma? I say just clear it. Work on it like you would work on yourself.

      Now, it shows itself as our twin being the low-vibration one. But eventually you may find that it is actually also you. Parts of you that had remained buried that you were not aware of. Things about yourself or this world that you had rejected and needed to learn to accept.

      May you find love and peace.


  5. Noel says:

    I ran from someone I believe is my twin. I was scared of the connection nd unsure because I was in a relationship with someone else. He won’t speak to me now, I hurt him badly. I feel his loss everyday and I keep hoping to hear from him. I don’t know what to do besides wait but the waiting is awful. We both acknowledged our strong connection before but now I giess we need time away. My heart and soul hurts, this doesn’t feel right.


    1. jenncrystal says:

      Hi Noel, why don’t you take the step to reach out to him?


  6. DS says:

    lucky number 136 is my comment. i really wish i could communicate to my twin but right now we are separated. i wish now i can forget about her, but each time the universe gives me syncs and reminds me of her. I have to fight this and become stronger so I can be with her!


  7. sally says:

    I think I managed to cut the connection… but you might not like it, as it might also cut you off from ‘source’ / 5d if you are there. I have come down from that plane & though I miss it, I can do without the angst & soul tearing & feeling my twin soul (messing up & causing more karma!!). He has not awakened to my knowledge. I did.
    I felt him when he was near & almost always knew when I would run into him.
    I felt like a freak, but I decided to tell him… I possibly sent him into shock as I could back up too much of it! I looked like a freak, but it cut off eventually! I needed it to happen from his end too to stop the connection.
    I would have preferred a happy ending, but we know what the possibility of that is with these connections. Cut yourself loose.


    1. Giorgio says:

      Dear Sally

      The basic understanding of “OUR’ Twin Flame is something that you seem to have totally missed altogether. Who are you taking about…. an imaginary being ?
      How can you talk about what “Is SUPPOSED to be YOUR TF”, as if it is someone totally separate from you…!! Your TF is a mirror of you, your copy, your half Soul.
      You are running away from yourself and guess what… you are NOT feeling your Divine love within you. (You I mean Both your Twin Flame and Yourself)
      Our Twin Flame is a half of our soul…. So what you are talking about, is a lot of hurt and disbelief. You have missed the whole point and I wish I could tell you otherwise, but I think that you need to be ready for a massive drop. You have a lot of wounds to heal, you are hurting yourself and this Divine Love is like a rubber band, it just keeps bouncing back. You Must have enough SELF-LOVE, you are nowhere near understanding this love. This Divine Love is this – If you care and love your self with enough Divine Love first, only then can you understand your Twin Flame. You freedom is within you, it flows into your Twin Flame as it is the “one Soul” that you need to heal. Your spiritual work will flow into your Twin Flame. Your spiritual belief of the Source is showing lack of Faith, the love you are lacking within is pushing your Twin Flame away further and further. You are the one who is pushing him away. Why on earth would you want to go into such a low vibration while you criticise your own soul? Your Twin Flame will feel your negativity and you are hurting yourself and your other part of your soul.
      You are lost in your own grief because your Twin Flame is the best partner you can ever get. You talk about a 5th Dimension? You are abandoning your self and YET you are upset about your Twin Flame for not loving you? This puzzles me and confuses me totally. It shows that you are missing some important knowledge about this whole journey.
      “I think that you need to read about the intense writing that doucejonna has so intimately written for all on this site”

      Our TF is US.

      Sally, Wake up and love yourself because I cannot understand what you mean. You are actually confusing when you talk about the Twin Flame connection. , Finding someone else to love you? Before you could even hope to be loved, You must be ready to love others as well. You don’t love yourself enough. Your vibration is very low and I believe that you need to work on your own Sol and Divine love. No one will understand you more than your own twin Flame. How can you expect that? You are not ready to re-union yourself as I know too well now that to attract your Twin Flame you must be of the same vibration. You are not seeing the truth, you are in denial. You are running away… You are chasing as well….. You are wounded and you are being a TRUE TWIN FLAME runner. (really, there is no such thing as a runner, because this is all energy, and we all need to exercise compassion and forgiveness to ourselves first, then it will flow to our other part of our soul, hence our TF) Grow spiritually and Concentrate because if you do not, and this guy is your Twin Flame, you are going to hurt like hell. Your Twin Flame is your reflection, half your Soul and he is the mirror of YOU.
      Read the many articles that doucejonna wrote about the different stages of this journey, we are here to help you. Self love and self spiritual growth is the only way to re-union. There is no such way of thinking like younger talking about within the fifth dimension. It is all love, forgiveness and Divine Love from our creator.
      Be careful what you wish for, your twin Flame can feel everything you feel and wish.

      Love, Harmony and Peace with belief XXX

      Liked by 1 person

  8. sally says:

    there is a way of cutting the chords for some, but you might not like it. if you are living with psy abilities or on 5d you might sever your connection as well.
    mine was not awake. I was.
    I felt him too much & did not want it anymore, since he was going & it’s pointless staying in this heartbroken state, with someone who keeps running away.
    how I did it… I told him when, how &what I was sensing of him and how far away (PS. it was from a block or more away…empathy can be a bitch! )… I basically looked like a freak & ran. I think I might have shocked him, but that was the point. it needed to be severed from his side too.
    I never wanted to make this call, but I am not going to wait years for him to wake up & live like this. I know who he is, but he will take years to face himself, which I cannot live with. I have learnt the lesson… you make your own future. be aware of the energy you send out in the world, you are what you think.
    I need someone who is willing to be with me, face challenges & be there for me when I need them. I can take care of myself, I just didn’t want to do it alone. a man/woman who keeps running away is not worth anyone’s time, even your twin or soulmate. I gave enough chances already. I’m not going to give out unconditional love to anyone who can’t recognise me or takes it for granted. maybe this is wrong, but I have too much self-respect to live in pain, when they have no recognition, unawakened or do the work that’s necessary. this person disappointed me as they have no courage. .. this whole mess is a nightmare.
    I’ve seen the world from perspective of an awakened one… but we forget why we are here ultimately. it was to experience the ‘real’ world and be part of it. be glad to have experienced it, but have enough self respect & courage to go if it is not good for you.


  9. Jesse says:

    As an awakened twin, you should know there is no separation just the 3D illusion. Self love is the lesson and the pain you feel is showing you what you have yet to purge, release, and master. There is no time limit for divine unconditional love, it is eternal. Eternal love is the very essence of the twin flame and their union. Union cannot occur if you’re too busy looking ahead and missing the next lesson you are being shown. Learn to have fun with it and enjoy God’s greatest gift of this partnership and that truly is unconditional self love.


    1. Giorgio says:

      you are so right.

      Much Love and Pwace tp you Sally.

      Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


  10. I was totally there. I just chalked it up to someone else doing his own thing and I was okay with that. I must admit, however, that I was still baffled by the dreams. That was a unique factor that made it stand out from the rest of my interactions, especially ones that treading the line of intimacy or flat out got intimate, plain and simple.

    It seemed that there were intimate aspects of this interaction despite us never doing anything besides being introduced, shaking hands, talking over texts/messages, and the dreams.

    Something happened recently that reminded me I wasn’t crazy for the internal experience I was having.


  11. A101 says:

    Im not sure where to begin this. Im not sure if this pdrson is a TF or if i am just obsessing. I chase he backs off..then i stop….he comes back..then i subconsciouly push him away. Strange thing is…i prayed to God to take him out of my life and put my true love in my path..that was a Friday…that Sat am i went to my old hometown to visit my daughter. Stopped at a retail store and there he was.i couldnt speak..i ran out of the store.i had not seen him in mos.I dont know what to think.


  12. Rebecca says:

    Thank you all for your stories. Some sad and some happy.
    My story is of both.
    I have been on the TF journey for four years .
    It was the most deep soul evolving experience of my life.
    My partner Sam-a-els gift to this earth was short but intense.
    He lived life living in the now,and was so connected with source which was admired far and wide.
    He gave love wherever he went to who ever unconditionally.
    Our journey was so full of love that times I imagined my heart would burst.
    At 42 he left his human body suddenly in a car accident on June 11 2016.
    His last words to me were ” see you soon sweetie”
    Waking each dawn with another day apart is soul distroying .
    I can bearly breath and struggle to meditate just to feel him again.
    I know he is okay and we are always together but missing the physical is a hourly journey of pain.
    My questions to you all are how does one move forward .?
    Why can’t I feel him.?
    Much love


    1. Giorgio says:

      Dear Rebecca,

      Doucejonna has been an amazing influence, writer, supporter and an amazing shoulder to rest on. I on the other hand apologise on this site to her for being so forthcoming. It was initially an incredible amount of pain for me to go through the separation stage of my personal journey, just like so so many. Some have opened their own Blog as well.
      Needless to say, Doucejonna has been an eye opener for me though her writing. I have answered many questions, or tried to at least through feeling lots of pain and meantime forgetting that this is her site after all. No, I understand that none of us have all the answers, certainly Not I more than anyone else.

      However, through smooch effort to try and understand Doucjonna’s writings about the permanent connection articles, the Kundalini and so many other articles where Doucjonna speaks from experience, I a today very contented doing clearing, praying and meditating to prepare “OUR” Soul, that is my TF and I, for re-union. I am positive that once the Creator allows US to meet, the creator also wants US to show how much we feel and understand the Divine Love that we feel within for “OURSELVES and OUR Twin Flame”.

      How do you cope with the pain of the physical separation?
      Guess what, there is NO separation. You are always in direct contact with the Soul that you share with your TF. The separation exists not between you and your TF, but between “YOUR SOUL”, the SOUL youth share and “The LINK WITH YOUR CREATOR”. That is the only separation there is and that is what WE as TF need to work on to unite with. The spirituality that we find within, together with the unconditional and unexplained desire to be united with our TF in the physical as well as in the spiritual, the ULTIMATE unity lays with “US and OUR CREATOR”.

      WE must do the work for our SOUL, which in actual fact doing the work to unite our TF and US physically through the spiritual first and foremost. That is the “KEY” to the path of the eternal journey.

      Did not Jesus say “I am the way”? Ask My Father and he will give you?

      Did he not say that, “He is the way to eternity?”

      “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

      The holiness of God shone in the spotless purity of Christ’s life. We are to believe the revelation of God to man in Christ; for the works of the Redeemer show forth his own glory, and God in him.

      So, Rebecca unless you are in the path of surrender which means a lot of hard work and pain, turned into Divine Love, you will still feel the pain. Yet as RUMI says so many beautiful quotes on the same guidelines from the “Koran” as well, it will be hard to connect to your TF unless you believe within that you MUST become so Spiritually connected first with an amazing faith in your heart.

      When you do so, you will feel no pain, no doubt and the idea of separation will become as distant as the pain that I feel now……. NONE.
      It becomes replaced with your faith that the creator is Your Guide.
      This IS SPIRITUALITY, Belief and the strength the once your prayers leave your heart to go to ask your creator for the miracle that will bond you with your TF, you will feel this unity, joy and firm ground and voices as well as messages guiding you forward.

      Ask the archangels to protect you as well as ask for the “Guides” to be upgraded if need be.

      Read other TF that have united and those uniting now, providing guidance as well. One thing is for sure, those who have united say the same things. Prayer, faith and surrender to the –
      “I am that I am”.

      No other way out.

      The Kundalini has started a long time ago for you already.

      You just need to believe, pray and surrender with a lot of faith and more prayer. You will have no power over this now. It is totally not in your hands what transpires now. Neither will your TF have any say either, yet you must work on purifying your SOUL. It is a mirror of both, it is Him within YOU.YOU within HIM, both within God, Your creator, Jesus and what ever you believe in. All is holy nothing physical all spiritual. The scriptures are there as a guide, use them read the pace of the spiritual. Read the Kundalini and reflect.

      Read and look at who has already had re-union. “They understand what you need to do to have the best chance to get what you are after”.

      Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


    2. Giorgio says:

      Correction – “They understand what you need to do to have the best chance to get With what you are after” should read – “They understand what you need to do to have the best chance to get to be with your TF afterwards”.
      Thank you.

      Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


  13. jenncrystal says:

    Hi Rebecca, thanks for sharing your story. It must be so bitter sweet. I myself can’t imagine being separate from my twin.

    I don’t know if you’re doing the right things or did you try too hard that causes the feeling to leave you. Or you had to learn to tune in to a different frequency to connect with him.

    But what I wanted to share is a thought I had today, after reading your story that, I think even if God /the universe has a plan to reunite you both, it may want you to first settle all your remaining matters before you can reunite. So I would suggest that you have a good look at your life, see what you still haven’t done to fulfill your true purpose in life, and do it now. Waste no more time. Sometimes pain is just there to push us forward. Wish you all the best and all the love.


    Liked by 1 person

  14. zebra04 says:

    My Twin hates me, I feel like I want to die! This entire journey is so difficult, I know that I can’t release him and this love – but I need peace. I wake up in the middle of the night in so much pain, it has taking a physical toll on me. There has to be something that can be done…………


    1. Giorgio says:

      Hello zebra04,

      Well, it is amazing how according to some people who have united as TF have no doubt about this. Mel and Nicole are saying that TF were born in the 50,60,70,80 and 90’s. Now we are seeing the initial work being done and emotions felt at a very high intense rate, as these TF who are all coming together for re-union. Do the work necessary and follow the advice of those who are already united. DO NOT DOUBT THE KING OF KINGS.

      Nevertheless, we need to all remember some very important factors –

      1. Nothing is going to handed down by the Source as easy as saying 1,2,3…..
      2. We are coming from different areas of the reincarnation world and some anf]gels sent here now as well, without going into too much details, we all need to understand that if we do not do the work necessary for us to come to re-union, it will not happen for US and more important other things as well will be lost and more loss of life.
      3. When one meets their TF, they will know for sure, without a doubt that the person that they have met, are in fact their TF. The mind is not where love comes from. It comes from the heart and the SOUL.
      There are many Evil workers who can put doubt in your mind. Reject such doubt and pray that Archangel Michael, Gabriel and others who will take it away if you ASK for you. Pray and clear like Jill and Remi TF’s advise on their internet videos.

      We are all together in this and we must help one another as much as we can to attain Re-union. It is what we have come here for. DO NOT DOUBT THIS. It is who we are.

      4. No matter how impossible things look, do NOT ever give up on what your creator has sent you for to do in this world. The journey is not easy and to earn OUR place in eternal life with our TF as the ONE SOUL that we share, we Must work hard with unending efforts and will.
      A possible solution is this –

      A. Get to work on the self. You can be away from your TF in the flesh, if they do not want you to contact them, but you are always connected without any doubt. If They do not understand the purpose that you both need to unite and what for, you can only help them to get to re-union only by doing the work on your side of the SOUL. Keep working and you will see the signs. Do not stop working when you see the signs coming your way. It is a signal to encourage you that the higher Source is with you. Your TF will come as you purify Your Soul through your work. It is only a matter of fact that you will re union. Stop worrying and making a time of when you should re-union. It is NOT in your hands to set the time of when it will happen.
      B. Do not kill yourself in chasing someone who is NOT ready for re-union.
      C. All that means that your are not ready either for them.
      D. If and when you are both ready, onlyTHN will you both unite…. But in saying this, we MUST work on ourselves in order to purify our shared SOUL from so many things like , Old contracts that we made, Family Template, Childhood wounds, addictions (Sexual, drugs, and others) and so so many other things that we need to keep working for ourselves and our TF as well.

