Mirror of my soul – Stories of you, me, the world and eternity

When our search for The One leads us Home

Each set of twin flames goes through a period of preparation leading up to their reunion. Having fully surrendered, they enter the flow of synchronistic & predestined events, finding themselves increasingly empowered and guided by a higher power. This is the magical path from surrender into illumination where many lessons are finally understood, where insights and events bring about validation and awareness, and where the twins align with the vibration of the Twin flame Sacred Heart and Consciousness.

Since I wrote about the positive direction my own path has recently taken, many automatically assumed that the shift happened because my twin had finally “got it”. Unfortunately, this perception that our twin flame is somehow the culprit to our reunion not happening is both misleading and counterproductive. Rather, what enabled the shift was BOTH of us consciously seeking to take FULL accountability for ourselves, as well as our part in bringing about balance within our connection. Personally, I came into realization about who I am, about how I perceive and create my own reality and then consciously sought to align these with the KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW of my heart. Here is my story of the events and realizations which catalysed these changes.

  1. You are responsible for giving yourself the love that YOU need

Almost a decade ago, I spent 18 months trying to build a relationship with my twin and failing at it. I grew increasingly frustrated at his contradictions and not knowing which foot to dance on with him. While he insisted on how much our “close friendship” meant to him, he kept pushing me away using my supposed “expectations” as an excuse. In the end, the emotional price simply became too much to pay and so I jumped at a chance to marry and build a life with someone else. This life, while not fully reflecting who I was inside, provided me with a respite and a temporary escape from the connection – and more importantly, gave me the family I had always wanted. Not realizing it at the time, I acted in perfect reflection to my twin who at the time reverted to his “safe” marriage where he was not able to be his full authentic self but which did not come with the intense fire brought on by the mirror of his soul.

It wasn’t until crisis after crisis started to appear in my life at a fast succession now nearly 2 years ago that I became aware of all the time that had passed. I knew in no uncertain terms this was my wake-up call from the universe. After six months of personal hell, I ended up critically ill in hospital. On that very day, my twin sent me a letter telling me about “a positive image, reflection and energy” of me which he carries within him wherever he goes. It was the first time in 8 years he mentioned our connection and the first I’d heard from him in over 18 months. However as I lay in hospital ravaged by a potentially deadly infection and recovering from major surgery, he was the last thing on my mind. I simply felt numb and I knew things had to change.

During my slow recovery I could hardly muster the energy to do anything other than the bare minimum to look after my job and children. Underneath it all I just wanted to find myself again. Inspired by a YouTube video, I started doing only things that a self-loving person would do. I would ask myself “What would a person with self-love do?” and go by that. As I made loving choices for myself, I began to feel my whole and complete self being activated and my soul began to feel free. I finally understood that it was MY responsibility to give myself all the love that I needed. I could not expect anyone to fully love me if I did not first fully love myself.

As I started to love and recognize myself more, I moved from making small positive changes to making bigger changes to create a more balanced, loving life for myself and my children. Eventually I made the decision to leave my marriage as I finally had enough self-love to recognise all the ways in which it did not serve my highest good.


  1. You are already whole and at One with your Twin Flame

It didn’t take me long to notice that the more I did things that I loved and that brought out the real me the more I was feeling my twin as part of me; always present when I was present. It was more than just a lingering static memory of him; it was his actual loving, reassuring presence and energy completely entwined and interacting with mine. The more I became my true Self, the more I was moving into closeness with him – and with God. This led me to the deep realisation that the disconnection from him all those years ago had actually led to a disconnection from my Self. This was the first of many Aha moments to come.

It hit me that this reflection, this part of him that I carry within me will never cease to be magnetised by the whole that is him because it is part of him. And I will never cease to long and ache for the part of me that he carries with him, because such is the divine rule; that all that which has been separated from God must return to him. I knew now that I would never return to the way I was before I knew him since this connection would ALWAYS be there. It is forever. I understood that to find peace and wholeness within myself I needed to accept who he is to me. The choice was mine: to accept and deal with it; or to live a life of pain exiled from my own wholeness?