      E. How strong is your faith in the Source?
      F. How hard are you prepared to work and NOT give in to the Satanic and Demonic interference that will have only one purpose to be your life for : and that is – “To prevent you and your TF from uniting again”.
      G. Every Spiritual TF MUST do the work for the other better half of their SOUL to earn the right to re-union.
      H. This is what we need to understand as well – “We have agreed to come to this earth to be the Elite in working for the one KING of creation, The Almighty.
      To make this as short and informative as you need to know about the guts of some things, there is only one way forward to OUR re-union… WE MUST BE SO STRONG in faith that our outcome is divided in two – (a)Our work to secure our belief to the Almighty and then (b) The Almighty will provide for US.

      There are so many other things we all need to clear and ask for the Spirit guides, Archangels and angels, The Holy Mary and the other Saints to connect with Jesus to connect with the Trinity for us to be allowed to re-union.

      We all MUST do the work to prove our WORTH. If WE don’t do the work and pray, the Demonic world will win the battle against the Truth and what is Right according to Our Creator.

      I can only talk about myself and tell you this – doucejonna is on the right track and so are many others like – Jill and Remi, Cassidy Cayne and Alison Lessard, Mel and Nicole.
      Also We need to understand that we are new to this fact and the world is and will change to something different to what we know it today.

      Do not despair because the love we are in NOW and experiencing is a DIVINE LOVE nothing like most have experienced. Nothing like MOST have experienced either.

      Why wild you ever doubt that you might not be a part of the Angelic Realm , sent to the earth amongst so much carnage and greed, killings and murder, Political correctness but humanly insanely cruel an murderous… and many other things that are so so so wrong. The world needs you to be ready, resilient, loving and strong in your commitment to do your work to earn the privilege to be with your TF. It is the work that will hopefully prepare you to face more stringer opposition in the world around you. whether you work as a waitress or a medical Doctor, surgeon or a politician who have a HEART with DIVINE LOVE within you, there is no way that you are ready to be a good influence to others who are NOT as Angelic as you are. Only Angels from above are allowed of some privileges, You are but you must be part of the battle that has taken place in the heavens and NOW is the time to prove tat we are the Good Souls and powerful to support our creator and hie cause. “To unite as many SOULS around MUST DO, us to go to heaven and conquer the demonic and satanic fight against the truth and DIVINE LOVE”.

      Even Jesus was tempted when he fasted for 40 days – “offered that all on this early plains will belong to him if he worshipped Satan”. Which way do you want to go to hell with Satan or with God to Heaven?

      Getting to be with our TF in the flesh is the very thing that we are complaining about this Divine love for being so cruel…. it is NOT cruel it is just a simple test for us to choose if we have eternity in our site or the earthly plains only.

      Yes, I am working for re-union on these plains and the next more importantly “Eternity”. I have surrendered to the Almighty and I have vowed OUR SOUL to God. Doing a lot of work for my TF to come to me when GOD is ready that she is ready for us to re-union on these plains. I can only pray and be as holy as I can be. I know what I expect…… what God wants me to have through hard work and proof of my honour to the one KING of creation.
      Follow your heart and your SOUL and you will find your other better half on your door step here or the door step of heaven. So be it.

      Compassion, forgiveness, and look at how many times your spirit dies, then you live again through Alchemy. (Re-birth) Look up,the internet about The Kundalini, Antahkarana, Samsara, Shamanic religions, Hindu Philosophy, The Bible, the Koran, All Indian religions, Apauruseya, The four Vedas, and many more .

      Stop looking at the disgusting work and murder of some religious workers and be the leader yourself of “Divine Love and Compassion, forgiveness and much more” Be this with your own TF and exercise this so when the time comes you will not fail to prove that you believe in what you practice. Sex and physical pleasure only is NOT love, Money Only is not wealth, and so many other worldly things that do NOT last in marriage for example and relationships. Not many want to make any commitments to only one person, but WE ALL DO as we found our Devine Love with the one partner. Observe and feel from your soul what is the truth. You need not think about it, just feel it.

      Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


      1. crazylady 2 says:

        Giorgio just wanted to say I anticipate and love your comments to people that are really struggling. Your such an inspiration. Seems like your right on time as well. I get to missing my TF and it sucks sometimes. Then I will read 1 of your posts 💜I also know my tf misses me too and I take comfort in his thoughts of me that I am picking up on daily. In fact since I confronted him several months ago that I do pick up on him telepathically it’s like his thoughts of me have increased to several times a day EVERY DAY. Again it’s peaceful and comforting because it’s like he truly is in my soul it’s so beautiful and amazing I cant even put it into words. I now know my tf has some healing to do in his life so ive totally avoided him for the past 6 weeks on a physical level. I still pray for him. Work on his chakras and most recently I started sending my sexual energy back when I recieve his. I have no clue if he receives mine but he definitely knows I recieve his. I’m just curious though and interested in your thoughts. Since I’ve told him I recieve his energy it’s coming stronger and more frequent than ever before and it’s all sexual. Which btw we have never had sexual contact I’ve kissed his cheek and hugged him and he’s kissed my forehead and hugged me but no sex. What do you think about this? if you have any insights I would truly appreciate it. Thanks so much for your time and beautiful words. 💜😇 heart’s thoughts and prayers


      2. Giorgio says:

        Dear crazylady2

        My advise is to never give up on Yourself first. What you do for yourself, you do for your TF as well. Pray and do all the clearing you can do. Reach a point of surrender to the Source, God or the creator, whatever you wish to call the King Of Kings. It is through your own development of your own SOUL that all is possible. Work incessantly and prepare for the big day when you are ready for re-union just like a mother who prepares for the New Born child ahead. You will die a thousand times before the day arrives, Alchemy is all the time happening as you feel that pain: it makes you stronger to challenge harder and with more courage as well as knowledge of you who are becoming. Transforming, evolving and maturing in all things to appreciate that you are amongst the chosen few on thes earth who must do the work for all around you to direct all to the heavens club, not the downhill dungeons. Reach a point that you will think in a higher dimension first.

        “The third dimension wishes and thoughts are not good enough to re-union”.

        I believe that, that is what doucejonna means when she addresses the concept that “One is on a personal Spiritual journey.” When one works on themselves they are working on their Own One Soul – AND THEIR TF…. They are ONE SOUL NOT TWO.

        I have realised that we must evolve and mature to understand that we need to work on our own self first. When the Source sees it fit and proper, we will get our wishes perhaps; and if we do not, then we must think of ourselves as very lucky to be a chosen one. I am very lucky but I will also keep working to prove my worth and address the position that I hold.

        “I am one TF, sent from above to help awaken this earth from its cruel ways”.

        I am a healer and I give not take, endure pain with joy that i am here and I will eventually get to meet my creator in everlasting life without any expectations. Expectations are only thoughts of the third Dimension not from above. Those who think they know what is above are fools. Life in the above Dimensions is nothing like we have here. There is Divine Love up there in the eternal realm. Here, we only have dreams, wants and wishes, greed and materialistic things and desires of riches and power. All false for we need nothing from here that will serve us in the other Holy Dimensions.
        Believe it my friends, sort thinking about our Souls, it will get us where we wish to get to easier and without much pain. The Source is listening and believe me, he is our Father above all things. I vowed my Soul to him as no other will be getting it. I have no power over what is to transpire from now on. The Kundalini has erupted and the work and results go and in hand. We work hard we will get results. The rewards depend on what the Source has planned for us already. Clean our hearts and our Soul is what we need to do. Surrender all to the almighty and then, wish for nothing for all has been planned and set. Was will happen will happen. Remember what he said –

        “I am that I am”

        It is through method you will get to the father – As RUMI says about the Lord ” I am the wind beneath your wings”….. “I am the wings and the power of light”…. “Didn’t I tell you not to leave me.. I am your Only friend” …. “You will come back to me”….. “Didn’t I tell you Not to be seduced by this colourful world”….. For I am the Ultimate”… “I am your fire and warmth”…. “Didn’t I tell you they will corrupt you and make you forget”…. “Didn’t I tell you Not to question my actions?”…… “For everything falls into order, I am the creator”….. “Didn’t I tell you the your heart can guide you home ….. because it knows that i am the Master”

        “ We will re-union if we show our worth that we deserve it to re-union”. “ Two Forms and two faces, but a single Soul, You and I” …. “The moment we enter the Garden all the stars will run out to gaze at US”…. “ As we burn like the full moon itself, you and I… the fire-winged birds of heaven will rage with envy” …… “One Love, one lover, one Fire”…. “In this world and the next…. in an ecstasy without end”

        “So, my friends, never doubt your presence that you are holy and you must prove your worth like the Angels in the highest Dimension, rise above the pain and feel the Master ’s love and Passion with which we were created with and show faith and Trust in him for there is no other who loves us more than him”.

        Show that we are strong enough to resist all temptations and challenges that we will face in our time here. We must clear from our past lives if we are from past reincarnations, or if we have been sent to earth Now to do other work and heal others as we give directions that others need in order to believe in the Source.

        Be strong yourselves and wake up from your own self pity. Address your own pain to be able to grow into something that is magnificent and ready enough to vibrate and join its own mirror vibrations of its own Soul to be together as one again without any resistance to itself.
        Can you understand this, what I speak of ? Can you see your own vibrations as they vibrate differently begging you and magnetising you towards your own other particles that are forever wanting to re attach with the rest of its creation? Yes of course you can feel it but can you resonate on the sam e frequency yet…. ? Do so and it will all come together for that is all the drama that you feel and see… it is the Alchemy that you need, grow and have faith without wishing …. it is “awaiting you as much as you are awaiting it”. It is your Twin Flame Soul… We are ONE….

        Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


      3. crazylady 2 says:

        Giorgio thank you so much for taking your precious time. I feel and believe you always reiterate what I’m thinking and feeling. It is alchemy. I remember when my daughter was born physically disabled 12 yrs ago my aunt said you are a butterfly. She described the transformation. Countless Dr’s appointments xrays surgeries hospital stays. It was only my daughter me and God. I found God in a different kind of way than before after having her even though I always sensed his preparing me for her and it’s funny I told my tf one time when God gave me her I wasn’t looking for her but I accepted her loved her hugged her kissed her boo boos prayed on her thanked God for her and went to war for her. I said he feels the same. He feels to me what i thought and felt when I received my daughter but then I told him so see honey I’m tired so please don’t make me work! I can laugh about this now but really Giorgio it feels like a story everything is just leading up…. I can even remember working on his chakras before I really “knew”that he was my tf even though I always “knew” and knowing he recieved that cleansing by his calm peaceful nature the following day it was the cutest thing. I asked did he sleep well he said ever so calm yes I did. I said that was rhetorical I know you did. He never raised an eyebrow he just asked how do you know. I told him hed never believe me. He just looked @ me like an Angel. Beautiful. I told him 1 day I pray for him everyday and he asked why I said so you always make it home safe. I can remember saying things to him ive never said to a man before and meant it so yes I did struggle immensely with our “separation phase” but I truly understand the illusion now. Feeling him is a beautiful gift from God and it so comforts my heart and I guess I still struggle sometimes with wanting to pick up the phone and hear his voice on the other end I do miss him but I also know that the gift God gave me to pick up on other’s energies and healing hands through prayer and telepathy that it comes from God and only God. I don’t ask God to take back my gifts anymore I say thank you and this including my tf as well as you Giorgio 😇 ❤s thoughts and prayers


      4. Giorgio says:

        Dear crazylady2
        It is 02.44 now where i am. I assure you that I too have sorrows, deep and meaningful. I have a very hurt ex-wife who is on a path of destruction. I did things the wrong way in her eyes and as she sees it, I cheated on her….. well, I payed for it with her taking my beautiful children away from me, not to see them ever or talk to them again for the last five years. Yes, we can all blame others or God for our third Dimension misfortunes. I had a horrible day in court listening to lies and more lies as I was humiliated and made a mockery of. Lawyers play their game to make more money and grab what they can financially.

        However, the damage that is being done and that has been done is irreparable now for my young SOULS that God has sent to this world through US both. My first daughter has passed away after birth many years ago, and that was in itself an amazing part of my journey as well. My TF has always been with me since before all this. We met first and we knew what we were then, My TF before I did.

        Now, my TF has left me and I do not know whether God has in his plan for us to re-union. My heart aches in many ways but my SOUL is in its place. Strong and determined that whatever is the plan I will do what is asked of me by my creator. I will go through this with as much resilience as I can, truthfully and without fear of giving up ever on my purpose with honour to my King of Kings.

        I am clearing, sending love, clearing old childhood wounds with my Tf and clearing old contracts with my Ex-wife. Loving my children and clearing contracts with them and bringing them in the eternal world to me, with love and compassion. They are older now, two of them already of age and one little one teenager. But they are all prisoners of aggressive brainwashing: Still I cannot judge my ex or my Lord for anything that is happening. I MUST pray and see what the Lord has installed for me, after all, this will end one day soon and who knows…… I might go to heaven with a pure Soul enough, where I will wait for my TF to arrive so we can both enter the doors of eternity together. It all sounds as if I am crazy… but I laugh becauseI I know that i am NOT crazy. I have thought about my TF since I was young. I knew that there was someone that I was going to met and they where going to be “IT” for me. My TF is, and she is the end of the line for me. I need no other, for nothing in this 3rd Dimension. I feel nothing for anyone else, even if I wanted to I could not last . i suffer after as I have tried to test my position and the signs and messages almost killed me… they were so loud in the end that i got the message “Stop testing Me, have faith and stay focused”. I am totally dedicated to my TF in al ways, but at the same time I pray for our Soul to purify it as much as I can for the both of US.

        I am so sorry to hear about your daughter…. I hope that things are better for both of you now? I do not know you, but I do, and I will pray for you both and your TF. This is an inspiration that we have met our TF and as I am now on a solo journey through the world of illusion, I can only acknowledge the moment, every moment, and lift myself as I keep falling on my knees, dust the dirt off as I rise again and continue on this trial of truth.

        Praying is my only force, my faith is my only drive, my humiliation of this 3 dimension is what is helping me see that my journey has a beautiful gift for me at the end. Eternity will await me and I cannot be happier of the thought ….. All I desire is my meeting with my King of Kings….. What a moment that would be…. One moment that will be called eternity. What I have to do in the meantime is very hard for me and as much as I am trying to cope with it, it is proving to be an amazing challenge …. i must surrender more and rise to face all over days and trials. i will remember you and your daughter.. i wis you both well…. please do not give up on your TF you will get together, it is what I feel and see. Just surrender and you will. I know you will. XXX

        Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


      5. crazylady 2 says:

        Dear sweet Giorgio I too went through a horrible custody battle with my sons father while I was pregnant with my daughter. It was a nightmare. In 2004 my dad passed away on my sons birthday my son moved in with his father while I believed he manipulated him through religion and lies. It was horrible and yes money was @ the root of it. Four months later my daughter was born. She too is like me. When she was a baby she would say goodbye to my grandfather he passed away in my home and the older she gets the more intuned she becomes. She reads my mind sometimes. Out of nowhere says what I’m thinking. She’s an Angel 😇 Also I thought about 6 months ago that the illusion was real and I met someone and when I decided to give him my # I smelt my tf. I froze. Was God saying no no no DON’T DO IT? Well I didn’t. I’ve been tempted but not really tempted it’s my tf that’s in my heart and I feel I can not wreck that. Also my daughter has spina bifida I just about fell over when you wrote about spinal cord injuries. I’ve prayed on my daughters body and I have allowed other’s to do so as well. Thank you for your prayers. I started a journal a few months back when I too was having problems sleeping and it makes me feel better if the story of me only helps me than at least I have some release. My tf is in ego and pride @ the moment and I told him the last time I saw him he needs to let that go. As painful as it is I fear him going through tragedy to rise above his ego and I pray this is not the case. I feel like you. I don’t know you but I know you and I’m blessed for you. You are an inspiration not just to me I read what you write to other’s. Beautiful man you are 💙 i always tell myself you have to go through the bad shit to get to the good shit and most recently someone told me if it was good all of the time you might not appreciate it as much so with that I hope that makes you feel peaceful because it does me. ❤s thoughts and prayers


      6. Giorgio says:

        Dear crazylady2

        Nothing is a coincidence. Fear, Ego and childhood wounds are a big blockage for all Tf and our re-union. As RUMI quotes
        ‘The wound is the place where the Light enters you.’

        Yes, pain is a state of mind we say in the martial ways of the art. Get a copy of “Morihei Ueshiba” book “The art of Peace”.

        He was a Shinto priest and the founder of Aikido. An art that I teach in what I teach as well. The philosophy of the martial arts is one of the most inspirational and rewarding to reflect upon. I would suggest this book before mine. I enjoy his writing and mind set. He is very Holy and I am sure that he is with our creator where he has found his true Peace and serenity.

        I am trying but I know that I am still a long way away from where he was. The more I realise what I know the more I realise that I know so little about myself let alone others.
        One very important thing about Our Tf’s…. is that we need to work on ourselves before we work on anything else. Let go of them … but not with your love for them. Always love them Divinely, giving them the freedom to do what they need to do. It is the hardest thing ever but if we love them like we do, then we must concentrate about us not them…. realistically we are helping and clearing our Soul and there’s as well as we both share the same Soul.

        So you see, they might ask us to let them go and that is enough proof that they do not understand the connection of the Soul between us. They cannot go away ever in Spirit because we are one and the same. In clearing and purifying our own reflection of the Soul we are clearing theirs as well.

        We are always together in the fifth and seventh dimension. That is always the case and YES, we can meet them and do whatever we can do if they are accepting of us. Meet him in your Violet flame and be with him and pray that you are in surrender to your creator, accepting whatever our creator wishes to reward us with on these plains of illusion.

        If you wish my email to write to me, if i can help your daughter in any way , let me know – I am in Europe in September October and November.

        I have had this calling to do healing and teaching as well… whilst my journey is all I have now. My TF is not with me and neither are my children. I want to give to the world all that I can until it is time for me to do what the calling requires me to do next.

        Never doubt your calling from within. That is your Master calling you. He gives you advise and direction…. I would answer the door when the bell rings…. don’t let the opportunity go past you without at least seeing what is being offered to you. If it is your Tf…. then you must. Ego, fear and old templates as well as childhood wounds and bonding wounds …. abandonment issues and many others that would hinder and delay re-union. part and clear every moment you can to reach surrender and your highest point closer to your creator.

        There are not many TF around and we must work towards re-union as this will give us the best outcome in our purpose and journey. This is what I believe anyway. So Yes re-union can com easier if we do the work that is required of us.

        Keep your journal and act upon it. It is very therapeutic for you. It will keep you sane and focused as much as possible. My book is about “Success though inner strength in daily life” through the martial arts philosophy and teachings.
        Yours could be an autobiography of trails within the third dimension or something on those lines.

        Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


      7. crazylady 2 says:

        Dear Giorgio I ALWAYS say there are no coincidences! Even when I 1st started seeing the signs and synchronicity but I did scratch my head QUITE OFTEN. In fact when I 1st met my tf I had no idea what a tf was and I only believed that soul mate’s were just people that ended up together through life and after not truly understanding the real soul connection so you can understand that when my bf told me to Google tf my reaction was OMG OMG OMG THIS IS REAL!!! At 1st it was TOTALLY EMPOWERING LIBERATING AND VALIDATING. It was only when I read that tf have a difficult time reuniting that I felt sad. See my twin has never said I don’t want you stay away or anything along those lines. Ive never seen a man look @ me the way he did and still does. He would ask may I hug you and I would feel de Ja vu it was really hard to walk away but when I did I felt 16. In fact my voice changes when he and I speak. Our connection is the most sweetest sexiest innocent fun feisty silly sad thing ive ever experienced in life. When i decided to give up on him was the 1st time I smelt him still not knowing of tf and only smelling dead people prior to this. When i again decided waiting wasn’t healthy is when I started picking up the sexual energy and it took me some months to figure out it was him. Looooong story. Next I just put my foot down and told myself THIS IS ENOUGH. THIS MAN DOESN’T EVEN CALL ME. Still unbenounced to the tf and this was it I AM DONE and that is when I found his initials in the palm of my hand. OMG OMG OMG THAT’S ALL I COULD THINK. I kept asking God what is it please help me IM LOSING MY MIND. That’s when my friend said read about tf. Its been soooooo much telepathy WOW unbelievable REALLY. Beautiful I am so blessed. I don’t push my tf anymore and in fact I believe Hes going through real personal things that I picked up on and confronted him with that keeps him from me. I do think our connection trips him all the way out but it’s his personal issue that’s his demon. I try not to concern myself with reunion but it’s extremely hard to forget about him. He has thought of me ALL DAY and in fact this is the most I’ve ever picked up on him In 1 day. I cant help but to send him my love and understanding but I respect him waaay to much to make anymore contact @ this point. I would love the title of your book. My email is
        Staceyk1024@ yahoo.com
        ❤S thoughts and prayers


      8. Giorgio says:

        send me a link email to – lavitaebella@usa.com


      9. Giorgio says:

        Dear crazylady2

        Please go into the “merkabah” and invite your TF with you. Do and say whatever you need to say to vibrate with him. Be as holy as you an be, communicate in the 5th Dimension and above, show appreciation of your purpose and gift that you both have on a soul level for becoming more in tune with one another to do the work that is asked of you both. You must hear the Lord’s voice to give you direction as to what its your life’s purpose on these plains of wrong and right doings….. be the light that can help all others to be better persons until the end of time.

        Be a better person amongst all the carnage that you are surrounded with…. the lies that you are swimming in….. the direction that so many are seeking of the truth that does not exist or that is twisted due to financial interests that is present. Help where you can to better the situation of others so they too can have a moment of rest in which they too can recover a little enough to see the truth and the right path to reach salvation.

        Life is now at its knees and the creator has had enough of the many evil workers, the power with which so many leaders have ruled with bringing so many to their deaths, women, men and children for the sake of progress. The world is culling its own people for financial greed and third dimension luxury,

        This will all end in all lives, and eventually “Judgement will come to fruition in the time that it was set to be in”. There will be NO coincidence, no surprise as it has been predicted so many times before without anyone believing that it will happen….. when it comes it will be done accordingly and no one will have any say in it accept the creator himself.

        Decide whether you wish to work for a place in heaven for eternity with your Soul or not. Surrendering to your creator can only come through a genuine heart and the purest of Souls.

        Love, Harmony and Peace with belief XXX


      10. crazylady 2 says:

        Giorgio I guess you realize that we were writing each other @ the same time! 😇😇❤💙💛💜💚 I read your post the other day about the merkabah and lightweight went into it. Violet flame is where i feel the most but I’m definitely trying again thank you. After my daughter was born I worked hard for charitable organizations especially those that helped children. Supported neighborhood churches that help people having hard times in my community. I don’t feel sorry for myself but sometimes my heart hurts a little for my daughter. I guess thats the mommy in me but I do try to be better and help others that have it harder than my family even in times of whoa. I KNOW God will NOT let me fall and if i slip He will be there to pick me back up. A girl told me one time God picks his strongest soldiers to fight his biggest battles and I told my friend yesterday God picks special people to raise special people ( her son is special ) it is truly amazing to me how my life is like a story like a book I could write not for personal gain but to inspire. People like us inspire and I’m fortunate for this site. Thanks Again for sharing ❤s thoughts and prayers


      11. Giorgio says:

        Dear crazylady2

        Thank you. I appreciate your acknowledgement and I too have written a book for self help. Perhaps you need to write one as well. You are right, God does have special people that he gives special work to. I do work with Mixed abilities and so I teach them martial arts. I also have healing hands. I do a bit of work for spinal and sports injury therapy as well. I never stop as I love the giving part. My TF is also a healer and a therapist and if God has it in his plan, we too will unite and reunion for the work we can both do together will be even more amazing for so many.

        I know and acknowledge your hurt and you do not need to say anything as I feel everything through your wonderful humble words. I will pray for you now as I am praying because I cannot sleep in peace. I am at Peace with in my prayers though so it is where I go for shelter and serenity.

        Until next time.. be strong and surrender …you will find that the door will open for you.. I know it will. XXX

        Love , Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


    2. doucejonna says:

      Dear Zebra04, I am so sorry you are hurting.
      But why do you think he hates you? If he is pushing you away he may be finding the connection overwhelming – or it may be that he is “contracted” to other priorities, relationships etc. at this moment in time. Your work during this time is to LOVE. To love him through the pain until it hurts no more. As I just replied to another reader on here, I agree that this is probably one of the most difficult and heartbreaking paths to travel. But why do you feel like you can’t release him or this love? The empowerment on this journey always come through the releasing of the physical person, of expectations…Just like the lessons are learnt through letting go and surrender – and you DO need to LET HIM GO – not for his sake, but also for yours. Your happiness and health (mental, spiritual, emotional, physical) matter too. I think it’s important to understand that the peace that we all seek will not come through your Twin flame or anything that they say or do – but with a journey to the self – which includes sitting down with those uncomfortable feelings and facing them – as well as through opening ourselves to love more & more until it doesn’t hurt any more to love them even when they are not there in the physical. For example, what is it that you feel you are not receiving right this moment? Why are you in pain? Do you know that the remedy to all this lies within you?
      As for the love, it will always be there and it doesn’t need to kill you or suffocate you – you can turn this around!! My best advice to you is to find an outlet for all these feelings that cause you pain – be it writing, long walks, drawing, singing, crying.. Maybe take some time out, be by yourself, really look at those uncomfortable feelings – what is causing them and in what ways you can help give yourself those things. Then, go after WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Start with small things; they are the easiest to do even when your heart is not in it (and it may not be, to start with). Something that helped me at this stage was a thing I picked up in one of Teal Swan’s videos. I promise you, if you do this, you will start to regain your light and happiness – and more importantly, your Self. With any decision, big or small, ask yourself “what would a person who loves themselves do?” and do the loving thing, as much as you can. It won’t always be easy or possible, but you will start to see clearly all the ways in which you can be the source of your own happiness. Not only will this open your eyes to all the ways in which you deny yourself that which is loving; this will also teach you self-love– and help you see that you are not the helpless victim here. You do have a choice. You do not need to break and cease to exist just because your twin has to live their life away from you.
      That horrendous pain that we feel when we must let them go often comes from feeling that somehow something is being taken away from us when they are not there. But actually, with time the opposite happens. If this person is your twin, they will ALWAYS BE A PART OF YOU. You cannot and will not lose them. Letting them go and THEN realising this (not from thought or need but from the KNOWING in the deepest parts of you) will EMPOWER you and give you peace like nothing else ever will. Even if they are not there, this connection can turn into something that nourishes, empowers and drives you, rather than something that kills you inside. But it’s all down to the work that you are willing to do; to look at those not-so-pretty things that the connection and the loss of the physical twin bring up – and do something about them, at your own pace.
      Also, and without preaching too much lol, you must come to understand that the love between the twins comes from God, from Source, and you are never without it. Learn to connect with it, through meditation and/or prayer. Although the gap between the times of connection and disconnection will initially feel like too much, with time you will find that not only is this love always with you – you ARE that LOVE, it is YOU, and your life will be so much easier and much more prepared for Reunion – if one is in the cards for you one day.
      With all my love and sympathy, Jonna x


      1. domain1111 says:

        Dear Jonna, I beg you to read this and answer me.
        First let me just say THANK you for this texts, and also I wish you blessings and happiness and for everything to be ok in your life :).

        I read about TF term couple of months ago, but my story with this person lasts for 17 years now. I dont know what to think or do anymore…
        Ill try to briefly explain what happened
        We had all the TF symptoms: amazing love, attraction, feeling of coming home when with him, filling of fulfillment when with him, I loved him and I love him more than words can explain. His reason for not being available was that he is 18 years older than me and married (I’m forever alone), so he started to pull back, budding walls between us. We dated, one time he was all lovey-dovey about me, his hands in my chests, all over my body, passion, sparkles… etc… Next time he would act distant and cold “I’m married, you are too emotional, to clingy too needy..” And then, next time he would be all over me again, then pulling back and that lasted for couple of years while we dating. One day I got fed up of his hot-cold games and especially the way he would acted like I’m too clingy too needy too emotional basically – just nuts…. I just could take it anymore, so I did something that severed our business relationship which we had also, severing both his and my financial too. Basically I felt use,also he since he lost a part of job related things – also felt like he was being hurt and was suffering financial loss too. So we havens spoke for 6 years… I felt betrayed, used, but most of all I felt awful knowing that I gave him so much not just love but money too and he end up with his wife enjoying life. I tried to reconcile but he ignored me.
        Now, I just cant live like this anymore. I feel used and I feel like I need vindication since he moved on with his life, he is with her, helping her in life for so many decades now and Im all alone, I dont have anybody I cant love anybody I just cant all love I got was for him only. There were days this year, since I tried to contact him that I felt immense love for him once more like Im falling in love again, my heart wanted to burst of my chest of love I felt for him, I felt him to be near in a soul, I was sure he would reply to me, but no – he is still ignoring me :(. (When I made this account to comment on TF blogs, I had so much love for him, so much hope). Now it is almost a year since I tried to contact him, and he is ignoring me- and I cant live like this anymore. This is not right, this is not fair, this is unacceptable.
        I dont know what I feel about him anymore, For 17 years since the day we met I wanted him,I felt his love, his energy, his heart, I was both in love and loving him in every way, he was in my heart, just him. I felt him and thought of him as a man in my heart, my soul, my all love.
        Lately since he is ignoring me, all I can see is his stupid likes to a page where his wife is working. He is basically her slave, has even to like this stupid page where she is working, that is beyond pathetic.
        All I can see and think now for days is his wife, he left me for her, he used me for her, he took my money for her, he came back from our dates to her. I cant stand it anymore. I cant see him as a person anymore, all I can see now is a sad man consumed by his greedy, ungrateful awful wife, which slave he became.
        I used to think only about him, his well being, just him as a person, how I see him as devoured by his awful life companion. I feel discussed by thinking about it, I feel physically sick by thinking about it….
        Why should I love him anymore he left me all alone, and he gave all his life and time and money and everything to his wife…
        Im here all alone, he didnt even asked me how am I doing, how is my life, am I ok
        He is ignoring me for a year, a year! And he runs to his wife like a pathetic little slave. I cant I just cant live like this.