I realized that the Twin Flame reunion is an inside job. Undeniably since we are part of each other, to gain balance within our greater One-Soul, we must first gain balance within. It is only by creating harmony within that we can bring about harmony without. As I remembered the words in his recent email, I wondered whether he was feeling this same oneness with me that I was now recognizing within myself.

3. You can change your reality by changing your perception

With the realization of my own wholeness, the feeling of my twin being very close to me at heart level became very real, and I was feeling him moving closer and closer with each breath. Spirit was now nudging me to approach him and so seven months after his email I wrote and told him about the events of the past year. He replied, saying he hoped I still considered him a close friend and how he wished that I had told him about my illness so he could have come and looked after the house and kids. I was perplexed. How was he still, after almost a decade of little or no contact talking about our “close friendship”? Surely he hadn’t expected that I would contact him in time of need after he had constantly failed to show up for me in the past? This puzzled me a great deal.

In his email he also told me how sad he was that I never had the time to see/catch up with him. It dawned on me that he had asked to speak to me, to see me or to catch-up with me in almost every email during the past 8 years, and that I had simply ignored these requests without any explanation. I suddenly felt like he deserved to hear my reasons and so I wrote to him again, telling him the simple truth, which was that I could not consolidate him with the rest of my life, and how seeing him would bring into ruins the life that I had so carefully built for myself. It was the first time that I had been able to be honest with myself, let alone him, about the pain that I still carried. However as I wrote the words down, I knew I no longer wanted to be afraid.

He replied saying he hoped my dilemma would never get in the way of our common ground, shared values and dreams. I was even more puzzled. This was not the first time he had told me this. Why did he keep on talking about our shared values and dreams when clearly he had never wanted to nor had any time to share them with me? I was now seriously questioning my interpretation of past events, choices, words etc. I was so puzzled that I read through nearly a hundred of our old emails and suddenly a new level of understanding and consciousness was bestowed upon me. My understanding suddenly shifted and I saw both him and myself with new eyes.


  1. You are not your story – and neither is your twin

I realized all the ways in which, my vision blurred by my own ego, I had misinterpreted and even completely misread his words and reacted to him from a place of fear & ego rather than love. Things, conversations, moments all came back to me. The first thing I saw were all the ways in which I had simply not been ready or mature enough to step into my union. Having blamed him for 12 years for being the “runner”, I could now see that I had been the runner all along and that I had been just as scared and unprepared for the intensity of this connection than he had! My heart melted in compassion for him as my renewed understanding towards my own behavior allowed me to deeply understand his.

I could see how our long separation had been both necessary and inevitable. I also saw that his past and current withdrawals had nothing to do with me but rather with the intensity of having to face himself. Certainly I was not the victim here; it was just a story I had been telling myself. At last, I made the decision to finally release all the false stories, beliefs, roles and personas and to fully embrace WHO I ALREADY AM. As I did this I felt free; free from want, from sadness, from my restless search, from all the conditions and barriers that I had set up for myself when I hadn’t known my own power, or the power of God, yet.

5. Your twin flame is of divine service to you, as you are to him

I had been quick to assume that my twin was the unconscious one who either failed to see the truth or who denied it, however I was now bestowed with the knowing that he had always known about our connection, just like I had, and that all this time he had been waiting for me to come into this same awareness. I finally understood that this validation regarding his feelings could never have come from him – it could only come from realizing the truth of our One-soul where our love is always felt and experienced as a One.

Clearly, his love for me was just as unexplainable to him as my love for him was to me. He had always, regardless of circumstances, loved me and cared about me – I no longer needed to hear it, I could feel it. He had always showed up to guide me past the thresholds of the various stages and realizations of our journey, facing me in his own way, in order to serve our spiritual growth. I saw how by triggering and challenging me, he had always invited me to heal, to connect with my true self and to face my fears. He always knew just what to do/say to get me to expand in the love.