        I cant believe I spent seeing just him, just him and now all I can see and think of is his burden, his jail keeper his awful wife..
        I feel like her existence finally killed my life, my life purpose once for all.
        He was my everything. I have nothing, not a thing in the world and nobody…
        Im thinking I should post about our relationship for one more time to his awful wife and their friends to see his true face. Everybody should know that he used me and left me all alone and now he pretend to be in this ideal marriage.

        I want to humiliate him and his wife. Just cause of his wife. He let her be his master, he left me cause of her, he is her partner and provider and admirer and I’m all alone. Its not fair. She should be humiliated the way I was by him using me and leaving all alone.

        Actually I feel so indifferent to him now, all I can see that he left me alone and gave everything, his love to her.
        Please, any comment any new insight anything.
        IM sorry its a long post.

        I appreciate your blog so much 🙂


      2. zebra04 says:

        I feel like my twin is loosing his mind! I have not seen him in months, he says he hates me! I have been sending light and love his way – and I get nothing in return but hate. I don’t call or try to communicate with him but every few weeks he lashes out!!! He calls me the worst possibly names, he left me and I live with that everyday… I want nothing but greatness for him and he wishes nothing but hurt for me!

        Please help


  15. Jams says:

    I have only now come to the realization that the Twin Flame is real… and I’ve been living it since I was born. Now I understand why his eyes pierced through my soul on that first meeting. They were the eyes I’d been searching for since before I came into this world. Over time, there have been events that caused me to doubt why we are together and only now understand that we are somehow meant to be together. Separation seems imminent due to certain circumstances in the physical and I am doing everything in my power to prevent it. Fighting in the “now” is not making sense. I feel his hate and anger toward me on an spiritual and physical level. Most times I want to die! I’d rather live away from him than live like this. It’s funny how after having united, we have ended up in the runner-chaser cycle for the past 4 years, maybe longer. External forces have also played a major role in this separation. I fear, I cry, I cringe. This separation however seems like the very thing we need in order to become whole again. Like some of the responses above, I saw his suffering and pain. I felt it. Source wants me to leave him alone, give him time and space. This is hard, I don’t know how to adjust to him not being there. I am slowly learning to rely on the spiritual and emotional in lieu of the physical which causes the most pain. At least I can reach his soul and he responds to me, that’s the comfort I have now.


  16. confusedsoul says:

    Oh.. all of these responses are so beautiful. I’ve been struggling the last few months especially and I think I found this website at a perfect time and i’d love (need) to share.
    I met my twin flame 11 years ago, and we have been in push & pull for 7 years now.
    I still can remember the first time we laid eyes on one another, I knew I loved him. I had never spoken to him, but we were in the same place everyday, and I knew. I was enamored.
    We were very young. I had some childhood tragedies and shortly after, I met him. I believe he was sent to me.

    After the initial meeting and for the last 7 years it has been nothing short of amazing, painful, liberating, eye-opening, beautiful, disastrous, and so many other things. The love I feel for him is beyond control, beyond measurement and beyond my eyes.
    I have tried running away countless times, only to be brought back home.
    He has done his fair share of running too, but after much soul searching, I’ve realized i’ve been coping with childhood abandonment issues and I have in fact been running… fast.
    Our connection is inevitable, and as the years pass it only gets stronger.
    I cannot let him go. I cannot severe the ties. He is the love of my life.
    We’ve both hurt each other a lot during our running and chasing, and somehow we are still here, we are still loving one another.
    The problem now is that he has associated himself with low vibrational people and things where I have done nothing but growing and I believe I’ve reached a high state of self-acceptance and love. I still struggle but I have come a long way. All I want now is for him to do the same. Whether or not we are together, I just want happiness for him, but I don’t know how else to help.
    He is not doing what is best for him in his life.
    He comes to me for love and for the feeling that I am always here for him and will always love him, but he has been hurting me. He has been disregarding me. He expresses his love for me, but he doesn’t follow through anymore.. such as canceling plans, not showing up, not giving me what I deserve.
    Somehow I feel the hurt inside him and I do not believe him to be a malicious person intentionally trying to hurt me, I can’t believe i’ve still stuck around but my heart knows that I must stick around. I don’t know if that makes me a fool or a push-over, but when you know, you know. and I know how much he loves me. I believe he is struggling and our vibrations are not aligning anymore.
    I am at a crossroads on whether or not I need to let him go. I don’t want to function from my ego and say that I must run again because he is hurting me. I want to be there for him but I can’t cope with the hurt. I am almost at my best and i’m not sure what to do.
    I send love to him and I have been blessed and bombarded with signs and synchronicities form my angels lately, triple numbers, etc. I do not know if this means to let go or to hold on.


    1. crazylady 2 says:

      Gorgio Giorgio where art thou Giorgio…. When a “confusedsoul” needs you???? 💚💜💛💙❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. doucejonna says:

        Lol give him a minute, it must take an hour for him to type of those marathon responses.. Lol 😂😂 He is the BEST!! Xx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. crazylady 2 says:

        I AGREE!!! He is an angel! 😇


      3. Giorgio says:

        Dear doucejonna, Zebra04 and all of US,

        Marathon response… !!! I can LOL as well at myself because I am part of this wonderful community and I feel at home amongst you all.
        Welcome to all my friends here.
        Well, you are right doucejonna. As always, about what you wrote here. I am not perfect because I have travelled along this journey and with your help I have survived and grown much… acknowledging that I know so little.

        Now let us be realistic. There is more than just finding ways to move forward.The question is HOW do we survive this and keep working so hard towards our TF with LOVE nothing else ?

        In our TF journey we need to realise a few important things. First and foremost we ned to try and understand “This is Divine Love”.

        We need to look at our own life. Our TF is the one who shares our Soul. They are not separate from us. We mirror them. In order to give this some sense we need to imagine as if we have an object that has layers of different colours that fit together to form the rainbow. Like the rainbow of our Spiritual chakras if I may.

        Some colours within this rainbow are the feminine and some others, that have separated, are the masculine. You and your TF share these colours and in order to blend together again into one complete rainbow again, you must both VIBRATE in the same vibration. If, as doucejonna said, you keep looking at your TF and ignore the work you need to do on yourself, you will not find the harmonious vibration that resonates on the same vibrational theme that is required in order to fall into the same vibration that will blend this rainbow into one complete pattern. No matter how painful the journey is at this moment you will stay where you are NOW if you do not get to work.

        This is what I mean –

        Whatever work you do for yourself, you do for your TF as well.
        1. Find your ancestral templates. Clear them and pray with belief.
        2. Clear all contracts from your end with whoever you have made contracts with and Your TF’s as well. .
        3. Find any possessions and addictions, that you and your own TF might have taken on to come with into this time of your reincarnation. This could have been a promise that you both made to each other and through GOD to come here with a purpose to face different challenges to grow and become stronger before re-union. This is a path that your TF might also be what your Tf has decided to take on so you will not suffer as much as they are.
        Instead they have taken this “it” on for you.
        4. As much as you think that you are suffering, they are too, because the reality is, that they could never be happiest without their united SOUL. You are the Spiritual one and You NEED to, do the work for you first. If you do then, as the vibration is mutual, only then all will reveal itself. I do believe that unless we understand that, there is NO PAIN in actual fact but, work towards our surrender to the creator for he knows all. Belief within yourself that – “through the creator ALL IS Possible” . heal your childhood wounds and cleanse all contracts from the day of your creation however far that is. God knows, ask to get signs.
        Ask foe help from the archangels, Krishna and others to assist you.
        5. There are so many things that you need to do, but without help you are going to be forever running and crying without really getting anywhere. so I suggest to you to Listen to others who have united – Mel and Nicole, Jill and Remi, Cassidy Cayne and do the clearing of your “Own Soul”. (It is the entity you both share. Many TF will be in union if what they do, is done for the higher Good. This is serious and painful YES, it is. It is also worth it and if I may compare it mildly….. Jesus gave his life for US and he gave his life to help us, cleanse us from original sin and much more. Follow his example of Divine Love. We are not giving our physical and going through the pain he endured. No way near it…. however… if your pain for your TF is worth it, then do all that is required of you. Use the pain and propel yourself towards your work, incessantly to obtain re-union if, and only if , it is in God’s plan for the higher good.
        6. I believe that we are all here to re-union. We MUST do our work, and , what is required of US as TF.
        We are highly spiritual and Special SOULS who have been gifted with many powers by the Holy Spirit. One must work hard to prove their worth. When all demonic and satanic powers within the Matrix get to work to destroy us, try their hardest to win us over to defy what GOD sent us to do on these plains in God’s Name, you need to understand that you are the Spiritual one that MUST do the work for both of you in the name of your creator.

        5. This is NOT a 3Dimension war against Evil… It is a war to save a Soul, your and your Tf’s from eternal hell. Work to save your SOUL but in the mean time help others see the light of rewriting and moulding afresh a way of life that this world needs changed so badly. Stop worrying if you are going to re-union or not. Believe that God loves you and so, show your Tf how much you love him by getting down to work, pray, cleanse and get directions from those who have done so with proof. Look up the names I suggested, as well as read what doucjonna has written. It is not an easy walk in the park by any means but I myself as much as anyone wishes to LOL… I am only appreciative and honour what my creator has gifted me with up until now.
        All of US must help others, everywhere as we do here. Believe that this journey is not just in the 3Dimension… we are living this illusional worldly life…. our mission and journey is Divine Love…. It is not of this world only but if We all manage to understand through dedicated prayers and belief, perhaps we prove our worth. God Will see that we are good angels who are ready to dedicate our worldly wishes and sorrow for an eternal place with GOD. our worldly desires and live the truth in life by helping others who wish to share the Divinity and Spirituality. Finding a way to reach surrender is the only way through the doors of Divine Love that we all seek. As my quotation goes “milestones are not made by Standing still”.
        Try Running away, getting angry, curse them, trying to sever the connection, staying in the hole of disbelief of whether left such divine love… and more that most of US have experienced… Yet, we are here and all trying to help each other to journey along such beauty in having found Devine Love…. be grateful and work for re-union, it is near only if you want it bad enough.
        “Good parents give their children enough money to do something with, NOT to do nothing with it”. God, Allah, Yahweh…. is our father. We need tolerant lessons to understand, be strong and appreciate what we work hard for. We are never apart, we cannot be, we share the one Soul.
        There is my marathon doucejonna, if my response is of any help to one person… well… than it is worth something. We need to understand our calling….
        Spirituality is the only way to the top….. so many spiritual Souls from heaven, from many spiritual literature; We can call upon them to get help …. Ask and you shall receive.

        Love, harmony and Peace with belief XXX


    2. Hi confusedsoul,
      Lol… Giorgio sure have a beautiful way of putting his words and sharing his vast knowledge.

      But here, I’d just like to share what I’ve been through. After I started getting closer to my twin in the first year that I have known him, I started uncovering dark sides of him. Sides that, he has been hiding from alot of people, because on the surface, he seemed like a bright, hopeful, positive young man to alot of people.

      And this uncovering continued on and exploded after we got together as lovers and then during the run/chase episode. During this period, he uncovered so much toxicity, I didn’t realise he was capable of. He was (have been) living in so much pain, pain that I know were from his childhood and other broken relationships, but also from places and past lives that I cannot fathom. His energetic bodies, so broken up, some shattered. So much filth and rot, I can see in my mind’s eye have just begun to be exposed from inside him.

      All these toxicity did affect me. It gave me bad luck when I come in contact with him, even just energetically connecting with him. I also personally started projecting my deepest fears and insecurities upon him – he started to look, behave, and remind me of all those people (men) who had scarred me before.
      At some point I did fear that he was going to hurt me the same ways those people did too. I knew I was threading on dangerous water and against all logic and sense, I stayed. I surrendered and kept asking God whether I’m doing it right, and while my inner voice asked me to stay, even when he asked me to leave, I kept coming back because my heart told me to. And I trusted that it was truly the right thing to do. Until one point, I was told to leave him physically, and let him be, and I can feel so much of his negativity leaving his body. It was a time when if I am near him, I would be hurt by those negative energies.

      A year later, I started contacting him again. This time, we are in slightly better places now. There were still much wounds to heal, but this time, we work it out more closely together. I broke so many relationship rules to be there for him, and trusted my heart asking me to stay when he didn’t even care. But he tried, and is still trying. Sometimes, we have to be vulnerable to hurt, to be able to achieve intimacy and happiness. Don’t be afraid to get hurt, but don’t be afraid to acknowledge it either, and communicate honestly with him, for he needs to know what he is doing to you…. Find out what is the root source of this attraction to these low vibrations? It is usually unresolved issues within him. Also, reflect on what are your fears in relationship to the kind of people you fear he is becoming. Is there a past hurt? or some people that you have been rejecting?

      Lastly, the best way is to trust your guides, the voice that will lead you to do the right things at the right time. To me, those number appearing are like a reassurance that I am doing the right thing, and I am in good company.

      Wish you love.


      1. confusedsoul says:

        Thank you so much for your response. I feel that my twin and yours must be very similar. I am sorry that you had to go through that agony as well. It is a terrible feeling but i’m happy things are working better for you. Reading your story really helped me.
        What you said about your twin being different externally to other people really is the same with mine – he is known to everyone as this funny guy, full of jokes and light hearted,almost too much, but with me he is different and he is himself. I can see that he is doing that to mask pain inside and really he isn’t at peace with himself.

        Did you feel that you were being a pushover and people thought you were crazy and ludicrous for staying with him?
        No one can understand why i’m still here for him..and I can’t explain why, but I know I need to be. However, I feel that I must go soon. Maybe it will be the best for him to get himself together and start living life in a better place. I feel that maybe I have to do this for him by letting him go, to learn lessons for both of us.
        Yes, my biggest fear is abandonment and that someone is not who they say they are, does not love me. In my childhood and adolescence I was forced to grow up too quickly, be someone I was not, and put down constantly for just being a kid and that I was doing everything wrong and no good.
        I am fearful that he only sees this side of me, and doesn’t actually love me. Although I know that isn’t the truth, Its just a fear.
        So when he does things like ignore me or cancel our plans, I go in full fright mode and react crazily. I am much, much better with this these days though. I have grown so much from him. I think that the time has come to push him to grow.

        I wanted to ask you ,did you say some last words to him or tell him at any point that you knew how much negativity was surrounding him? Did you tell him you had to leave because he was hurting you?