My twin flame had always been my biggest champion, my biggest ally and my closest friend even when appearances had me believe the contrary. I realised that it was him who by not being there taught me to seek and find comfort within our shared inner space; it was him who by triggering all that was unhealed within me taught me how to heal it; it was him who by turning down my love taught me that it needed to be returned to God; it was him who by withdrawing his love from me taught me that I did not need anyone’s permission to give it to myself; and it was him who by allowing our separation to go on for nearly a decade guided me to a place outside of time where we are never separate.

I suddenly felt humbled and immensely grateful as I realized that all this time he had been of Divine Service to me. He had awakened me, reminded me who I am, taught me the meaning of true love, and then called me home to him, to God and to Divine service so beautifully. I felt such deep love and reverence for him. This love filled all my empty spaces and started overflowing everywhere and I prayed to God that I could be of such Divine Service to my Twin in return. I wanted to always be there for his growth for the greater good of all, whatever it took. I now trusted him fully, and I could finally sigh in relief – we are in this together, no matter what.


6. You set the standard for how you show up in the connection

I had always known he was my mirror but I was now starting to see the precision with which the mirroring happens. I saw the internal balance and vibration that we BOTH had to demonstrate to be able to come together and I started to relax in the knowing that if I could balance the inner, the outer would alter in reflection, and that if I increased my vibration, he would have no choice but to do the same.

I felt like there was still a way to go to for things to fully fall into place, however in the meantime I decided to set a new standard for how I show up in the connection. I vowed to remain centered and connected and to meet whatever arises with love, compassion and honesty. I would no longer pussyfoot around him or treat him like some emotionally and spiritually impaired person who is afraid of my love, my passion, my feelings, or expectations, and I would no longer censor my words, emotions or experiences for fear of scaring him away. That energy had only ever created doubt and confusion between us. Instead, I would only emanate the power of knowing what I know and I had absolute faith that he would reflect it back to me. If he didn’t then it simply wasn’t time yet.

I wanted to reach out to him, to let him know that I now take full responsibility for my part and acknowledge all the ways in which I had contributed to the imbalance between us. I offered to meet him. No reply. I sent him my phone number: no reply. I was intrigued. Why was he suddenly silent? I could feel the energy between us pulsing with something unprecedented. Little did I know that once again he knew exactly what to do in order to get me to fully open up to this new awareness within me. His silence literally pulled the truth out of me.

7. It is by knowing WHAT YOU KNOW and by owning it that both you and your twin will be lifted out of confusion into alignment with your destiny.

With a whole new level of transparency and accountability, I wrote him a long, heart-felt letter. I didn’t ask, beg, hope or make any demands – I simply told him everything and invited him to take my hand and rise in love. I was responding to a higher calling, to a sense of belonging and being where I need to be, not only in the greater scale of things but within my own journey. I felt like a bird who never questions its existence or path yet which without any hesitation simply arises high into the sky and allows the warm winds to carry it to its destination.

I knew I did not want him back at any less than his fullest and truest self and he could take all the time and space he needed to get there. I knew that in the meantime God would continue to guide me and provide me with all the love that I needed. However, if I was hearing this call to return to him in order to align with the divine plan, then as part of the One-soul he had to be hearing that same call. There was NO OTHER WAY. Therefore, wasn’t I simply claiming our destiny by asking him to join forces with me on the outside like he had done on the inside?

I knew my email was a signal which would tell him that it was time to come HOME. I was truly calling forth his divine masculine to match my divine feminine; I was now a Queen ready for my King to return home to rule the Kingdom that we had built together. No matter what, we would end up being ONLY LOVE, vibrating together in the heart of God in our eternal Oneness and Life. To return to who we are, to where we belong is to simply stay there: to stay in this love, and this now became my only option.