      2. crazylady 2 says:

        Dear confusedsoul. Your tf doesn’t hurt you. he only hurts himself. Because you are connected YOU feel HIS pain. Its 1 in the same. I don’t think my tf “knows” Hes my tf by definition but I believe he has an enormous sense of the connection. The last time I saw him I said you need to learn to let go of ego and swallow your pride so in essence I need to do the same. I’m EXTREMELY telepathic with my tf. From his sexual energy to his frustrations his happiness and his sadness brings me mad anxiety but his hurt brings me closer to God. Our “separation” gives me the opportunity to work on me. While I’m working on me he receives the energy which is rewarding to us both. So if you carry and wear negativity from the past then the 2 of you are bouncing this back and forth. You must clear you. You must love you. If you don’t love you how can your tf love himself. Find the beauty within yourself. Find the good. Even if you feel you only have 1 good thing focus on that and evolve from there. The past is the past. Painful ugly truth but without it you couldn’t learn how to be better tomorrow. Love God 1st. Then you. Your tf is ALWAYS going to feel what you feel. You are 1. ❤s thoughts and prayers.


      3. jenncrystal says:

        Hi Confusedsoul,

        I had told him before about the negative energy that I see in him. He told me himself, he don’t know what is overcoming him. He can’t feel his soul and it’s like he’s not himself anymore. I was afraid too of what he is becoming. But i reassured him, “the seed of an apple tree will always grow into an apple tree”… even if it was changed by diseases or intervention. And I trusted that his “seed”, his true self, is a good one.

        Actually, the year that we first got together as lovers, was a year that was extremely difficult and traumatising for him. We talked about his hurts and his losses, but not too much as it was too painful for him. Sometimes, all he needed was for me to just hold him. And I had always told him that he needed to learn to heal himself.

        But I too have my needs and insecurities, including how I felt he wasn’t treating me good, like how he treated his other ex-girlfriends before (which we do talk about), like he’s taking me for granted. I eventually become frustrated and dissatisfied with the relationship, along with the pressures from the fact that we are an impossible couple, I decided to break up with him, trusting that it was the best thing to do at that time. I said I felt taken for granted and that I can’t be in a relationship like this.

        However, a few days in, I started breaking down horribly. The pain of the separation was too much, and it started feeling like a very very wrong decision. Plus the realisation that our break up was like a last straw that completely broke him, after all the things that happened to him that year. I called him, but he didn’t really want to talk to me. I waited a month, and contacted him for a casual meet up. I missed him terribly. By then, he was completely shutting himself out from the world, just staying in his room, playing video games. He would entertain those who make the effort to contact him, but he wasn’t going to initiate anything with anyone. I kept visiting him every week, while he behaves hot and cold. Eventually we were starting to act like friends with benefits, but his occasional efforts in doing things like preparing food for us reassured me that he actually still cares, but he’s just being very very broken. Sometimes we will start talking about the deeper stuffs that would hurt, and he would start pushing me away. Until one day, he told me to leave him alone, not to see him and not to talk to him again. I had felt the gradual distancing and was prepared for a separation with him this time. So i left him alone.

        Of course, this whole time, I kept questioning myself, “why am I so stupid? What kind of person is he really? what if he’s just using me?”. But I felt that, if I was so afriad of him using me, then the problem is just me having a shaky self-value. I continued thinking about him everyday, doing distant healing for him, and hoping for the possibility of reuniting. I continued wishing for his happiness and healing even when I saw him happy with a new girlfriend (which turned out to be so dysfunctional in the end). By then, even my closest friends, the ones who believed in me the most said, “maybe it’s time you should move on.” But deep down, I already knew I can’t. So I’ll just keep quiet and smile.

        These days, whenever he screwed up, I might still go all full blown on him, but I’ve been working on my anger, and I always find ways to allow for reconciliation, and will give him guidance and opportunities to make up for the disappointments (something that perhaps he wasn’t able to do in his many past dysfunctional relationships). I had promised that no matter what, we will work it out together. We’re both tired of walking alone or being in whirlwind relationships, so sometimes, it’s really about working it our together like good-ol-married couples.

        Circumstances will always be hard. But the question is simple. Do you want this? I know I do. It is my priority in life. We both want this walking alone was too painful, meaningless, and was a waste of our precious life. I feel better working together as a team. Honestly, for us, we know that out there, there is a host of challenges waiting to come between us, but we are just taking it one step at a time, working things out, working on our self-growth, on each other, clearing issues, finding our true path. I believe that if we both follow the true path, the universe will find a solution for us to stay together.


      4. Giorgio says:

        Dear jenncrystalmp2
        I am happy that you are in where you need and should be. Remain and help, communicate and show love and get help. Help is there, as this is only new to us all. I like Jill and Remi as well as Mel and Nicole, different but Cassady Cayne as well. Surrender and get closer to the creator. I am so happy for you both.

        Love, Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


      5. jenncrystal says:

        Thank you dear Giorgio, sure I would stay and help. We all need that, for this path is so painful, so difficult, so challenging to everything we thought we knew. Old blueprints and fears come back to life… Egoes that need to be shattered.
        I know getting help is one of my next lessons as I tend to keep To myself very much.
        Thank you. This is such a beautiful place for sharing. Wish you all faith and love. ❤


      6. Giorgio says:

        XXXXXXXXXX Spirituality is The best vehicle and place of peace and support to both of you.

        Love. Harmony and Peace with Belief XXX


  17. confusedsoul says:

    Yes, crazylady2, I know I am feeling his hurt. I have yet to identify if i’m feeling mine or if I’m feeling his. A lot of times before we see each other I have this wave of uncertainty and fear come over me, and sometimes he ends up canceling or something comes up. I think I feel his fear.
    I do telepathically feel him a lot, but I need to differentiate between my own hurt and his hurt.
    I was not even remotely a spiritual person a few years ago, I was against it all, but this connection has made me very spiritual and it is a beautiful blessing that I know is because of what he has brought out in me. I will continue to love myself and follow my path.. if it helps him too that is all I really want. much love to you<3


    1. stacey kirsch says:

      Oh honey it’s excruciating I KNOW. It’s confusing when life can be “just fine” and just like that MAN! I am empath so you can imagine I’m always picking up on others energies. Sometimes I will KNOW right away where it’s coming from and sometimes I will immediately know it’s my tf and sometimes I’m like I’M GOING CRAZY. When it’s my tf I try to hug him. Talk him down. Tell him I love him and ask him to calm down. I pray pray pray. Cleanse cleanse cleanse meditate meditate meditate. This helps calms me brings peace but I always go into freak out mode @1st. WHO IS THIS WHAT IS THIS. death is a big energy I pick up on so yes it definitely scares the Shit outta me. But once I’ve calmed down it’s like validation confirmation NOW I CAN BREATHE…. IF that makes sense. I’m sorry for your pain confusedsoul. Try your best to see it as an illusion. ❤s thoughts and prayers


      1. zebra04 says:

        I love all the positive comments and advice to work on self during the separation stage. The problem is the daily pain, pain so bad it paralyzes you. Pain so powerful your breathes are labored! I feel empty, my heart wants to needs to crawl out of my chest and find him! My eyes has lost its spark, my touch is cold. I never knew what a twin flame was until I met him – the moment I saw him I felt a thump… He unearthed me! All my senses were awaking and he felt the same too. Yet here I am alone and at the end of my rope!! So please tell me how to awake up tomorrow, tell me how to get rid of all this pain!


      2. Giorgio says:

        Dear zebra04,

        I will give you a place where you can feel at peace with your TF in the higher dimension.

        Have a look on the internet. get a “Merkabah” symbol. Get the see through Violet one which I have. Now, you imagine your Souls, your TF and yourself inside this. You are within the Violet colours and no other can be with you or bother you. It is Your Holy Place. Ask your creator, the Holy Spirit to be with you. Invite Arcangel michael to put a protection around both of you with his Blue Dome of protection. Ask Arcangel Michael to Surround you with his army of Blue Angels, they are amazingly powerful and no one will trouble you. Always have faith and ask for protection if you feel any temptation or get weak at any stage due to different things that challenge you.

        Important –
        Remember that we are challenged by the evil workers all the time… from the time you are born. However, be strong not to buckle under any pressure. You are a chosen Angel yourself and so is your TF. You are NEVER separated, ever. Never apart, so do the healing and hold his hand as you do this. Heal for yourself and your TF at the same time. Your Soul is ONE.

        Look up Jill and Remi and buy their webinar about childhood wounds healing. It has helped me a lot. It will give you an insight of what you need to do and how you can improve on your ways of healing your own part of the woods. You must start with yourself first. But My advise is to do your healing with your TF as well. You are ONE as I said.

        Do this and you will start getting head aches and feel different vibrations as you connect with the higher Realm of our Creator, God, Allah, Yahweh. Use the Archangels, spirit guides, saints and whoever else you find that can help you, Quon Yin, Krishna and Radha, and all your Holy and Godly helpers. They will come to you and you will find rest within.

        You must find balance within first and thought hate you will find balance for your TF.
        Whatever you have that is worrying you is what is probably worrying your TF as well.

        Get closer to your creator and join US all as we have all done this. We are all at different stages but we are all working hard to Re-union as ONE even on this site. We are all chosen Angels to change the world spiritually and stabilise the many souls that seek a Peaceful and eternal place as we travel towards our destination…. which is, your own Peace within with your creator. And this will only happen when you do enough work so you and your TF re-union with the Holy Spirit. You must believe, you must as this is probably part of your journey purpose.

        See how you go.
        I send you spiritual energy and grace to help you . Ask the Holy Mary and Mary Magdalene to crush satan’s head again and again every time he tempts me. She does and he crawls away like a wounded snake. He hides and diapers with shame as he knows too well that I have already vowed OUR soul to the King of Kings. There is only one for me and My Beautiful TWIN FLAME…. She is worth every effort, every biota pain and above all every effort to show my creator that he is the ultimate energy that will ever Only pray. All satanic and demonic powers are powerless and evil, Not peaceful and full of materialistic temptations that none of us need. They are just pegs along our path to victory over them. Surrender to become an angel of good will and Peace with Love in Harmony.

        Love, Harmony and Peace with belief XXX


    2. crazylady 2 says:

      Oh honey it’s excruciating I KNOW. It’s confusing when life can be “just fine” and just like that MAN! I am empath so you can imagine I’m always picking up on others energies. Sometimes I will KNOW right away where it’s coming from and sometimes I will immediately know it’s my tf and sometimes I’m like I’M GOING CRAZY. When it’s my tf I try to hug him. Talk him down. Tell him I love him and ask him to calm down. I pray pray pray. Cleanse cleanse cleanse meditate meditate meditate. This helps calms me brings peace but I always go into freak out mode @1st. WHO IS THIS WHAT IS THIS. death is a big energy I pick up on so yes it definitely scares the Shit outta me. But once I’ve calmed down it’s like validation confirmation NOW I CAN BREATHE…. IF that makes sense. I’m sorry for your pain confusedsoul. Try your best to see it as an illusion. ❤s thoughts and prayers


      1. confusedsoul says:

        I know exactly what you mean. I wish I could be as strong as you to meditate and pray and be able to send him love, but when the pain is too much to bear I can’t have him here to do it anymore. I must shut him out of my life so he cannot contact me any longer. I know we will continue to contact each other telepathically and I will always answer to that, but no longer in 3D. He can’t hurt me like this any longer.


      2. confusedsoul says:

        I know exactly what you mean. I believe I am empath too for I am always picking up more than I need to and very suddenly. I wish I was as strong as you to just pray and meditate and see it as an illusion, but I can’t. I know my tf is going through hurt, but he is hurting me so badly that I cannot bear it any longer. I have shut him out of my life so he cannot contact me any longer and I will make every effort to move on from our physical connection. Telepathically, I will always be here for him and i’m sure we will connect in that way often, but no longer in 3D. It is too much for me.


  18. Giorgio says:

    Dear zebra04

    Apologies, my spelling mistake in this paragraph – Correction –
    “You must find balance within first and thought hate you will find balance for your TF.
    Whatever you have that is worrying you is what is probably worrying your TF as well”

    You must find balance within first —- and through this NOT “thought hate “.

    Love , Harmony and Peace with belief XXX


  19. confusedsoul says:

    Dear Jenncrystal,

    I feel that our experiences are so similar with our twins. He too would shut everyone out and still does, sleeping all day long on the weekends and makes no initiatives to see me or anyone. I can feel him slipping into a dark hole and I feel so terrible about it, the friends he associates with have such negative energy around them I can feel it. His life is dark. On the surface he is full of jokes, laughs and very likable with many friends. I can really resonate with you when you say your friends and family told you to move on – mine cannot understand why I’m still here and still hoping for a future with him. I just can’t explain what my heart says and what it wants. I’ve tried.. i’ve tried so hard to move on, with other men, with focusing on myself, but at the end of the day it’s like an empty box and I feel lost. He’s never discussed childhood pains with me, and I didn’t think he really had any as he comes from what seems to be a nice family, but he has made many negative comments about them and that i’m the one he loves more than anyone in the family. This leads me to believe he has been wounded.

    I have never been the type of woman to depend on a man and I am very independent, but when it comes to him.. everything is different. I don’t “depend” on him.. I need him to push forward.
    I feel that agony now again as we aren’t speaking.. he dropped off the face of the planet after we had made plans to see one another. I just don’t want to tolerate being treated like this but I know he’s struggling inside. For so long I have run when he does something like this, I block him out of my life, tell him to get out, but then I can’t follow through with it months later.
    I am feeling an intense urge to run and block him in all ways to contact me again because I am hurt. I don’t know if i’m feeling his hurt. I don’t know if doing that will help the process.. sometimes I think that I need to learn the lesson of letting go and he needs to learn not to take things for granted that love him dearly. He is fearful of love and I am fearful of rejection and full of pride.
    I do want this and I do want to continue the journey with him, I just don’t know where the line is crossed where you’re being treated disrespectfully. After 8 years i’m frustrated.


    1. jenn says:

      Hi Confusedsoul,

      Yes, some of these guys can get to really dark places I guess. But I’m glad after that 1 year, he came back looking kinda normal. But his little dark hole is something that’s there that he might crawl back into whenever life hits him.

      Just share with you a little about myself too. I come from a somewhat normal family, but I spend most of my life feeling unhappy and unsatisfied. I was a very sensitive, empathetic kid, but my parents are very emotionally distant. My mom is very masculine and very strict towards me during my early life, and my dad used to be verbally and borderline physically abusive. Growing up, I was somewhat socially maladjusted. I had some very good, trusted friends. But aside from that, it was very very hard for me to maintain relationships with people. And I don’t feel close to my family and is often dissatisfied with them, even though, looking at my family now, it is hard to understand why.

      My parents marriage wasn’t a very functional one, and I was brought up to be a strong, ultra-feminist, and overly-self-protective set of behaviors. Needless to say, all these had wrecked havoc in my adult life, social and work life, and my past relationships, and in spite of the work I’ve done to tone down/undo the conditioning, it still came back and hit me like a kick in the guts in this relationship, especially when all the insecurities come stirring up.