42 thoughts on “The Seven Keys to unlock twin Flame Reunion

  1. monadsamadhi says:

    Reblogged this on monadsamadhi.


    1. doucejonna says:

      Thanks for the reblog & blessings on your journey!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. monadsamadhi says:

        thanks! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    1. doucejonna says:

      Thanks for the many reblogs ! 🙂


  2. Deborah says:

    Such a great post! Thank you!


    1. doucejonna says:

      Thank you Deborah for your comment – I’m glad you liked my post! What an exciting time it is to be a Twin Flame! Blessings on your journey.


    1. doucejonna says:

      Thank you Astraeia for this interesting link. Blessings to you and have a lovely spring!


  3. andryanto says:

    Great post and nice sharing

    Hope this story will happen to me.
    I lost the other “me” from last year


    1. doucejonna says:

      Dear Andryanto, thank you for reading my blog and for taking the time to comment on it. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your twin flame. I know myself how hard it is to deal with, however true love always returns to us sooner or later 🙂 I do hope that you will use this time to get to know and love yourself fully, as you will be helping the “other you” in doing so. Blessings to you on your path.


  4. very Inspiring. Thank you. Iam going through a similar experience…Its nice to know Iam on the right path of Love&Joy : )


    1. doucejonna says:

      Dear Anna, thank you for reading my blog and for taking the time to comment on it. I am glad to have been an inspiration to you and yes, rest assured, you are on the right path 🙂 Blessings to you and your union.


    1. doucejonna says:

      Thank you for the mention! Glad to have been an inspiration to someone who is an inspiration to me 🙂


    1. doucejonna says:

      Thanks for the reblog, very much appreciated.


  5. Virginie says:

    Merci ❤
    You are a Genius of twin flame's relationships…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. doucejonna says:

      Tu es la bienvenue Virginie 😍 Thank you for your lovely compliment. In a way I have been lucky to have had a very extensive twin flame experience and to be able to find the words to explain it in a way that others can understand. 🙂 thank you for your comment from the bottom of my heart 💖


      1. Virginie says:

        Dear Jonna,

        Thank you deeply for your reply.
        The first time I visited America, I fell in love with this expression “You are welcome”… It means a lot to me. 😉
        It truly seems you’ve come a long road… and certainly not only for your own incarnation as we can see. The sweet combination of your words is the loveliest sunshine I have read about twins’ flame. I am myself possibly part of a soul incarnated in 4 individuals (that I’ve met)… Eventful years! Anyway, I have one “amoureux”.
        I wanted to ask you if you and your beloved feel like an x-change particularly when you are near one another. That’s personally what happened to me. The first times I saw this “wonderful” human being, I was afraid with the impression to loose myself :-O but I am okay now I’ve just realized I was “simply” becoming “theLadyHim” & him “theLordMe”… so nothing was lost and nothing is, even more we can be back to the “real” each one of us whenever we want! 🙂

        I send you a big ❤ so you can share with yours for all that you've brought me through your writings.

        "Je salue le divin qui est en vous" 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Virginie says:

        conclusion : ∞ That’s why we can’t receive love from ourself if we don’t glorify ourself.
        ps : I’m myself a daughter… & … a mum.


  6. doucejonna says:

    So true Virginie, this seems to be the lesson I learned this past year..You can NEVER expect ANYONE (especially your twin flame who is another YOU) to give you the love that you are not willing to give yourself… We must love & honour ourself and our twin flame in equal measure; not just lift them onto a pedestal expecting them to “fix” it all for us.. Each much carry their own load, and do their own work.. Love your comments by the way! xx


  7. Cormaël Lia says:

    This is amazing really, a couple of years ago I got this message …
    “He holds the keys to the kingdom, and it’s a seven digit code!”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dear DouceJonna and Everyone,

    For all of us that are confused, feeling unrequited love, or push/pull, this could be part of the ‘problem’ too. Not so long ago I myself saw a quick vision in my mind’s eye of a puppet on strings in relation to myself. Worth considering and researching further….


    Much Love to us All, xxxxxxxxx


    1. doucejonna says:

      This is a very interesting article actually, thanks for posting it twinflamedawning. I am sure many of us on this path have at some point or other wondered whether we are under some alien spell – and doubted whether the twin flame love is a thing of light or darkness.. Not many talk about the dark side of twin flames but it is very important to ask ourselves these questions and get ourselves back in check, especially if & when our thoughts and actions start to border on the obsessed. I would also be very attentive to how the energy of our “twin flame” affect us. Mine has definitely never been an energetically draining connection luckily. It is important to see how the connection evolves over time and not to jump into any hasty conclusions. In the end what matters is how the connection affects and changes us. If it leads us to discover our own self and light, and makes us better humans then it does not matter what the other person is.
      Lots of love and blessings, Jonna


      1. Dear DouceJonna and Everyone,

        The thought of outside alien manipulation is a very sad reality, when off-worlders choose to dabble in what humans strive for – a happy, romantic, genuine loving relationship with one true other in our life. Particularly if we have been alone for years, and had gone past the need or desire for a relationship with anyone again. I’d been relatively happy alone, lonely at times yes of course, but mainly happy in my own skin, alone, doing my own thing, progressing spiritually.

        The fact that the perceived TF, the ‘runner’, in some cases as mine is often unwittingly being used as a means to drain the more spiritual Light-Worker ‘TF’ of our energy, for the feeding of said alien manipulator makes it all the more dismal. Being puppets in another energy’s game…….. All as a means to stop us from doing what we are truly here to do/be. Delay tactics if we are not ‘on to them’.

        The information and, ultimately knowledge, contained in the link above has helped me disentangle myself from what I thought was a TF connection. (A few years back, I’d had implants removed, as well as being aware of other ET dabbling in my early-mid life and past lives. I thought it was all cleared out, and at an end.) With this new revelation, all of the synchronicity, along with seeing repeated numbers, 11:11, dreams etc., have all stopped. I’ve crashed back to reality, which is obviously what I needed. I clearly don’t have a TF after all, but the man that I thought possibly was, had allowed himself in my awakening experience to go through what I did.

        Myself and the man in question are not in contact at all, nor had we been/we’d never chatted properly, let alone been out on a date. He’s married and has no interest in me. It was only a couple of random bumps into – in person it was only ever a nice feeling, a happy to see you experience. It was just myself having almost constant astral dreams about him that was draining me. I now know what the dreams were a conduit for.

        The last six months let me grow and learn further. I send this man only Unconditional Love and thanks, as I do to myself also.

        It is a relief for me to be able to function properly, plus take control of my life again, knowing what had really been happening to me after all. May others that find themselves experiencing what I did, be able to research and search fully before they believe it is a genuine TF connection.

        I’m now at peace in my thoughts, Heart and Being. Everything is now calm for me once again.

        Much Love to us All, xxxxxxxxx.


  9. So glad I stumbled across your blog! Your posts are speaking to me.


  10. Thank you so much! You worded something that I have been trying to understand in such a way that it finally ‘clicked’! The part about him always being magnetized to the part of him in you and you will always ache for the part of you in him. Now I can see how we are and indeed always connected. Actually it’s more than connected by a mere cord there’s a piece of you, like a puzzle piece, at the end of that cord that fits into a slot in his heart and vice versa. This is why it’s so important to keep learning and reading (only applying what resonates with you) because one person might word something just a little bit differently and BAM!, you get it. I got it! Thanks for sharing your stories so that others can learn. Blessings!


  11. Dear DouceJonna and Everyone 🙂

    When re-reading this post, the words of the Wedding Vow came to me: “…let no man put asunder…”, so not being a Bible-basher and not having read the Bible from cover to cover, I searched for the words….. (I can’t access bold or italics, so have used —***)

    (START) Jesus’ Teaching about Divorce
    (Mark 10:1-12)

    And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan; And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there.