      The first response when I feel him going to hurt me energetically was to run and protect myself. I attempted to clear his energy off me, but when I did, it came hitting me back, so painful! Eventually, I surrendered, and spoke to God to surrender and be willing to follow him to hell and back. I “saw” that he would hurt me (in the form of our energetic bodies). But that act of hurting me, was simply a way of expressing the pain that he is carrying inside, which I later found was many more times more painful. It was so against my conditioning to allow myself to be in such an emotional position, walking into his arms, telling him I’m his, that even if he may sometimes hurt me, I will accept it. But I did, and that act of “hurting”, is only temporary. It was only a challenge, that if we decide to surrender, we pass and we are freed from it.

      The hurt you’re feeling might be the hurt of him cutting you off. Or it might be a hurt, stirred up from your childhood rejections (because that’s how it works with our twins). Since you are aware that you fear rejection and is full of pride, you know that those are the things that you have to overcome. To trust that you are loved, no matter how you see your twin behave, and to be willing to bow down your ego and surrender. If you have learned how to heal, you know you will be safe.

      Get help, get support, get friends who understand. I am personally undergoing counseling for my issues. I have not much else to live for, and have a host of crazies to deal with. Get a coach, get mutual friends, get therapy. Be good enough for yourself.

      Love and peace.


    2. jenncrystal says:

      Also, I’m watching some Jill and Remy videos here as Giorgio recommended, and all they’re explaining is totally relevant.


    3. jenncrystal says:

      Dear Confusedsoul, I was typing this whole long reply and fell asleep, and when i woke up and clicked send, it probably didn’t went through. But yea, I try to remember what I said again.

      These guys really have their dark holes they crawl into. I have my crazy I unleash sometimes. Personally, I came from a normal family from the outside, but deep down there were alot of hurts and dysfunctions, as I was a very very sensitive child, and my parents were very strict in my early years, and my dad was verbally and borderline physically abusive. They were emotionally distant esp my mom who is very masculine.

      Their marriage too was also not very functional. I was brought up to approach relationships with defensiveness, logic and distrust. I don’t do well socially with people and was very destructive towards some of my other relationships. Needless to say, all these magnifies when my TF came along.

      During some of our darkest times, I had surrendered and made the promise to go to hell and back with him. Even if in my mind’s I see him hurting me, I let him. I saw that it was a pain that I need to go through to learn to feel again, trust and love deeply again. I allowed myself to feel the hurt and pain, and promised to stay. It was totally against my conditioning. And sometimes, these are just tests that once we surrender to it, it will cease. Though it still may come back in a slightly different from seeking for reaffirmation.

      I love him, but it doesn’t stop me from making so many mistakes and saying the wrong things to him. But if that is my centre, it is where I’ll keep coming back to. And be gentle with our approach as much as we can.

      Wish you peace and love.


  20. MorMarHar says:

    I’m so thankful I found this website. I’m finding myself emotionally torn and ready to just give up this TF phenomenon. All your stories resonate with me and I finally can say…I don’t feel alone anymore. There are others out there experiencing the same thing. My first thoughts were…Is this obsession? Am I crazy? Can he feel this heart wrenching feeling I’m feeling too? Will the pain subside if we never meet in 3D again? Why did I sign up for this?

    My story….. As a little girl, I would often have conversations or rather receive messages from my guardian angel about my TF. HE told me I would know him because he would have green eyes. So when I was 7, I told my mother and aunt my husband would have green eyes.
    Fast forward to 1984…I was a sophomore in High School and word was buzzing around that a new guy had enrolled at my school. Although a number of girls at the school were anxiously waiting to meet him. But he didn’t much faze me being that I was a focused student with no social life. Needless to say, when I finally caught gleams of the new guy, it was like my heart skipped a beat and I could barely catch my breath. He looked my direction and apparently felt the same way because he was drawn towards me. His piercing green eyes stared into mine. It was as though he and I were in a light fog with no one else around and time stood still. That moment scared the hell out of me. I didn’t speak…I just walked away.
    For the next few weeks he pursued me in the way a young boy would do. By larking around my locker, having his friends send me messages and my first do you like me Yes or No note was sent by him. We became a couple a few months later. It was as though I had my best friend and boyfriend all wrapped into one. I felt so comfortable around him and could honestly be myself with him. He and I were virgins and two days before his 16th birthday we lost our virginity together. Then, I received devastating news, he told me that he was moving away and would be going to another school cross town. My heart ached and I couldn’t stand losing him. So, I broke it off…no reason, just couldn’t watch him leave me.
    A year later, we had a basketball game at his school. I was now a cheerleader and he was on the basketball team. He and I hadn’t spoken since he moved away. As I walked into the gym I could sense someone was looking at me. I turned to see him sitting on the bleachers with his team mates. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Throughout the game I couldn’t help but keep my focus on him. I guess he felt the same way because of the numerous calls he received from the referee.
    At the end of the game he caught me before I got on our school bus. He asked for my number and we began to talk again. I remember the last time we were together he asked me if I were to every get married where would I want to go for my honey moon? I replied, Paris! It was so hard for us to keep up a long distance relationship and we just faded away. It was like the relationship didn’t close it just remained in limbo.


  21. MorMarHar says:

    Fast forward 10yrs later…Life happened I got married and had 3 children (at an early age). It was Aug 1996; I was at a social club with my friends celebrating my divorce. I excused myself to go to the restroom. While walking toward the back of the room something whispered to me to look to my right. As I did, there he was!!!! Our eyes met and I was so excited to see him. He mentioned he was getting married the next day and was at the social club for his bachelor party. My heart sunk, but, I still asked him if he wanted to dance which he did. Looking back at that moment, it seemed as though the Universe was attempting to intervene to stop his marriage but it didn’t happen. We didn’t see each other again until…Fast forward 12 yrs later. It was around July 2008, my youngest child who was now 16yrs old wanted to open a bank account. She considered we go to the neighborhood bank a few blocks from the house. We walked into the bank met with a representative and proceeded to open a joint account. We gave the bank representative our identification. He mentioned he would need to run the application by his manager for approval.
    When the representative came back, he asked me if I had gone to a particular High School. I was leery with my response; thinking what does my high school have to do with the application process? The representative told me that his manager thinks he knew me. I asked what his manager’s name was and he told me. I couldn’t believe it! It was Him, my TF. The representative asked if we had time to see him. I introduced him to my daughter. It was like I was 16yrs old all over again. The feelings I had when I first seen him in our high school hall way. Afterwards, my daughter told me she could feel the energy in the room and we weren’t just friends in high school as she smiled slyly at me.
    He and I met for lunch; at that point, he was still married with 2 children. I remember him asking me why I didn’t come after him. It pained me to hear him ask that question because I thought he gave up on me. We occasionally communicated but then it just stopped. He wouldn’t return my calls or respond to my emails. I managed to keep life going and soon stopped thinking about him again.
    Fast forward 7yrs later. It was 2015, I hadn’t thought about my TF since we last met 7yrs ago. Up until my deceased aunt came to visit me in my dreams. She told me about my husband and he needed me. I didn’t understand the dream because I hadn’t remarried since my divorce. The next morning, I awoke to calling out my TF name. Out of nowhere!!! My thought was why did I do that? For the next few weeks all I could think about was him. I finally told my youngest daughter about the dream and my reaction the next day. She remembered the bank incident and suggested I contact him. Since I had moved and hadn’t kept in contact with him the likelihood of him being at the same branch let alone the same bank was very slim. But, my heart told me to try. So I did! I sent an email to his old email address (please don’t ask me how I remembered) but I did. Two days later I received his reply. I could sense his excitement from the words he expressed in his email. At first, he was adamant to meet with me. We attempted to make arrangements to meet. During this time I had numerous synchronicities 11:11 everywhere. I smelled a scent of a man when there was no one around. He and I telepathically communicated.
    Then, he just stopped communicating with me. It wasn’t until April 2016 when we seen each other in passing. It just so happened I was doing business in the same building he had a meeting (The Universe at work again) But, I had just received some terrible news and didn’t react to him when I seen him. WE looked at each other and I could feel his eyes piercing through my soul. It took everything in me not to cry. I quickly left the building and didn’t reach out to him until 4 months later (August 2016). I expressed via email my apologies of missing an opportunity to catch up with him. He responded back 3 days later and replied…No worries Marg, I hope everything is okay, keep in touch.
    I’ve since attempted to open communication back with him. But, yet again, he is unresponsive. I wish this agony would end. I still see 11:11 444, 333, 222. He comes to me in my dreams. I’ve asked him to let me go telepathically just so the pain would go away. Nothing!!!! Trust me when I say…I have done a whole lot of soul searching. I’m whole and feel so much self love. I only wish my aunt wouldn’t have visited me in my dreams a year ago. What do I Do????!!!!


  22. Eleanna says:

    I am so confused. I separate from whom I believe is my twin flame and married my soulmate. I dream of my twin flame often enough and the dreams are where we meet again. We communicate fully through our dreams. I keep in touch every so often because I obviously love him. I told him that if we ever separated (which we did) it would feel like tearing apart our locked Hands that were fused together (and it felt like that). I’m happily married to an angel of a man. Why would God do this to me?


  23. Nat says:

    I really need your help. I met a guy last year who I truly believe is my twin flame, because I felt like I was going mad. I have become much more spiritually advanced since meeting him though, I have experienced visions of him, feeling what he feels etc, even what I know is telepathy. I see sparkles of lights and insights from higher self. I know that he believed I’m his twin flame, though we never ever spoke directly about it.

    I became the runner in the relationship, but I think the tables have now turned. The last time I saw him was last month (I hadn’t seen him for two months before then). I’m not sure if he was lying but he said he had a GF (throughout our on off relationship I was very paranoid that he was seeing someone else). Anyway I said if he couldn’t talk to me anymore it’ll be better to say goodbye now. He then said he wanted to see me that very night I texted him and I agreed. It was our last night. The next day we shared a tight embrace, I knew then it was over for us, well I felt that on a 3d level anyway. After a couple of days he text me saying he couldn’t see or speak to me anymore. I told him I understood, tho it tore me apart to let him walk away. He suffers from heartburn and indigestion, and that last night he was acting really selfish, so I had said to him I never suffered from heartburn just to see his reaction and he looked quite shocked. I do get heart flutters etc and an itchy nose when I’m communicating with him telepathically when we are not together. I’m really worried now that he thinks I’m not his twin flame and that is why he doesn’t want to see or talk to me anymore. I don’t know what to do, I miss him terribly.

    Our relationship (we weren’t really officially bf n gf) has been a long roller coaster ride. He never really expressed physically with cuddles etc that he cared for me (I told him I love him, but he has never said it back tho he did say that he cared about ages ago), but TBH I feel he was mirroring all the bad stuff I had done to him during my runner phase. I kept pushing him away in the early days of our relationship, because I was scared. I would end it when I didn’t feel that he cared about me, but he would never respond to the goodbye, I guess to keep the door open for me to come back, but this time he said he didn’t want to see or speak to me anymore.

    I did feel my heart flutter and saw glowing gold light when I was going to sleep a few days after he ended it, but I was mad at him so refused to embrace it (not sure if it was him directly or higher self etc). I went through a dark night of the soul for a few days, I had never felt so ill. I then attempted to break cords with him, I was feeling pain in my solar plexus so I tried to let go after I was told spirituality to let go (I felt the cut had to be made at the solar plexus area because that area was quite sore and tight). After that attempt I felt my spiritual senses were dulled and my ears were itching and ringing. A week ago I felt energy in my sacral chakra and my solar plexus was tingling also my stomach feels so much better after that, what does all this mean (strangely the last time I saw him I was physically sick when I got home, maybe something to do with my solar plexus?) please help me understand what all this was. Does it prove he is my twin flame? Have I ruined everything with him?


  24. Linda says:

    I prefer to remain anonymous. I need answers asap . I have been ascending in so many ways and it’s so so intense I can barely take it . Is my twin untuned with this phenomenal feeling or am I crazy ?


  25. Linda Tate says:

    Please please forgive me . I am so so so sorry for all I have caused . I want my toderply apologize for everything & it’s important for me to feel like I’m forgiven . I need to heal too & move on . I will forever Love you for all eternity. Death can’t kill my love ❤️ for only you . Please forgive me and one day maybe you can tell me what I’ve done and who I was to you . God bless you and your family . Xoxo Darcy.


  26. Renee says:

    Ummmm. This is kind of weird but my computer kept scrolling down to the bottom of this page despite my attempts to scroll up and just close it. Now that I’m typing in this box I can move my mouse around normally so I guess I’d better leave a reply!!!??? This was my last thought I had after reading a few of the most popular posts I found here: The posts I read are actually very helpful and practical in describing the process/processing towards union and helping me to not only understand it better but feel comfort that something similar is going on with others. I find some sources (twin writers who’ve already gone through union I’m assuming), have such lofty and highly tuned channeled information that there seems to be a disconnect between being able to understand the high information with our lower level systems and it can come across like New Agey spiritual love and light BS! Thank you for being dedicated to your posting even with the separations and know It really is a blessing to all of your readers that you didn’t just snap into union with your twin when you first met. I find your grass roots perspective very comforting and your writing popped up in my search at the moment I needed it! I look forward to hearing your journey unfold.

    Thank you!



  27. Karl jordan cook says:

    Hi im gona try and make this short as i can but hard considering all that me and my twin has been through..just magical. Having our first spiritual apiphany together on the blood moon of 4/4 2015 while living at number 44. We have the same life path number 36/9 and we saw 333 everywhere and Syncronicities followed and hightened around the first wave of ascension on sept 28 2015 and many miracles and healings also. I opened my third eye and ive seen angels which spoke to me and i was guided to set up an instagram acct now called the tribe of light..to inspire people..i believe we have great work to do here yet i have been going though so much pain and darkness with my twin its been so hard to focus to the point of me questioned why source would want this to happen. Its been push pull push pull and now we have really hit a wall and we have broke for the billionth time but it feels more real this time. My question is am i doing something wrong for us not to be reuniting and are twin flame once together supposed to stay together for the duration of this life or not. If not then what would be the point in source making us meet in this lifetime? If we dont reunite in this lifetime does that mean im doing something wrong? Can we not be in a relationship together and still do this work we came here to do? So confusing does feel like going in circles. My twin is only 18 and im 29 so she is young and hormonal and its been hell trying to raise her vibe. She has done well for her age though but it makes me feel like im failing as i cant level her up. When does the twin flame relationship actually become blissful or is it even suppose to be. I know you say focus on your self and it will help them but even days where i have been super nice and sent lovely pics and words of love she can send hate back..so i dont get it. It been hard dropping bad habits but i did it..vegan..no computer..no drugs no beer even balacing my sexual energies better but this thing with us is tormenting me..especially as i have noone in the world apart from my two dogs and being alone is ok with me on many levels but we have goals of manifesting travels around the world to inspire others and the thought of doing that alone seems so sad and pointless. Sorry its longer than expected but i have so many thoughts and questions..i was obvoiusly guides to find this page after praying.. i am so grateful for you and what you are doing thank you so much god bless your soul 💜🔥


  28. schmageks says:

    I am lost, please help, my presumed TF suddenly started dating some other lady. (he’s 20 years older than me, netiher of us is player, sex based or superficial). Physically we met in april 2016, for a nature project. That morning I had minutes notice to make a swift if unethical decision to call in sick and join urgent conservancy effort in freezing rain 3 hours drive from me or I would probably never meet him. In fact, that day, i remember thinking: its now or never! although this feeling pertained to the project, not the person, as I didn’t know him yet.