    The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them,

    —*** Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.—***

    They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

    His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. (END)

    We know how sections of the Bible and religious teachings have had whole passages or books omitted completely, or the meanings have been deliberately altered? Having had issue my whole life with religion I’ve not wanted to go to Church due to ‘translation’/perspective/interpreted. How can I be deemed a sinner in the eyes of God, when for example: a tiny baby born to parents married in the eyes of God, becomes automatically a sinner at the moment of birth etc.,?

    Anyway, now seeing here as ‘originally’ interpreted as married and became ‘twain’ (which could be read as ‘Twin’) then yes, I can understand a meaning of having been Twin and due to many lifetimes on the karmic loop, married to other partners when incarnated on earth at the same time, then yes, adultery makes sense in that perspective.

    Just my musings on this Twin Flame journey…..(Oh, an update, I’ve had a reading with wonderful Akashic Record Twin Flame journey readers/clearers/healers. It seems my illusive man is indeed my Twin Flame!! We are still in separation, he’s still completely ignoring me, but I’m working hard on myself [and of course this will be helping/clearing him too], with clearings/release of karmic baggage etc., etc., etc., and I’m forever hopeful myself and himself will get to share Sacred Union together in the 3D as well as 5D in this lifetime!!)

    Much Love and Blessings to us All,

    Love Is All There Is!!!


    1. I am very glad dear TFdawning that you are out of ET fears or myths… Because what you described in the previous post I feel without removing implants and forgetting about my “unrequited love” … Moreover to some very weird synchronicity I realized that what I am given in my expanding Heart Center is God’s love, which does connect me to my Twin. It does available to most Divine beings reincarnated, if they remove the veils of Ego! That also suddenly lifted me from my despair that “I am not good enough”! How dear I’d even think like that contradicting the Divine choice! I am growing into Self Love for the last year, when we were drawn the farthest way apart from each other with my beloved… I wake up in bliss and Radiance almost every morning! People comment how am calm and serene! Thank you God for all this! Also thank you for everyone on this path: teachers, mentors, bloggers, Twin flames! Love you all!


  12. Wanda Diaz says:

    Thank you so much for this post. I am having the same experience at this time!!! Thank you for enlightening me even more during this wonderful and confusing time in my life. My guides are telling me that it is time…….for our reunion. We met 4 years ago and separated, now he is back and trying to reunite! And I know that he definitely is my twin flame! Seeing the numbers 11:11 day and night, the 10:10, the 555…every single day! Wow! What a ride! I am getting ready! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Nada AHmed says:

    I need to contact you in person please. I need an advice, is there an e-mail?


  14. This is my twin flame story, I hope you can take a few moments out to read it. Thank you. https://twinflamestoryblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/11/mans-twin-flame-story/

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Lauta says:

    I didn’t understand if after your email you got in a commited relationship with him or not..


  16. KMH says:

    Thank you….
    I am in the separation phase with my Twin Flame, and your story is already helping me learn to accept that it is an important part of this beautiful journey. God bless.


  17. Scott says:

    So… What was or is the outcome?


  18. Snow White says:

    Where have you gone? If you’re afraid to share that you’re still not there yet, please don’t be. We are all in this together and we miss you! I hope your long silence is because you’ve been with your twin flame so much that you simply haven’t had the time. But if you’re afraid to share that you’re not, please know that we all understand this struggle and regardless of where you are in your journey, we’re right there with you!


    1. kates80 says:

      Great article. Resonated with me on a level that was just enough to validate that what I have been experiencing the past many years is real.
      And I am handling it just as I should be. The occurrences b/w him and I energetically or spiritually have become quite less often which worries me. But when it was at its highest it was so real and profound it carries me on through time


  19. Meline says:

    Hi, waiting for more! Love&hugs. Meli.


  20. Sam says:

    So are you and your twin in union now?


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