    At initial meeting we easily grew friendly and then inexplicably grew closer over only 5 other meetings in course of year. (2016-2017). A true friendship grew. He lives 200 miles away but we found time every few months to meet. It was sheer delight. We just talked a lot, about everything, also realizing how much in common we have although very different upbringing and age(I am 35 he is 55). After each outing I missed him dearly although I was not physically attracted to him yet. But, the feeling was: I never want to NOT see him again.

    One night I had a dream about him being my lover but I shook it off. Another night while, I felt incredible heat in my heart and then vibrating and dizziness and started uncontrollably crying out for him. I was crying, why, because of a guy I met couple times and who never held me or touched me? What is happening to me? Why do I care?

    November 2016 our closeness became undeniable on 2 day trip to nature, it was the best days of my life, and his as I can tell. Our host kept asking us how long have we been a couple. We laughed it off. Later when looking through our photos, we both looked radiant and beautiful(I am rarely ever photogenic or even passable) but what strikes me is our couple like quality and even resemblance! I suddenly saw him as my mate. I was officially aware I love him. There was starting to be magnetism then but nothing untoward has occured. The beds were 2 inches apart but we held our horses. there was so much tension, I did not sleep much.

    The finale…I was leaving for a month long volunteer trip in december 2016. Because I felt things, I called him and informed him, that I’ll be separating from my current husband in 2017 and that I have been one foot out the door for years, so he does not have to worry about me being still attached. I also said that we should not ignore our current feelings. But I never actually told him to wait for me and that i liked him and that I want to pursue life with him… there was not a day or night when I was not missing him. Although i had no visual while i was away I felt he met someone and also I felt a shift between us after seeing one photograph with some lady online. I was panicking, knowing over holidays people meet people…. The minute I came back from my trip I scheduled meeting with him. When we met, the feelings were of tension and fear but happiness too. His eyes were darker, like as if he’s angry with me for some reason. but it was him being scared to tell me the current reality. We spent a day together, I was so happy once more. I could not wait to tell him how I feel. But he started first after I asked him he met someone, he said yes. He doesn’t know yet how special this lady is, but he wants to honor it as they are technically dating already. After that he told me how he felt about me:

    He’s been interested in me from the start, he was shocked at how we melded. His version sounded as if i wrote it! I was gushing. And same about the November weekend- he regretted nothing happened between us, but we both were aware it would have been an affair and we did not want that. This whole year, I lied in bed thinking of him while he was doing the same about me apparently. He told me how every meeting he was more and more interested but then he found out I am married as well as apparently I gave him carefree attitude so he thought I am not interested in him. And then I was not explicit before holidays and then he met someone and said, the reason he wants to give it a chance is because they already got a taste of real relationship/dating, unlike us, restricted and I married. Why for God’s sake did I not tell him how I feel? We both felt it…if I said something we would be finally reunited this year starting to move ahead. Why was I so damn polite all of sudden?

    We had to leave eventually, so he hugged me freely for the first time, put his face in my hair and we held hands while looking at the stars. I could not belive the timing, I could feel him wanting to be with me but felt that he’s also now detached, he now has someone else to care about…Then we said goodbye. We did not kiss. I did cry on my long way home while my heart physically ached inside me like a knife. All radio stations i was tuning in played my favorite songs which i always listen to when I’m thinking of him! When i turned on my GPS, it told me i’ll be home at 11:11….

    I cried for days when I am alone. I reached out to him saying we should at least try to get to know each other over coming months even as friends but he said it won’t jive with the “honoring what he started” with the other lady. he promised he’ll be in touch as a friend but I have my doubts now that he knows I love him.

    I cannot but wonder, if I had moved out last year when I wanted to, we would certainly already be together as I would be free to confess my feelings.

    Why I feel this is different? Why I keep hoping this is not the end of our story? That this is TF?
    -We met in weird timing out of nowhere and immediately jived and consecutively met in a series of outings that normally would not happen in ordinary slow going friendship and if this was just sex we would have already done it
    -I was not interested in him or attracted to him like other “boys” yet felt a powerful pull towards him in my heart and brain and later in my other area after we spent weekend together
    I have also immediately stopped being interested in the lover or actual sex with anybody no longer appealed to my sense
    -When I visited an island this holiday, there were bamboo forests and on them lovers inscriptions, and one of them said our name+name, and I noticed it just by looking up from my muddy trail out of hundreds of writings I noticed this one in split second.
    -I had a sexual dream with him very soon after we met and I never had those kinds of dreams about anyone.
    -prior to meeting him I went through a series of drastic personality, lifestyle and spiritual transformations as well as physical awareness and awakening to my own responsibility as the director of my life and as contributor to world
    -His eyes terrify me, but when I do look, they are unexplainably compelling and piercing
    -His hands draw my eyes every single time and I don’t know why
    -This meeting was based solely on helping nature and since that meeting I have been exponentially growing in helping nature
    -Part of my attraction to being with him is that our lives would be perfect harmony for helping nature
    -I have no fear of him being older or of any sexual dysfunction, as I know this feeling when we are together would have suffice even if we are not physically capable, but I somehow know that if given chance we would explode together in amazing passion
    -My heart has opened up almost fully soon after I met him, and I have regular sensations of love towards all animals, trees and even people I do not have reason to like.
    -I have lost interest in making loads of money but rather look of jobs that will support my beliefs and further the sustainable living

    I cannot stop missing him but also feel profound love for him even if he is with someone else.

    If this is twin flame, can this be rekindled, are we supposed to come back and live life of love and service?


  29. candyangels says:

    I am lost, please help, my presumed TF suddenly started dating some other lady. (he’s 20 years older than me, netiher of us is player, sex based or superficial). Physically we met in april 2016, for a nature project. That morning I had minutes notice to make a swift if unethical decision to call in sick and join urgent conservancy effort in freezing rain 3 hours drive from me or I would probably never meet him. In fact, that day, i remember thinking: its now or never! although this feeling pertained to the project, not the person, as I didn’t know him yet.

    At initial meeting we easily grew friendly and then inexplicably grew closer over only 5 other meetings in course of year. (2016-2017). A true friendship grew. He lives 200 miles away but we found time every few months to meet. It was sheer delight. We just talked a lot, about everything, also realizing how much in common we have although very different upbringing and age(I am 35 he is 55). After each outing I missed him dearly although I was not physically attracted to him yet. But, the feeling was: I never want to NOT see him again.

    One night I had a dream about him being my lover but I shook it off. Another night while, I felt incredible heat in my heart and then vibrating and dizziness and started uncontrollably crying out for him. I was crying, why, because of a guy I met couple times and who never held me or touched me? What is happening to me? Why do I care?

    November 2016 our closeness became undeniable on 2 day trip to nature, it was the best days of my life, and his as I can tell. Our host kept asking us how long have we been a couple. We laughed it off. Later when looking through our photos, we both looked radiant and beautiful(I am rarely ever photogenic or even passable) but what strikes me is our couple like quality and even resemblance! I suddenly saw him as my mate. I was officially aware I love him. There was starting to be magnetism then but nothing untoward has occured. The beds were 2 inches apart but we held our horses. there was so much tension, I did not sleep much.

    The finale…I was leaving for a month long volunteer trip in december 2016. Because I felt things, I called him and informed him, that I’ll be separating from my current husband in 2017 and that I have been one foot out the door for years, so he does not have to worry about me being still attached. I also said that we should not ignore our current feelings. But I never actually told him to wait for me and that i liked him and that I want to pursue life with him… there was not a day or night when I was not missing him. Although i had no visual while i was away I felt he met someone and also I felt a shift between us after seeing one photograph with some lady online. I was panicking, knowing over holidays people meet people…. The minute I came back from my trip I scheduled meeting with him. When we met, the feelings were of tension and fear but happiness too. His eyes were darker, like as if he’s angry with me for some reason. but it was him being scared to tell me the current reality. We spent a day together, I was so happy once more. I could not wait to tell him how I feel. But he started first after I asked him he met someone, he said yes. He doesn’t know yet how special this lady is, but he wants to honor it as they are technically dating already. After that he told me how he felt about me:

    He’s been interested in me from the start, he was shocked at how we melded. His version sounded as if i wrote it! I was gushing. And same about the November weekend- he regretted nothing happened between us, but we both were aware it would have been an affair and we did not want that. This whole year, I lied in bed thinking of him while he was doing the same about me apparently. He told me how every meeting he was more and more interested but then he found out I am married as well as apparently I gave him carefree attitude so he thought I am not interested in him. And then I was not explicit before holidays and then he met someone and said, the reason he wants to give it a chance is because they already got a taste of real relationship/dating, unlike us, restricted and I married. Why for God’s sake did I not tell him how I feel? We both felt it…if I said something we would be finally reunited this year starting to move ahead. Why was I so damn polite all of sudden?

    We had to leave eventually, so he hugged me freely for the first time, put his face in my hair and we held hands while looking at the stars. I could not belive the timing, I could feel him wanting to be with me but felt that he’s also now detached, he now has someone else to care about…Then we said goodbye. We did not kiss. I did cry on my long way home while my heart physically ached inside me like a knife. All radio stations i was tuning in played my favorite songs which i always listen to when I’m thinking of him! When i turned on my GPS, it told me i’ll be home at 11:11….

    I cried for days when I am alone. I reached out to him saying we should at least try to get to know each other over coming months even as friends but he said it won’t jive with the “honoring what he started” with the other lady. he promised he’ll be in touch as a friend but I have my doubts now that he knows I love him.

    I cannot but wonder, if I had moved out last year when I wanted to, we would certainly already be together as I would be free to confess my feelings.

    Why I feel this is different? Why I keep hoping this is not the end of our story? That this is TF?
    -We met in weird timing out of nowhere and immediately jived and consecutively met in a series of outings that normally would not happen in ordinary slow going friendship and if this was just sex we would have already done it
    -I was not interested in him or attracted to him like other “boys” yet felt a powerful pull towards him in my heart and brain and later in my other area after we spent weekend together
    I have also immediately stopped being interested in the lover or actual sex with anybody no longer appealed to my sense
    -When I visited an island this holiday, there were bamboo forests and on them lovers inscriptions, and one of them said our name+name, and I noticed it just by looking up from my muddy trail out of hundreds of writings I noticed this one in split second.
    -I had a sexual dream with him very soon after we met and I never had those kinds of dreams about anyone.
    -prior to meeting him I went through a series of drastic personality, lifestyle and spiritual transformations as well as physical awareness and awakening to my own responsibility as the director of my life and as contributor to world
    -His eyes terrify me, but when I do look, they are unexplainably compelling and piercing
    -His hands draw my eyes every single time and I don’t know why
    -This meeting was based solely on helping nature and since that meeting I have been exponentially growing in helping nature
    -Part of my attraction to being with him is that our lives would be perfect harmony for helping nature
    -I have no fear of him being older or of any sexual dysfunction, as I know this feeling when we are together would have suffice even if we are not physically capable, but I somehow know that if given chance we would explode together in amazing passion
    -My heart has opened up almost fully soon after I met him, and I have regular sensations of love towards all animals, trees and even people I do not have reason to like.
    -I have lost interest in making loads of money but rather look of jobs that will support my beliefs and further the sustainable living

    I cannot stop missing him but also feel profound love for him even if he is with someone else.

    If this is twin flame, can this be rekindled, are we supposed to come back and live life of love and service?


  30. Latasha says:

    I no longer wish to speak of the story in my twinflame. But what I will say is that if the 2 years of me chasing him I finally walked away. We never really talk or ever met (he lives in the U.K. I live in the US.) I have been hurting and have lost myself in it. I love and miss him greatly. Walked away a week ago.


  31. NeverBeNormalAgain says:

    I was drugged, interrogated and assaulted, and I hate those people less than I hate my ‘twin flame’ right now. How do I block the sucker out my life, for this lifetime at least?


  32. Angel says:

    Hi, Well, I wish I would of never met my twin soul because he is a dark angel, by choice. He is in a famous death metal band and promotes that. I HAVE SEVERED CORDS with him because Jesus severed cords with lucifer. Here is how I did it. Hypnotherapy is Excellent, expecially a big brick wall up between you & the other partner. The wall goes up to heaven & his cord is handle to God only, no longer you. Then everyday, put yourself in the WHITE light of God and have Archangel Michael cut every cord off you except to God, Jesus & the angels & guides. Then ALL negativity out, pink light all around you, all negativity out, purple light around you, all negativity out and put in your mind all mirrors all around you to mirror back there negativity. I use all the colors of the rainbow, (blue, green,etc) for this exercise. It works everytime!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! I DID!!!

    Peace & Love


    1. jenncrystal says:

      Hi Angel,
      Based on my understanding and experience, there’s a very good reason why sometimes our TFs are such polar opposites of us.
      Have you heard about duality being an illusion?
      We will never be able to see the other side of that perspective, that other person’s perspective and why they do the things they did, made the choices they did, if they were never our TFs. But the TF relationship is about this – learning unconditional love and acceptance. Darkness needs to be shone light. Love. But to shine light to darkness, you will first need to go deep into their core.

      Yes, you may get hurt, disillusioned, lost, at some point. But love is worth it.

      It is only through letting go of that illusion that one is better than another that we can all learn to love unconditionally, and live in true light.



  33. yenly says:

    First, please try to understand my English which isn’t very good. There’s a boy whom I met 13, 14 years ago, just a few weeks with little talks, and then he’s gone. When he first met me, he likes me at the first sight, but neither he chased me nor he said he likes me, but I knew he liked me at the first sight, he’s a pretty boy, and I love pretty faces so much, especially female pretty faces, but nothing happened between us. When he’s gone, I didn’t feel sad so much, just a little sad, and then I never think of him until one day, I suddenly became missing him, bursting in tears whenever thinking of him. At first, I think it’s a normal thing because sometimes you suddenly miss someone who was in your life and then u’r back to ur normal life, but now, he’s the reason I engage myself with so much spiritual knowledge (karmic cord, telepathy, oversoul, souls contracts, ….) and my missing him gives me many insights about love, both conditional and unconditional love. I don’t know where he is now. I want to see him that I even dream looking for him in dreams. I just hate myself for missing someone who isn’t even a past lover in my life as I listen to how someone miss their ex-lovers. I hate myself for missing someone who didn’t love me and may even forget all about me because he knows where I’m living but he never come back to see me for once. The only good thing is it seems my missing him grow me spiritually in some way. I have never dated any man until now, I’m 32 years old now, but it’s not because of I missed him, I just missed him a few years recently. I don’t know why I keep thinking about this boy. I’v had many answers for that already, but I don’t know which the right answer is. Perhaps, he’s the excuse that my higher self wants me to engage in spiritual knowledge, but I know it isn’t because I feel lonely for sure. (I have some men who’r waiting for me to move in relationship with them.) I don’t know whether I can meet him again or not, I just want to be a friend in his life. and deep down I believe one day I can meet him again. Please help me to know what all this is about?


  34. josh says:

    Wow I am not alone in this depressing test of pure emotional endurance and psychological torment.I was exposed to her more than six months ago and apparently my understanding fixed a very important aspect of her life and conscious. The poor woman was a call girl while I have gone through years at a time of celibacy and this has driven a very big rift between her and I; me feeling like i can never please or satisfy her, her because she feels like I judge her for the way she lived her life.
    At the culmination around November of our first meeting God/divinity made it clear that we would be given our number two soulmates to help alleviate the pain, but she jumped right back to what she knows and slept with three different men from then till now; and I have felt and dreamed about every single one of them and it threw me into the heaviest depression of my life. Being abandoned by the power that brought the most incredible love I have ever experienced caused me to curse my maker and dive into a realm of hatred and bitterness that completely consumed me and now she is in love with another man who I can never compete with or at least I’m trying to deal with that aspect of myself. She ran from our love, or rather she traded it for familiarity, stability, and a certain 10 inch something…. cuz they showed it to me, fucking angels and their agendas. I hope they are lying because they be doing that!
    And now someone very sweet, young, pure, and incredibly beautiful has entered my life I feel my twin souls unease and it is making my heart hurt so bad.
    This shit sucks and thanks for anyone who read this, it felt good to express it because ive had no one to share it with, and I wish everyone who posted here the most sincere and best of luck. Why? Whats next? What now? Sweet Jesus this has been the worst time of my life.


  35. Nelson says:

    I met this oder woman who is married with kids. We work together and interact with one another spurts. I have fallen for her. It took me a few months but I realize I am in love with her. We hardly interact enough for me to feel the way I do for her. We can’t be together and I conprehend this, but it hurts more than anything to want her. I cut off contact with her when I realized my feelings for her. It had been 4 months and I miss her still. It feels like a part of me is missing. It hurts so bad sometimes I cry. I am leaving the city because of this. I think twin flames is bullshit but I can’t explain why this connection has affected me so mich and so deeply.


  36. James says:

    I recently had to break off with my twin flame because of her inability to make time for us to be together. I knew she had the time to make for us when she wasn’t working but she still told me she couldnt spend the time with me due to her job. I broke it off because I loved her and I wanted her to change this part of her. She made me change my ways months ago so I can be the man she wanted me to become but now the shoe is on the other foot. I had to give her the same thing that she gave me then. Right now, Im in so much pain as if I totally lost her now. Im scared that she won’t take this chance to fix the problem that made me break it off with her and instead go on to another…failing to take the chance or caring enough to do so. I dont know what to do. I sometimes feel regret for doing this to her…that maybe I shouldn’t have but the fact of the matter still circles in my head that if I didn’t, we would have failed and broken up later on due to this growing problem. Other than that, we were perfect and we made each other happy in every way possible. She is the one I want to marry some day but I felt like that I had to take this step backwards in order to for us to move forward as a couple and make her do her own trial alone like she made do my trial alone. Help me cope with this. I’m in so much pain over it and I want to tell her “I’m sorry and that I did’t want to hurt her or upset her or make her feel like she does towards me right now”. She works a busy life helping her family and working her new job on top of it and all I wanted for her to do is to fit me into her life too and she didn’t do that. Especially when she had the time and i knew better because i work a job too.


  37. Pas says:

    What happens if our twin dies in their early married years to their twin? Then what? What does a twin do? I have shit down, to the point where my family can not stand my coldness, I have dove into work, kids, tried dating, but I always come back to no one will ever match up to that bar. And makes me miss him that mh more.


  38. Zara says:

    Hi, can someone please respond to me I am in a lot of pain, I need help and answers 😔 – so how I met my twin, I never knew about TF connection. A friend of mine recommended I speak to someone who is a lot like me and she claimed me and him have soo much in common. At first I didnt think anything of it and just ignored her. After a few months she mentioned him again saying I should speak to him at least, I warmed up to the idea. He was reluctant at first when she asked him and then second time he said ok. Before even speaking to him I felt this strong urge to know him, subconciously there was something that was attracting me more more towards him, I didnt even know him at that time. We started talking and I felt he was hesitent but I didnt understand why. Communication has always been an issue with him from day one. We realised we have a lot in common, even same star sign, our birthdays are only 4 days apart. One day he mentioned that he was married before and went through a bitter break up, he gave up on love altogether and closed off. Until my friend mentioned me to him and he agreed as he was interested. However his divorce isnt finalised yet (I found out from another source). All of a sudden he stopped communicating, I was chasing him for a few months – I asked the question straight up, if you want me to back off please say. He didnt say yes or no, instead told me his first cousin who he’s very close to has cancer so puts things in perspective (although his exwife to be and other family issues were the main issue). He was honest about his cousin being ill but used that as an excuse. I havent had contact for about months and ive also pulled back. Ive exhausted myself in this connection. Ive spoken to soo many psychics who have told me the same thing, he is having complications with his divorce and doesnt want to drag me into this mess and also cant promise me anything therefore he’s stepped back. My heart is saying hold on and my mind is saying let go, i have always prayed for someone like him to enter my life, he has everything i have wished for. Its almost like God has shown me that there is someone out there who is exactly what I want. He is the answer to my prayer. Some psychics have said move on and let go but Im struggling soo much. Am I wasting my time witg him??? Is 10 months a long time without communication??? I have tried to cut off from him, Im soo angry but only to fall for him deeper and deeper. Someone please help me


  39. Lt says:

    Hi, I’m such a loner, this twin flame reunions is great and all that. She’s 24, I’m 55, what on earth am i supposed to do with her?


  40. Suzane says:

    My journey has been torbulent with my TF, and he’s been gone for nearly 2 years now. At this point I’m just letting go and working on myself because his silence and nonchalant attitudetowards me has left me deeply wounded. He dumped me via a text and then wrote me a really mean message when I attempted to restablish contact a few months later. Mind you I never in my life have chased a man before after dumping me, especially after the way he went about it. Our encounter was sort of by accident. I met him via tinder and thought it would be whatever because I assumed that app is just for people who are looking for casual sex. A friend of mine pressured me to give online dating a shot and I went for it. He was the only one from the site I went on a date with. I immediately felt a connection to him, and played it cool. It scared me. We got super stoned on 4/20 and I spewed out verbal diahrrea which truthfully I don’t remember the context of because I was the most blasted I had ever been from eating edibles. That night shifted things. He cut off contact after that despite a solid 4 dates which I really enjoyed because the kinship bond was present. I felt an eerie sense of “do i know you from somewhere.” Anyhow I was smoking way too much pot then and decided to stop… a few months pass and I start having crazy dreams about him, often. Fast forward to nearly 2 years of him no contact. He’s going through something I once did and I know that despite not having clear details. I use to get random visions or flashes of different points of his life ans suddenly “know something..” things I would have no way of knowing considering we have no mutual anyone (we never even got to meeting family or friends) Anyhow, I hope he’s in good health. I just can’t stand the rejection feeling anymore though. All I want is for him to be OKAY and healthy, but he mistakes my worry/concerns for control and gets real angry with me, I sense that. It sucks because he doesn’t understand I just want to look out for his well being at times. I’m backing off completley however at this point because I don’t want to intervene anymore, feel super unappreciated/rejected/ignored. So let him do what he has to on his soul journey. Lately, I cry out of no where and I realize it’s because I have been supressing my own fears/past etc.

    Guess I have more self work to do too, even though I thought I did. My childhood was pretty traumatic… I grew up in a domestic violent household, and never had a healthy male role model in my life, add that to other unfourtanate events that came about in my teens and early 20s and well, I am not very trusting of most people. I have some soul searching to do myself, who knows maybe I’ll become the runner now…i don’t know when he’ll acknowledge me. All I know is I don’t want to be sad anymore, I just want to work harder at achieving my goals and do things that make me happy. ❤


  41. Reblogged this on Sacred Connections and commented:
    Very insightful!! We truly may only reach union within ourself before we can experience harmonized union with our Twin Flame. There is no true running away or cutting off the connection. The connection cannot be severed because it is sacred in nature. We, in the Soul Higher Self level designed it so that our connection with each other may not be interrupted or cut.

    Great post!!!


  42. BeKindness says:

    This is all a lot of confusion to me. I have been married for nearly 40 years to a man I love. We have our ups and downs, but mostly ups. We have a great connection and I was perfectly content with how things were until I met a man several years ago that truly feels like my twin flame. We are friends and only friends, but the connection is undeniable for both of us. He is single and my husband has recently embraced him as a friend too. Nearly a year ago, some things occurred that caused me so much pain that I felt I must cut the cords in order to survive (my spouse doesn’t know of the “connection,” only that we are friends, but I have never shared this realization with him.) I tried to do just that, but I was completely unsuccessful. Things straightened out and the cords grew stronger and stronger. Lately though, there is a huge shift. I don’t understand what has changed, but I can feel the difference and he dropped completely off of my radar without explanation. Once again, I am in serious pain and feel like I cannot live through it without cutting those cords. My husband doesn’t deserve to pay the price for this discord between me and my friend! It is so odd and so hard to understand how I can be in such a situation as this. I cannot deny what is real though and I have never felt such a strong bond with another human being; it is as if he is part of me and I am part of him. The distance makes me feel like I am truly going to crack up and cannot survive the pain. How did I get into a fix like this??


  43. Lily says:

    i connected to my twin telepathically from the other side. he is a very famous person, who’s name i won’t mention, but you would know who it is. he insisted that’s who he is. i believe our tf connection was revealed because of a terrible psych med i was mistakenly prescribed by a charlatan doc. (i just had irregular heartbeat, not anxiety) the medication damaged my soul & mind when i discontinued it. what was revealed over a 10 yr period was this tf connection. it was highly charged sexually and he became very abusive & jealous of my life here on earth. this connection wasn’t supposed to be happening, but we were drawn to it like moths to a flame. i believe he has narcissistic personality disorder and hurt me throughout the relationship.

    here’s what i want to say. night before last i decided he hurt me for the last time & i attacked him with energy from my brain to his. i’m sad to say, this DID cut the cords. he is gone, but i feel a great relief because he was torturing me. i still love him, but i was falling apart – i felt i had to do it. he had attacked many times & i actually felt the assault IN MY PHYSICAL BODY.

    i would not recommend this to anyone, however. this was an extreme case & i feel bad about it. i love him, but i was falling apart & had to do something. at least i felt that way. he is violent & highly manipulative & sick. i just reacted, and last nite i slept relatively well for the first time in about 6 months. i tried to work out something with him, but i could not.

    so YES, if you use warrior energy, you can cut the twin flame cord. i did it & i have to say, i am so relieved. our situation was so weird and not the normal situation. i’m hoping to find REAL love some day, and yes i do have work to do on myself and this experience has opened my eyes to my own challenges i need to address. i just wanted to post something other than “you CANNOT cut the twin flame cord” mantra everybody around the web seems to chant. it can be done. i know, i just did.


  44. N says:

    Hahaaaaa I just prayed this week asking God to cut the cord…I just need a break to work on myself without having my twin on my head & heart 24hrs a day….I just want to let go of everything even though i know who i am and i know who he is..It is seriously exhausting..We are on ‘separation’ and i acknowledge that we need some time apart to face ourselves and life..


  45. Nichols says:

    I am so glad I found this site. I am in agony. I have been with my twin flame for 5 years. He has broken my heart twice. First time, he broke it off with me. When this happen I didn’t know anything about twin flames. I started to experience “things” like I could feel him laying next to me in bed, dreaming of him, kissing me in my dreams. I would CONSTANTLY think of him and feel him around him. It was scary. The second time, after letting him back in my life, I find out he had another relationship I didn’t know about. I trusted him with my heart for him to only hurt me all over again. My soul is broken and I want to cut the connection. I don’t want this anymore. I’ve never experienced this in my life before. I don’t know what to do with this and even as I write this why does it feel like it is not over? This is unbearable.


    1. Retrogurl says:

      Hi Nichols….I feel your pain and yes we have all been there….it does seem unbearable and everyone in this situation wants to cut the cords, but I do believe this can only happen when we are in a place of being at peace with the connection…..not from anger or frustration. Once I realised this connection was not going away and I was experiencing it to learn some valuable soul lessons…the intensity of the connection started to fade and became more bearable. He was still on my mind, and I was still thinking of him alot, but not in an obsessive way. I meditated almost every day…listening to meditation music on youtube, clearing negative thoughts and cleaning chakras, and Cassady Cayne was a big help. Also, to help explain the different types of connections, there is a site https://thewakeupexperience.eu/different-types-twin-flame-connections/ …….hopefully this may help a bit. Best of luck!! xxxx


  46. LaPatriaEsElOtro says:

    Dears, it is not so complicated. You do not have to think, JUST DO FEEL. “Love is not a relationship between 2 persons. Love is a peaceful sensation inside of you”. I’m 44 years old and have also found my soulmate this year. Greetings! from Argentina

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Eleonore says:

    Is it possible to have lost our twin flame in death?
    Years ago my one true love broke up with me while we were good together, without explanation other than “I really want us to stay friends” and it left me in pieces. It felt sudden and “off”… A very strong friendship followed, in which he kept trying to come back to me but kept running away. It didn’t feel like he was toying with me though. It felt as if he was struggling hard to keep me away, for very specific reasons that he never wanted to tell me. We had so much respect for each other… Then some years later he ended his life, leaving a huge trail of unanswered questions behind. It’s been quite the journey since then, to seek and find the answers on my end… But I found them. I was shocked to learn what he was going through exactly, and that he ended his life (AND kept me at a distance) because his close ones were actually in danger, given the life choices he had made. His motivations were selfless and protective. What a twist…
    What puzzled me for a long time is that, dead or alive, the connection never seemed to break. He reached out to me in many, various ways. So much so that I had no choice but to open myself to “spiritual connexion” over time…
    I had no real idea of what twin flames were before but I had a dream visitation recently (not the first time) in which he showed me a kind of energetic golden “cord” between us, telling me “this is our love, this is our bond”… and other wonderful things.
    I googled that type of “gold bond” and twin flames articles came out. Frankly, this is all a bit overwhelming… I’m just wondering, as I don’t know much about this stuff… can you lose a twin flame like that?


    1. doucejonna says:

      Dear Eleanore, apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Firstly, I am so sorry for your loss. What torment he must have been in to end his life like that. And yes, it is possible to lose one’s twin flame in death and whilst I myself have not experienced this, I know many who have. Hopefully others on here have stories they will be willing to share. From the way you describe your meeting, sudden separation and his dream visitations, it does definitely sound like there is a strong spiritual, ethereal bond between you two. The energetic, golden bond that he showed you is actually a living, indestructible connection. Twin Flames are permanently joined to each other by a gold etheric cord from their heart chakras, and to their soul by a silver etheric cord from their crown chakras. It is impossible to sever these bonds, even in death.
      I sense that he is about to take you on a journey deep into the depths of your own soul, into the limitless, magical realm of eternal love! You will see that there is so much more to this world than what most can see. This whole journey can be overwhelming but enjoy the magic of it all. If you need me, I am here.
      Jonna xx


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